Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - How Did You Find Think Draw?

21. 16 Feb 2009 15:51


Seems as though we all have a commmon love of sudoku,Matthew excepted. I also found Td by doing Sudoku.

22. 16 Feb 2009 17:40


Like many others, I found TD through Websudoku. I've enjoyed the banter and great art by young and old seemingly from all over the world. I believe Rachel and the TD staff (is there a staff?) have provided a wonderful outlet for all of us, and I appreciate their site very much. I'm disturbed by the occasional spoilsport who throws a 4 or a 1 at a great drawing. However, I believe we all know which drawings are really good, and no 1 or 4 can ever diminish them. The spoiler(s) is obviously mean, grossly immature, or insecure, and the anonymous nature of what they do gives them perverse pleasure. True excellence can never be diminished, though.

23. 27 Feb 2009 09:43


Jigsaw Doku led me here. I registered on my second visit to this site, which did have some time apart. I couldn't beat any of the fastest times, they were set by Sudoku geniuses. Lol.

24. 2 Mar 2009 04:15

Heather e1

I found it from Jigsaw Duku also. I was draged along to my moms office during the summer because she had to work and if I didn't go with her I would be left with my brother:( Anyways, I was using the spare computer there and I was playing on this other sudoku site, and I thought that their might be some site that used shapes for the sudoku puzzle rather then numbers. Thus, I found Jigsaw duku and used that for a while and then saw the link to think draw. I liked it and when I came home I made an account. I've gotten some of my friends hooked on it too, like Tgirl100.

25. 2 Mar 2009 04:20

Heather e1

Mugdots2, I saw a picture on the Jigsaw Duku too, except it was titled "Tutie Fruity" and it wasn't by me.

26. 2 Mar 2009 10:24


sheftali52, I think the people or persons that vote down good drawings, are so desperate to get into top 5 that they will trample on anybody to get there.

27. 22 Mar 2010 02:19


I was interested to see the messages here - everyone else arrives via sudoku too, it seems. I wonder what the art would look like if every came through something less tranquil? - especially the mention of our (suspected) creators. lists Gideon Greenspan's publications, which include:

The Problem of Consciousness and Natural Theology (1999). MA thesis in Philosophy of Religion, which examines science's fundamental problem in explaining consciousness and consequential arguments for theism (PDF).

A Bayesian Network Model of Haplotype Block Variation: Inference and Application (2005). PhD thesis in Computer Science, which presents a new statistical model of human genetic variation and applies it to a number of biological problems (1.2 Mb PDF).

28. 22 Mar 2010 08:26


I don't even like sudoku!!!! I came to TD because my friends were talking about it and I was curious... as usual

29. 22 Mar 2010 20:06


I found TD through Websudoku also, I think I played 1 game of sudoku then hit the TD site and never looked back! It is a fun, amazing site!

30. 23 Mar 2010 06:01


Goodness me if we took a poll it would be very interesting to find out how many of us came via Sudoku and Jigsaw Doku (me also) but what a find - TD - brilliant and such fun plus lots and lots of amazing people, amazing artists etc etc etc

31. 23 Mar 2010 07:06


Well ,count me in. I've never been back to Sudoku since arriving here. I am not artistic as far as drawing goes. I did study floral design which is a form of art. I have a thing about making my drawings as realistic as possible and really admire those folks who are so imaginative and creative.
When I started on TD I was having a lot of arthritis pain in my knees, and so much sitting at my computer has made it a lot worse. So now I am trying to tear myself away from TD and exercise more.
I really enjoy the friendships I have made on TD and check in at every opportunity to see what's happening.

32. 23 Mar 2010 08:04


Sudoku for me also! Now, I only do a puzzle here and there. For me, TD is a puzzle of another kind. Right now I lost my mojo with it, and trying to get it back. Wonderful people here to connect with!!

33. 23 Mar 2010 08:16


Sudoku and Jigsawdoku for me too! Was addicted to Sudoku,
every morning had to have my I'm addicted to Think Draw!
It's amazing how time flies when I get on. Then I see the time and
oh my gosh, housework?? What housework! SUPPER! Oops...coming!
LOL! AND I think you are all a great bunch!!

34. 23 Mar 2010 13:44


Via jigsaw sudoku, like most folks. Cool having your 15 minutes of fame if one of your pics shows up! I also like shoving around the little pictures instead of numbers. Good thing they have the little "hint" thing, as you can track the 1-9 quickly in your head, but not the clover - fish - heart.

35. 24 Mar 2010 14:18


Actually TD found me. I was playing on a snowflake site and someone suggested I try ThinkDraw. I did and there has been no turning back!

36. 27 Mar 2010 01:59


I'm an avid crafter and participate on
There I belong to a group for hand drawn ATC's (Artist Trading Cards) and one day someone suggested TD in case we're ever bored.
I tried it, got hooked. I don't always have a lot of time and have had to take a break creating, but lurked in the meantime.

37. 29 Mar 2010 20:29


I discovered this site after a bit was done about it on "CLICK" on the BBC world news.

38. 25 May 2010 19:34


I found Thinkdraw just like how Mugdots2 found it.

39. 25 May 2010 20:54


Matthew U r very FUNNY.Ha Ha ha...............

40. 30 May 2010 18:40


I also found it through websudoku then jigsawdoku. I remember that I was trying to find the best site I could in 1 day by clicking on links and this won!