Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - I have a theory

1. 5 May 2009 02:43


I have been reading some of the hostile stuff that is poisoning this site, and it occurred to me that the elusive creator, Rachel, is probably some creative, brilliant, techno-savvy Sociology major in a grad program at Harvard. I think that she created this site because the art is interesting to her, but ultimately it is one giant study in the behavior of anonymous strangers who are thrown into an anonymous competition! The forum was a brilliant way for her to consolidate the behaviors as they escalated, rather than have to read everyone's comments. Soon her thesis will be complete, she'll have her doctorate, we'll watch her interview on the Today Show, and this site will have no scholastic purpose to her. Then what?

Just a thought. LOL!

2. 5 May 2009 04:27


Then she will go on the Jerry Springer show and they will secretly have flown in all of us to meet for the first time.

3. 5 May 2009 04:29


Maybe I could maximize my 15 minutes of fame and get to be a guest on Martha Stewart's show.
Dear Lord, whatever will I wear?

4. 5 May 2009 05:20


Put me down for a ticket. Oh and Baldur ... thanks for the lighthearted interjections in last night's spat ... it had the right effect and kept us in our seats. I would hate to see what would have happened if we'd all climbed into the ring.

5. 5 May 2009 06:35


Baldur, not sure what you should wear to the Jerry Springer show, but I'm thinking something along the lines of a "wife-beater tank top" and one of Matthew's prized thongs! (preferably washed first). I for one, plan to have some dental work done to remove a front tooth or two, and will wear very tight leggin pants with a tube top and no bra. And I won't get my roots done for at least a few months. I think you should try to draw a pic of us on the set.

6. 5 May 2009 07:40


This I have to see! ... laughing!

7. 5 May 2009 09:30


Robin, don't forget the oversized hoop earrings

8. 5 May 2009 10:19


Mine or yours, Baldur?? lol! Oh, wait, yours are nipple rings, aren't they? In that case, you may have to skip the wife-beater and go topless, just so the audience gets the full effect.

9. 5 May 2009 13:27


They would be able to make out my pierced nipples quite clearly through my wife-beater. Overall they combine well with my belly hanging out when the shirt rides up.

10. 5 May 2009 13:33


Perfect...I appreciate the visual! Now that we've decided on the wardrobe, what shall we bring for weapons?

11. 5 May 2009 13:35


I'm perfectly happy with folding chairs.

12. 5 May 2009 13:59


I always like the taking my wooden leg off & beating people senseless with it...

No, I don't have a wooden leg, but oh if only!

13. 5 May 2009 15:43


LOL solosater! And you, too Baldur! I'm feeling more mellow now, though, after my Cinco-de Mayo margarita! Thinking to go with a less violent approach. Baldur, you could bring straws and spitballs, and me...well, I might just use my wedgie skills on your thong! I grew up with 3 brothers and learned how to make them cry with my techniques! Solosater, if you'd like to join us on the show, you could consider one of those high pitched whistles that drives people to their knees, since, alas, you have no prosthetic leg! hehehe

14. 5 May 2009 17:31


Can I come? My brother has a fake leg so I could bring him along. Wait, scratch that, the ones with brothers and sisters on were always the most distasteful. Perhaps I'll just sit in the audience with all the red necks.. uh I mean very fashionable trailer trash.

15. 5 May 2009 17:59


Dragon, leave him at home, just bring in his leg

16. 5 May 2009 18:20


lmao--this thread has been a hoot! pierced things and such made me go fill my glass with Scotch again!

17. 5 May 2009 18:28


My father actually had a wooden leg, just for fun mind, 'cause he had both of his too; he'd try to get people riled up just for an excuse to throw it at 'em.

He was more than just a red neck he was a "proud of his crazy" red neck.

I come from good stock! Oh yes I do.

18. 6 May 2009 11:35


Hey, that's a good idea Baldur. He won't mind hopping around at home for a while so I can beat up Jerry Springer guest's. The leg actually has a grinning skull painted on it, so it'd be a pretty intimidating weapon!

19. 15 Dec 2009 19:02


It's shameful that we let this thread die before Madectomy joined us.

20. 15 Dec 2009 19:28


lol--Baldur, you're a hoot. How many ways have you lampooned (+5) maddy, in jest or otherwise?