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Anyone have any super glue?


This gets worse! Am I to understand that you are refering to the great Charles Dicken's Oliver Twist, as 'the kid with the porridge bowl'?!
I am of the opinion that no amount of adhesive can hold you together Qsilv!


(stretching out both hands... like the kid with the porridge bowl) Pleeease, puzzler... may I have some of yours?!


Hey Qsilv! Who are you calling a little bit broken!? I'll have you know the glue is working just fine!!


Dancing... eating together at a large table... commenting in Internet forums...
all these work more pleasantly when each person carefully considers leaving room for others to shine...

There may be brief skirmishes (hopefully good-natured, with laughter) but then it needs to settle back down to a pleasant steady flow with each person being able to be seen for a little while, not drowned by one who always has to be on top.

Babies are absolutely needy, toddlers still a bit so... and some adults are so broken that having them around is like having a small unwell child in the room.

We all are a little bit broken. Being well-bred and gracious gets us more good feeling tho in the long run.