Think Draw Forums

1. 25 Apr 2009 15:04


Is there something unusual going on in the Gallery?

2. 25 Apr 2009 15:10


Well the weather is great here, as everywhere. I thought it strange also! Looks like children took over!! And its Saturday..... don't know!!

3. 25 Apr 2009 15:20


It's adults lilalee. I'm positive. It seems they're pushing all the real work forward so it's not getting votes or viewed. Does that make sense?

4. 25 Apr 2009 15:21


I was glad you posted something under the comments, it isn't just me. Notice how they copied your ladybud. Of course, yours was the best!

5. 25 Apr 2009 15:24


I'm pretty sure at least a couple fof them are little kids because their spelling is terrible but they seem to be having fun. I will admit to not really wanting to submit anything when this is going on cause it gets pushed out so quick.

6. 25 Apr 2009 15:27


After looking at the other bug, I laughed! Never thought it was adults, but maybe so. There are some mean people out there. And if it is kids, well they won't be hear long....bedtime!! But does seem to be going on all day!

7. 25 Apr 2009 15:31


I think it's adults that want you to think they are children! It's upsetting when you work on something and this kind of thing is done so people don't bother to look. Another Saturday Loonie!

8. 25 Apr 2009 15:32


It's another one of those unfilled profiles, I'm very suspect of those.

9. 25 Apr 2009 15:46


Well, I guess instead of drawing we'll have to have a gabfest!

10. 25 Apr 2009 15:53


I've been on and off all day, among other "duties"! I've lost 3 pics. Trying to figure out why. Once in a while I have seen this, but not to this degree. Alot of kids playing! Parents must keep them busy, to stay out of their hair. And hopefully tonight, they will be asleep! So gab.....

11. 25 Apr 2009 16:49


I was here for the longest time, everytime I looked at the clock it said 5:00! Of course, I was so involved I didn't do anything about it. Finally checked it was 7:45!!!! I think it's someone doing that to keep the votes down or something! I had to laugh at the ladybug!!! There's looked like a bunch of geraniums!

12. 26 Apr 2009 05:57


I have a problem on this site. Maybe if we ignore it, it will away, not! I think it's pretty sad that two so-called drawers (not artists) are playing havoc with the artists on this site. I notice, more and more that people are leaving the site, why? I'm sure there are several reasons, this being one of them! Many of you, including myself, have spent a goodly amount of time creating something that perhaps you might want to look and comment on. You submit it and before you can bat an eye, its back on page 4 or further! Why, someone submitting nonsense. I'm missing some of the beautiful work that was on here. Replaced by gummy bears and gumballs! Think what you want but I'm not happy about it! Can't something be done? Everyone needs to quit drawing now?

13. 26 Apr 2009 06:06


Yes, gummy bears and gumballs! Whats with that km??? Seen your beat it, and had to laugh, as another day, maybe of the same thing! One of the artist is commenting on some of the regular artist work. And I noticed when he comments, he can spell!! Yet on his own work, he can't! Hmmmm maybe your are right in assuming it is an adult playing havoc here!

14. 26 Apr 2009 06:13


km... you need to get one of your dogs out and chew up a gummy!! Just a joke!!

15. 26 Apr 2009 06:20


I sincerely feel it's an adult and nothing will change my mind. It might be one or two people with several names each! I'm sick of looking at chicken parts, gummy bears, and gumballs. I think if newcomers would wonder onto this site and see this "junk" they would leave. I know I'd wonder what they were on!

16. 26 Apr 2009 06:27


Well, will do something else for now... cleaning, laundry something domestic! Its not enjoyable just looking at the parts and candy the way its being submitted. Just keep drawing and save your drafts for a better time. Maybe they'll get bored!

17. 26 Apr 2009 06:35


It's getting my "ire" up! Have you noticed the drop of drawings being submitted?

18. 26 Apr 2009 06:45


Yes, I have, but also thought maybe its the nice weather thats finally here. And thought maybe this site has less artists in the warmer weather. I haven't been here long, so I'm guessing. But I have noticed a drop since Easter, and just assumed its the spring season.... I don't submit much, well actually do, but lose it. That silly ladybug was lost four times before it finally went through. Wonder if gumballs and gummies are having the same problems! Maybe if they do, they'll leave??? In our dreams!!

19. 26 Apr 2009 07:00


I don't know. When you love to draw, you love to draw. It doesn't matter if it's raining, snowing or 80 degrees outside. You find time. You have to express yourself. It's hard for me to believe so many people stop at the same time. When you don't draw there's a very deep reason.

They need to loose more than ladybugs! I'm guessing this is the same person who's been goofing off all along. The ratings dropper, etc. I've always said, I have my suspicions.

20. 26 Apr 2009 15:39


I was wanting to draw tonight but it seems like it would be a waste. I think it's pretty bad that these "nonsense" drawings that are pushing the nice pictures forward out of convenient view are allowed to continue! I'm not taking this lightly, things are allowed to go on and on it seems!