Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - New Theme!

41. 10 Feb 2014 21:15



The Valentines theme should now be fine, but there was an issue with the second set of shapes on the right. Some of the first day of pictures will look different in playback, and you may have to clear the cache in your browser to see all 10 shapes in the right order.

Thanks to bugoy1 for pointing out the issue.

Hope you enjoy the new theme!

42. 11 Feb 2014 17:40


really exciting... wow!!! thank you thank you!

43. 11 Feb 2014 22:10


thank you!

44. 12 Feb 2014 02:54


Heya ThinkDraw..

As we're coming up to Valentine's Day, is there any way we could send an anonymous Valentine picture to people whose art we love to distraction ?

..or even to all active TDers, because we think they're absolutely brilliant ?

45. 12 Feb 2014 13:14


Wow... what an amazing theme this is turning out to be already! You've given us a brilliant assortment of bits and pieces to work with... just look at the range of different effects and moods that is being produced.

Loving it, and looking forward to playing some more...

Thanks so much!

46. 12 Feb 2014 22:40


Thanks for your comments - glad you like it!

Marg - I can't think of a simple way of doing this - if anyone has any idea, please send it. Underneath each picture there are a series of links to share them by email, social media, etc. Only obviously this is not anonymous.

The other option would be to use GuessTheArtistGame or similar open account. I know there have been problems with this account before, but it can no longer favorite, rate or even delete its own pictures. (password is fun2play)

Anyone upset by the new theme (especially after there was a whole discussion of other ideas earlier in this topic) there will hopefully be another one very soon...

47. 13 Feb 2014 22:33


Good news! And this one's very fine too.

48. 6 Jun 2014 04:54


Any news on the other "New" theme? Just wondering.... -J*

49. 28 Jun 2014 09:30


This may not be the right place for this suggestion but...I wold love to see some additions made to old themes. I'd love to have some watermelon in my fruit cocktail, and maybe some papaya, and a mid-blue background? I don't have any idea what I am asking. It might not be possible to add on, but it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

50. 28 Jun 2014 10:53


I so agree with you Lizzi. I'd love some extra rotations on some pieces, particularly in Beads it woud be nice if you were able to rota the bead chains, and a black bead woud be great too!

51. 4 Jul 2014 23:20


I have no idea how hard it might be to add new pieces to old themes, but if it were possible to add one smaller size to all pieces in at least some themes (especially Beads!), that would be nice for those of us who get hung up on precise details.

Also it would be great (in any new themes that may be in the works) to have some extra thought go into light-and-dark ranges, so as to supply some contrast. That's probably repeating an old suggestion...

...and the translucent pieces in beads are so awesome in allowing for subtle color blending, it would be great to consider using this in future themes...

... and then there's the question of whether the time and energy is available for new themes if the total amount of time and energy people (us peoples that is, a.k.a. the masses) put into ThinkDraw creations is stagnating or declining. Perhaps allowing ads would not be too bad an idea, if they were done in exactly the right way... Like if the ads had to be created (artfully, maybe using TD?) by people who participate here anyway, and advertise our own enterprises... Not sure about that... But I was shocked when another seemingly busy and well-populated ad-free site I got hooked on (spogg, it was called) suddenly closed down... it seems unthinkable, but you know the old saying "It Can't Happen Here" (also the title of a great book that should be required reading, by Sinclair Lewis)...

52. 5 Jul 2014 07:37


Smaller sizes, yes! in MOST themes. Transparency! There's the reason why beads is so popular. And the old song - rotation of pieces. There are many expert artists on here and some may insist that there is insufficient challenge , but as a member of the amateur masses, may I say there is more than enough challenge already?

53. 7 Jul 2014 10:05



OK, so the new theme should still be happening, BUT...

First problem is Web Sudoku for iPad - which should be done very soon. Second problem is, as chelydra pointed out, the site is not growing. It needs a more general overhaul, update, facelift etc. - not just a new theme. So, in the meantime, I would be happy to add a few new shapes to a few old themes. Please be very specific (and if anyone posts an actual picture or shape to facebook they get priority, and my thanks).

What do you say?


54. 8 Jul 2014 10:24


A couple of very quick thoughts...
1. The ability to rotate a piece might solve lots and lots of problems.

2. One of the quickest and easiest fixes might be inserting new background options, perhaps with each theme having a more-or-less solid black or near-black available. Or a color that does not appear in the pieces themselves.

2. Not all themes need new pieces, since the frustrating limitations are part of the challenge, and learning to work inside limits is what it's all about in art and life, right? But sometimes a theme is languishing, and most of us get monotonously inept results most of the time. This is the case with me and Lunartics -- which seemed so promising when it arrived. Each individual piece is astonishingly imaginative and entertaining, but the total (the finished picture) is always sadly less than the sum of its parts -- the opposite of flowers. What Lunartics needs is just a couple of pieces that are real simple and bold (much brighter colors or deeper colors that the rest), and a new background option or two, so we can escape that bland, cool, mid-range. Maybe the same artist(s) who created the pieces could do new ones in a similar vein, but with the coloring we need?

Perhaps Lunartics could become the amazing theme it deserves to be with ju

55. 8 Jul 2014 10:27


I thought I'd deleted everything above after the first item Number 2... Oh well... not the first aimless chelydran ramble to slip past through the editorial process..

56. 14 Jul 2014 16:14


I really agree with all Chelydra's suggestion.
Specifically, I'd like to have some bold pieces in Lunartics, expecially a flatty black one; or at least a black background.

Faces also needs new backgrounds, not just facial ovales. A black one should be appreciated. I'd love to have a blue/tuturquoise piece also. I also would love a blue background .

Avatars and faces would improve very much if we could rotate the pieces.

It should be great if we could make Candy's and Space's pieces smaller than now. expecially the red-brown planet in the middle left of Space's palette.

I'd love a turquoise background in fruits, and a brown piece also. A dark, vertical, linear piece would be also appreciated.

that's all for now; I'll add other ideas if I had one.

57. 15 Jul 2014 23:31


Thank you both, that was perfect. Apart from rotation and smaller pieces I will do exactly as you say.

Thanks again, and look out for these changes in the next few days...

58. 22 Jul 2014 02:28


WOW! there is something new in Lunartics... look and enjoy!
Thanks TD!

59. 30 Jul 2014 04:15


There is something new in Fruit now as well: Carob, coconuts and a blue sky background.

I am not going to change Faces for now, but if anyone else creates a suitable shape I will add it.

Sorry for the continuing server issues, it should all be sorted out soon...