Think Draw Forums

1. 16 Apr 2009 15:08


I guess I've had it. I did a two hour rendition of a snip from the Book of Kells, using save draft (which I almost never do). Everything was fine until I tried to submit the final drawing. It didn't go through and the draft was gone as well. Not fun for me anymore. It was by far my best TD picture yet.

Good luck with the site.

2. 16 Apr 2009 15:31


Hope you don't stay away too long five, I've always enjoyed your pictures. I'll be watching for your return.

3. 16 Apr 2009 16:01


Five - don't let that discourage you. Just this weekend working on a piece for the showcase I had spent 2-1/2, 3 different times and lost it. It's usually a master piece that this happens too. You do lovely work and it would be sorely missed.

4. 16 Apr 2009 16:01


Sigh... Please fix this Rachel... The save draft used to stay saved after loading it... Can we have that back???

5. 16 Apr 2009 16:09


I've asked about this problem several times and nothings been done!

6. 16 Apr 2009 16:29


Five, I have lost more work, than I have in my gallary!! To spend hours on pieces, and have them gone in a split sec.! I thought of quitting, but just can't stay away! I pretty much draw everyday, only to lose it, so then I just sit here and comment on others. But I really want to draw! Save doesn"t always work, nor does submit. So when I do get something in, my luch, it's the silly stuff. But, don't go.

7. 16 Apr 2009 16:30


-h +k!

8. 16 Apr 2009 17:24


I lost 4 drawing I did in the last week or so. I hope you don't leave though.

9. 16 Apr 2009 17:53


I have saved some very complex pictures, as well as simpler ones, and have never lost one. How many of TD'ers are having this problem? Most?
Half? A few?

10. 16 Apr 2009 18:10


1. Me - 4 in the last week or so and they took hours to do.
2. Five
3. KM
Who else?

11. 16 Apr 2009 18:14


I lost one... But it was my own mistake... I closed without saving...

The save draft is good, but if connection or power is lost you will lose your work...

So I still like the old way where it stayed saved (just in case)

12. 16 Apr 2009 18:59


I'm not having any trouble with 'save' ... but then I'm not drawing very often.

13. 16 Apr 2009 19:21


I haven't had any problems with the actual save / load function, although I think some people said the load was incomplete sometimes with very complex pictures ?

My problem's the same as matthew's; the number of times I've deleted a pic by mistake is horrendous - it just takes a split second of inattention - and that can happen AFTER you submit the pic as well. I submitted my first cathedral picture, then had a moment's hesitation as to whether it really WAS the west window and went off to check a church layout before entering a title - and zap !

I'd REALLY like any attempt to navigate out of the drawing panel to be trapped - whether that be to close the window, or to navigate to a 'recent picture' (on the side panel) or to a different medium like Flowers, or whatever.. just ANY attempt to move away - and a

'This will delete your picture and any saved draft - do you want to proceed ? [Yes / Cancel]'

message to be displayed.

14. 16 Apr 2009 19:48


Five, I have certainly enjoyed your art and comments. It certainly IS frustrating to lose something you've spent so much time and effort on. You may find that the time and effort you have spent on this community is not so easily deleted. If/when you return, you will find us waiting here with open arms. Meanwhile, you will be missed.

15. 16 Apr 2009 19:52


Five, I really hope you come back once you take a breather--I look forward to seeing your pictures.

16. 16 Apr 2009 21:01


I've lost so many pictures and done them over so often and felt the original was the best. I lost them on submitting, mostly on the save. I'd work on one for an hour or so, save it to come back to and wouldn't be able to get it back. It's heartbreaking and frustrating.

17. 17 Apr 2009 04:30


Its disturbing! As I feel the first was the best!

18. 17 Apr 2009 05:21


First of all, you have to feel passionate about a drawing to "want" to redo. But over and over, you loose momentum and passion. You get tired. So, the best was probably the first. I lost one at 2:30 a.m.! The second was nothing like the first.

19. 17 Apr 2009 05:24


I need to add that on this 2:30 a.m. drawing I had placed the final bit, was just getting ready to put the cursor on "submit" poof! Hadn't touched a thing, it was gone. You don't seem to have to do anything and it happens.

20. 17 Apr 2009 06:07


KM.. trust me.. I think it's just that we put all this emotion and effort into something and then we lean back with relief, shoulders beginning to relax and eyes going funny after trying to position the bits JUST right...

.. and then we do something stupid and careless, like check the email or something, and bang goes the masterpiece..

... and yes, the one you've lost, you can never recreate (because it really was the best)..

but you've got so much inspiration and art in you, how can you walk away from the place that lets you express it so readily - and totally free of charge - - if I bought you some paper and paints, would you play and create the way you are now (and there's NO undo button with painting !)..

.. PLUS you get comments / ratings / opinions from other idiots like me [and I REALLY would like a pair of those overalls !!]