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Also, my TP is white.


It's an OCD thing.


I feel this way about security as well, I do have a basic firewall and anti-virus program on my computer but there is nothing in there anyone would want.

I don't have a bank account (our family all uses the same one and it's not accessed online by us), I couldn't get a credit card if I held a gun to some poor sap's head (that’s what happens when you suddenly can't work but there are still bills), and trust me, no one wants to be me, I don’t even want to be me.

But the media and the software companies sure do like the terror tactics so my parents are all about the computer protection, the paper shredding, and all that jazz. My mother won't throw out anything with her name on it, if she writes it down in the calendar or on a scratch sheet to remind herself of an appointment, it must be shredded.


Wow !.. now I really am totally impressed ..

.. and.. er.. I find somewhat colourfully, too ..

Qsilv why, YES, marg!
(quickly adding "food-grade vegetable dye" to my shopping list...)


..I may have misunderstood something here.. you spray-paint your toilet paper to match your mood ??