Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Open email to Rachel..

1. 8 May 2009 07:20


FYI - this is the email I just sent to Rachel :

As you no doubt know, things have been a bit tense on the Think Draw site for the last week, but actually pretty good considering what's happened to some other 'open' sites.

My sincere (and for me, polite !) question to you is simply.. do you have any changes planned to the TD site - and if so, what area are they in ? .. I guess I should add that 'changes' would include closing the site down.

I'm going to post this on the Think Draw forum and all I know is that everyone would really love some input from you - even if just to say that nothing's going to change - I think that might get people thinking on how to work with the existing set-up.

2. 8 May 2009 07:22


Thank you Marg...

I too would love to hear ANYTHING from Rachel...

3. 8 May 2009 07:28


Marg - thanks for your email and post to the forum.

As for changes to Think Draw:

We have hopefully just made the loading of pictures (especially recent ones) much quicker.

It is time for a new theme or an improvement of the current 'Faces' theme. Let us know which you would all prefer.

Email verification of new accounts before users can rate or comment on pictures is something we should have done a long time ago. Hopefully this will go some way to alleviating the current rating issues.

Finally, the next feature should be the ability to add favourite pictures to a personal gallery and/or subscribe to follow other artists contributions. Again, in time this could be incorporated into the Top 5 system to improve the choice.

Thanks to all for your continued participation and as always we welcome any suggestions and requests!

4. 8 May 2009 07:30


We are still loved...

5. 8 May 2009 07:47


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

6. 8 May 2009 07:57


I would love to see a veggie theme ....

7. 8 May 2009 07:59


.. as long as it doesn't include carrots or broccolli, I'd be OK with that

8. 8 May 2009 08:18


Now, girl, you need your beta carotine!

Although, a carrot in the hands of some of these guys on here could be dangerous!

9. 8 May 2009 09:53


to me color is the issue with faces, but I will say some of our new and younger users have the most fun with this theme in it's simplicity. for the more artistic users, the challenge has been met and this theme has been used in some very wonderful ways. I guess my request would be either add some color or add some other theme with a lot of color variety. another problem is limitations in white or sepia and shades gradation to dark. again these limitations are recived by the community as a challenge and have been met with creativity and imagination.
Oh.. and for my part; please accept our gratitude for this wonderful and enriching site, forgive the foibles of die hard artistic temperment. as I have said before art becomes a manifestation of our very tender emotions and souls; thus we take all resulting comment.. particularly percieved rejection, very personally. It injures pretty deeply, and reaction to this can be as strong as the emotion that created the art. people concieve art from a place they cannot express any other way. I have shed tears as I made some pictures because I so wanted to convey a message or feeling from deep within. art is used as therapy for many psycological interventions to tap into what is unexpressable. the quality of the art produced doesn't necessarily refect the effort of production. You have some very amazing true artistic talent that has been brought forth here and you should be very proud of that notwithstanding the sensitivity that goes with that temperment. I guess what I'm saying is thank you for the opportunity to express and heal ourselves as we will, whether with talent or verbalization in forums. try to find a way to spare us from percieved rejection if you can by not allowing negative scoring. otherwise you have done such a marvelous thing here with your creation.

10. 8 May 2009 10:22


gwinny.. I wish I had your eloquence

thanks for saying that !

11. 8 May 2009 15:29


marg, you do know you'd not have to eat the veggies, yes?

12. 8 May 2009 19:27


yes, yes, Marg, you do!

13. 8 May 2009 19:32


Now I am confused.... Should I be licking my monitor or what???

14. 8 May 2009 19:35


cold shower, Matthew, cold shower.

15. 8 May 2009 22:25


LOL, LadyO and solo.. you guys are too much !

.. now, maybe a nice turnip.. or beetroot ?? .. maybe we can have a veggie extension of Faces..

16. 8 May 2009 23:49


A carrot cigar!!!

17. 8 May 2009 23:55


.. you know, I never realised THAT was what you're supposed to do with them !

18. 9 May 2009 00:24


" ... a veggie extension of faces ... " Are you suggesting cauliflower ears, marg?

19. 9 May 2009 00:30


Login, you kill me!

20. 9 May 2009 00:36


I shall come around there and clip you around the ears if you keep that up..

.. and solo, Login ruining a perfectly good goose with carrot slices has quite put me off this idea

[ huh, cauliflower ears, indeed.. what next.. ?]