Think Draw Forums

21. 26 Apr 2009 17:31


I was wondering what was going on. As for myself I have family visiting
all week, but right now I have a few minutes and I popped in to see what was
happening...I miss TD and I check past all those "other" pictures to see what
everyone is doing. I was just saying to mekeys that there seems to be a lot
of new people on...maybe they will get tired of nonsense drawings...or get
inspired by the good stuff...

22. 26 Apr 2009 17:34


I've noticed a dropoff of TD artists, there isn't even getting the decent exposure it deserves. I'm not happy about this at all. This was going on all day yesterday, in fact, I think for a few days.

23. 26 Apr 2009 19:16


kmkagle, hopefully tommorrow will be different, and better. Its like a bunch of graffiti! An invasion!!

24. 27 Apr 2009 04:04


Indigo, I do the same as you and just scan through Gallery until something catches my eye. It's always worth the minimal effort required. I agree with you all ... they are not drawings or any attempt at drawing ... irritating but surmountable.

25. 27 Apr 2009 04:42


You have to excuse my frequent comments and upset. It's the fact that it's allowed to go on. Nothing is done. Ignore it, it'll go away. It's like a weed, pull it out, it's going to grow back. I don't like when something bad is allowed to continue like that.

26. 27 Apr 2009 17:51


Folks... I've noticed this myself but have taken a different tack. I don't rate or comment on the garbage but I applaud the efforts.

Let's all go back to our own first efforts.

I still love my own but would never even think of attempting something so "minimalist" again...

But learning to use tolls is, well, learning to use tools...

There are so many new people on board that are taking the trouble to create an account and submit that I find hope in all the crap.

Maybe we'll get some new "five" or "arw65" or "matthew" (I can't believe I just said that) or even a new "brandon" (I miss that kid)...

So let the garbage flow. The conveyor belt of "gallery" will clean itself out over time and those that are serious will learn to use the tools and contribute...

Until then... Next.

27. 27 Apr 2009 18:31


Ron - I left a note under one of my drawings, you can comment and vote on your way, ha, ha, ha! I think it's under the Bassett Hound. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

28. 27 Apr 2009 19:01


Mmm... the beagle puppy (which is a total treat) -- I did comment and vote.

But now I risk your ire by asking a question I'd really like answered:

How should a website like this control children (or any people) who are just goofing around, playing with the tools non-seriously, and sometimes even experimenting with their power to strut/veto/vandalize a bit while they're at it?

29. 27 Apr 2009 19:02


- beagle, + bassett (I'm tired, folks... be kind... wry smile)

30. 27 Apr 2009 19:29


If you are addressing me, first of all this is a free site? They could complain that their rights are being impeded, although this use is a privilege. I think they could somehow be blocked. However, with their vast array of computers, obviously, as I said, like weeds, they pop up again. I don't know what you have available to stop it. I'm going to say some things to them. Or, to really get them, everyone stop drawing for one or two days when it happens. That will upset me, yes. But, if it stops this, it'll be worth it. I just go off when I come onsight and see chicken parts, gummy bears, gumballs, no artistic meaning whatever! Then legitimate work is pushed out. Something is wrong with the picture, no pun intended! There's been nothing but trouble, if it's not votes, it's something like this. I noticed they pushed some very nice work forward. This too, I feel is tied into votes. I'm sincere when I say, I appreciate what all of you do to keep this going. You might know more of what the host has to offer in the way of prevention? I wished I knew more about computers to offer a workable solution. I get by with what I know, but heavy technical business, no. I know since this is a free site, you can dictate members but, they just sprout up all over again. Thanks for letting me vent.

31. 27 Apr 2009 19:34



I think, maybe, in the end, just like TD is doing...

What do you do at a family picnic? When that little boy who thinks he's so clever interrupts all the "important" conversations about Nanna's operation and Iraq with is fart jokes?

You might chastize him. But to what effect.

Me. Personally. I laugh at his effort. If he persists I might even explain about funny-once versus funny twice... But - I never stop realizing that he "belongs" here as much as I do and that I did those same stupid things when I was young.

I'm 43 years old. I'm not "supposed" to say this. But! I love kids. I don't have any but I still love them. And when I encounter their awkward efforts to reach into the adult world - I generally applaud their bravery...

Unless they throw eggs at my motorcycle. Man! If I could've caught those kids. $1,700US worth of damage with two eggs.

Now those kids - well - I'd be happy to strangle them

32. 27 Apr 2009 20:09


Yep, it's a free site... but that means free to us to use, not to the folks who're paying for server upkeep and electricity and time... and its control is more a matter of policy than of software.

One could argue either direction on this--

a bunch of rude brats are preempting this space from its clear use as a haven for serious artists!


a bunch of pompous artists are preempting what was meant to be a simple playground open to all

33. 27 Apr 2009 20:17


I like that....

34. 27 Apr 2009 23:20


Well I always scroll through the drawings every time I come on, so don't miss any of the really good pictures.
I am sure it is just kids playing around, as they are entitled to do.
My 8 year old neighbour plays on here as do some of her classmates, and they love doing it. I for one would not like to discourage them. Their pictures are what they are, childish, and we can't expect them to be anything else.
I imagine some of them will progress to much better art as they learn how to use the site.
Let them get on with it, the better ones will stay and the others get bored and leave.

35. 27 Apr 2009 23:38


Well said

36. 28 Apr 2009 05:57


So, you do a drawing that you might be proud of and it gets buried. Sorry, I love kids too but not obnoxious ones. I agree with some of what you say, but, sorry, not everything. To me they are as annoying as a drippy faucet. "Cute" doesn't work here, it's past that!

37. 28 Apr 2009 07:18


With all due respect to KM, I don't see it as a problem because we can always find the more skilled drawings if we really want to. Yes, the sheer quantity of childish submissions is irritating because we have to wade through them, but wade through them we can.
We were all children once and we did silly 'drawings' and thought they were 'nice' or 'funny'. It was how we learned to draw, before any skill began to show through (if we were lucky). I think these children will either improve rapidly or they will get bored and find something else to do. That's the optimist in me talking.
This site has become an enormous draw to poeple of all ages and they all have a right to be here. There are many adults here who enjoy churning out gothic patterns by the score. As I'm not drawn to patterns, I skip past them ... the reward is that, amongst the heap of patterns, there are many little gems of drawings by the same artists.
Our TD host(s) have always been very generous to us in our requests for more and more facilities. The optimist in me says that they are working out ways right now to help us sift through the Gallery more easily ... I'm willing to wade knee deep through what doesn't interest me, until the next present arrives from TD.

38. 28 Apr 2009 07:42


I'm hearing you Login. I'm sure they (TD) will solve the problem. I'm going to type in 72 pt. type, the following "I don't think these are children". I'm sounding like a broke record, I know. You see, on some of those drawings I see adult. I see adult trying to seem like child! Not good.

39. 28 Apr 2009 07:46


Wow, I guess I just look at all the pics and enjoy them for what they are. Sometimes I might even get inspired by someone just putting gummi bears or chicken parts on their pic. Sometimes, one of those simple, childish pieces makes me smile for the way it's arranged or maybe just the title. I do enjoy the serious artists, but would hate to see people restricted because their work is not good enough. After all, I could easily be selected as one of the people to boot. Who would get to be the judge of the serious artists vs. the "kids"? I don't want to offend anyone on purpose her, but really, there are people selling drugs in our schools and environmental issues and healthcare issues, etc. in the world today. This website, in the scheme of things, is just entertainment, and shouldn't be taken quite so seriously. Consider channelling your anger and passions in some other direction and just enjoying TD for what YOU can get out of it, not what you perceive others as taking away. It brings too much negativity to such an otherwise fun site.

40. 28 Apr 2009 08:17


I want to make one more point, then I'm done with this soap box for good. My son is 11 and has ADHD. He loves this site. I let him draw on it because anything that encourages him to focus is good for him. He is not a great artist, but really gets joy from this site. If someone takes the time to rate or comment on one of his pics, he is as thrilled as you or I would be. He is on this site for the exact same reasons all of the serious artists are: he loves to draw and he's hoping for someone to notice his work. I assure you that there is no malicious intent when he is drawing. It would never occur to him that his artwork might be a "vote preventer" and he would never think to vote someone down. He just enjoys drawing and enjoys looking at other people's work and admiring it. Would it really be fair to restrict his chance at joy, just because his work isn't up to the expectations of the more talented people here? I really just think these are innocent kids.