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1. 7 May 2009 07:33


My laptop, which I use to draw, won't stay logged in. (as of a few days ago) It will log in, but as soon as I click anything, I'm not logged in any more. I can log in just fine on my work computer, and I tried it on my son's computer and that worked also. Any computer geeks with a suggestion? (Dell, Windows XP). Don't have time to draw here, so I'm kind of stuck.

2. 7 May 2009 08:39


I've suggested the input jack, where you plug in your power. If that is bad even battery power eventually give out. Is this only on the internet or everything? What I mentioned affects everything. On your input jack, when you have it plugged in do you see a small light (this indicates connection). Make sure everything is plugged in tightly. If you have an ether wire (this goes from the computer to the router box), check it, it could be bad (I had this problem too). It's obviously something in your laptop. The last 2 laptops had the jack problem and what you're experiencing is what happened. It could be something else but check that first.

3. 7 May 2009 08:40


I meant to say "plug in your power cord".

4. 7 May 2009 08:44


I was also looking at auto shutdown and timers. Could be?

5. 7 May 2009 08:47


Can you call your provider or, where you bought it. Go to Office Depot one of their people may be able to help.

6. 7 May 2009 08:54


It is above my head as well... You need soda or qsilv or ron...

7. 7 May 2009 09:52


Recently, I have had the same thing happen on my home computer. Not all the time, just sometimes. I have no idea what causes it.

8. 7 May 2009 10:40


I'd try emptying the cache and cookies from your browser. If that doesn't help, I'd try reinstalling the browser. I've once had my browser get corrupted (firefox) and had to reinstall it.

Also, it sounds to me like you could have malware on your computer that is slowing it down or interrupting the running of the browser. Someone more savvy than me hopefully can tell you what program to use to check and clean it.

Also, I once had my ISP provider reset/reverify the ISP address when my system dropped the connection. I was using high speed dsl, not cable, to connect at the time. But, since your son's computer works with your internet service, I'm not sure that would be the problem you are having. I can't remember if ISP addresses are individual computer specific.

9. 7 May 2009 11:08


Thanks everyone!
I have tried emptying the cache: didnt work.
Tried running off the battery, so it's not the power cable.
Using Charter cable internet at home and at work.
We have a gallery at a Renaissance Festival, and I have used it there on a dialup connection with Earthlink, so I'm guessing it is somithing in the computer itself. I'm having no other problems. All my other logins work.
All ideas are welcome....
five, I haven't tried re-installing the browser, that's worth a try.

10. 7 May 2009 14:08


Are you hooked up directly, or by wireless?

11. 7 May 2009 14:17



12. 7 May 2009 14:53


I had this issue as well... clearing the cache, cookies and all temp internet, then repairing my connection worked. hope your's fixes itself soon:) love your work

13. 7 May 2009 15:10


If it worked for you I'll try it again.

14. 8 May 2009 06:37


Tried it again, still didn't work sigh...

15. 8 May 2009 07:57


oops. I hate when that happens. And no, I don't have a quick simple fix... well... maybe I do, actually. But it's cheating..... I call the ISP provider.

They WANT my system to work, so they provide nice friendly knowledgeable tech reps to walk me through a series of little tests and adjustments. At the end of a few minutes to upwards of an hour (that long is rare), it's either fixed or I know what I need to buy.

My mind is entitled to be comfortably elsewhere while my fingers click where they tell me to. SOME of them actually can use a software that lets THEM do the clicking. AND it's cheap (like free, usually).

Seriously, there are two aspects to getting and staying connected-- GETTING the signal, and ALLOWING the signal.

GETTING = phone line, phone/ethernet card, all the little connector bits KM mentioned
ALLOWING = a headache no, no, I mean, um, software settings.

...are you really getting connected? what makes you think so?
Hint-- don't believe the little icons alone... reset your wireless router and wait ONE FULL MINUTE, not just 15 seconds.

...are you really getting DIS-connected?
after it seems to have crashed, open a 2nd browser (preferably Firefox if you were using MSIE, or vice versa) and try going to a site you've never been to before (just make one up... odds are it exists. ;> ...)

...check your firewall settings (I know, I know, they WERE fine... can we say "corrupted"?)

...disable your firewall (no, it's not safe, but just for a trial. IF this fixes it, you'll have to set up a new one.)

...disable your antivirus (ditto)

...check your power-saving settings (on Vista I just disable them, Period. But you're on XP, so there's hope...)

...what've you changed recently? new software installed? upgrades? updated drivers? NEW TELEPHONE in your house?? (interference!)

...try connecting using a cable (CAT-5 line) instead of the wireless

.........................etc ad absurdum ad nauseum........... ...... .... ... .

Good luck, ......and Luna? let us know whatever finally worked. ("Knowledge is Power")


16. 8 May 2009 08:08


man.. I hate sysprogs.. except when they fix my PC for me !

.. good on ya, Granny.. and Luna.. I really hope you can get it sorted - buying a new house is kinda expensive ..

17. 8 May 2009 08:15


oh... anf Five said-- I can't remember if ISP addresses are individual computer specific.

If you're paying for "static IP" then yes, you will have a block of 'em assigned to your account, and each one will be designated for one computer (tho you can switch which is which)

Most people use "dynamic" addressing, in which case you're assigned a new one each time you sign on.

...and/but remember... the firewall can (in fact, should) create a blind or obfuscated entry...

18. 8 May 2009 08:30


Oh yes... The old obfuscated entry... Don't we all just hate that...

19. 8 May 2009 08:54


.....noooooooo...!'s funnnn! ; D

....gonna get a little sign pinned on me "I ATE'NT NO SYSPROG"

20. 8 May 2009 08:57


.. no worries.. I'll leave some sugar out in a bowl..