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I did a google search for "rate pictures" .

I was trying to find a site i had been to a couple years ago. The website had a bunch of beautiful landscape pics and such, and it would display 2 and you just choose which one you liked better. I was through a few pages of results when this site caught my fancy.


My husband plays jugsawdoku a lot, and there I saw a pic from TD. went to the site to check the pic, and that is all. I became TD'r.


my good friend GingerNinja showed me this site...:)
no idea how she found it, though.


My sister (Angela) a fellow TD'r drew a pic for me on TD. I went to TD to
see the image.

That was about 2 months and over 100 images ago.

I was HOOKED from that day on!


i don't remiber how, but now that i think about it, it may very well be, a link from Jig-saw sudoku or web sudoku. (my mom had it on her favorites) (i have her old compluter)