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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Open email to Rachel..

21. 9 May 2009 00:42


Login, you should be ashamed of yourself putting carrots with goose!

Quite frankly I've never had goose so really wouldn't have a clue, however, I do like to put carrots in with anything I roast as that's really the only way I like them.

I'm not a fan of the raw carrot.

I like my broccoli pretty much anyway it comes, SORRY MARG.

22. 9 May 2009 00:48


Ahem! There are no carrots in there, solosater, just apple. If you mean the orange half of the duck, that's my ham fisted attempt at shading.

23. 9 May 2009 00:55


oh, fruit's OK ! and potatoes.. and mushrooms..

(and grated raw carrot with a touch of lemon juice, lightly sprinked with sugar) but broccoli..?? you'll be recommending courgettes next [what a shuddering thought]

24. 9 May 2009 01:17


Are we talking about a drawing?

marg, you don't eat the drawings or any of their components.

Mushrooms are fungus an as such really should be avoided (except for the occasional Portobello, yummy!).

What the #@!! are courgettes?

And really Login, apples? That’s just wrong.

At least I’ don’t have to eat it.

25. 9 May 2009 01:19


Also, broccoli is fabulous! Shame on you marg for disparaging broccoli.

26. 9 May 2009 02:17


-duck +goose ... traditionally served with apples.

27. 9 May 2009 02:19


I think 'duck' was a Freudian slip

28. 9 May 2009 02:28


I'm not a fan of fowl, I think it's foul ('sides Chicken breasts [skinned and boned]).

29. 9 May 2009 02:28


Iv'e just read gwinnyb's comment at #9 ... it came from the heart.

30. 9 May 2009 02:52


Wow, I'd missed it as well, quite heart felt and I think she hit all the right notes too.

She's right too, I was bawling my eyes out the other night because my friend just didn't seem interested in my art, either here or ITRW, it is a vital part of us and we do use it to deal with life.

It hurts when we percive ourselves as rejected because someone rejected our art.

31. 9 May 2009 02:58


Well said, solosater.

32. 9 May 2009 04:37


Yankees tend to call courgettes 'zucchini'.
Another older name fir it was 'vegetable marrow' because of it's soft melting texture when cooked.

33. 9 May 2009 04:43


Marg is going to be soooo disappointed in me then, I like it fried (either battered or pan fried with onions and garlic), marinated & grilled (OMG), I slice it real thin and dry it out & use it in place of noodles in my lasagna (no really, and it’s fabulous!), and I’ll even eat it raw! Oh, oh, and soups!

34. 9 May 2009 05:32


Baldur.. many thanks .. we call it both, but a quick fish in the ear translation always helps..

solo.. serious note.. you just hit the nail on the head.. because what we draw is a bit of us, even when it's just a throw-away quickie. Most of the pictures that I'm really proud of haven't rated anything much, but when people DO notice, comment, rate on those, it really means a lot.

'Art' is such a silly thing - there's technique (and hey, some of 'our' mob here have developed fantastic technique), and there's communication (and, LOL, again, some TDers have really mastered that).. and then there's the 'painting a bit of your soul' .. which I think a lot of us do.

Dunno.. I think this is where the rating system kicks in.. I tend to delete pics which no-one gets, or I get bored with because they no longer illustrate what I felt/saw/was thinking of at that moment in time.

I guess the point is that your art is only (sometimes) an expression of yourself.. being a master of the ancient and arcane art of zucchini whittling is probably of more use to you ITRW.

35. 9 May 2009 05:39


Umm, actually I use a cheese slicer; there's no whittling,

There may be a hernia, I can't seem to stop laughing.

6:40AM and no sleep for the whittler.

36. 9 May 2009 05:44


I don't know that I really put my soul into any of my TD pieces but since its all I've been able to do lately, I guess it seems more important than it should be.

My art ITRW is charcoal drawings, faces and nudes, and my beading & jewelry making; my hands have hurt to badly to do mush of that in the last year really.

37. 9 May 2009 05:45


I haven't even had the energy to cook zucchini lately let alone whittling!

38. 9 May 2009 05:46


oh no. stop.. now I have images of people carving away at zucchini using a variety of implements..

I REALLY hope Rachel isn't still reading this thread..

39. 9 May 2009 05:48


hold on.. my last comment was based on your one 3 ago..

40. 9 May 2009 05:48


For years I've wanted to do a squash garden in my yard, we used to grow them at school they do well here, and artichokes too but I hate dirt.

I know I wouldn't take care of it the way I should so for now no garden for me.