Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdot Challenge XCII - The meaning of symbols

1. 8 Feb 2012 02:37


Guess, there is no furhter explanation necessary, end is March 5th.

2. 8 Feb 2012 11:42


I don't get it? So if i drew a swan the symbol meaning will be love?

3. 10 Feb 2012 03:35


It depends on YOUR interpretation, this is part of the challenge. Example: You draw a pig, it is used as symbol for luck. Therefore you shall comment it. If your swan is a symbol for love, then do it and make a comment. But a swan could be a symbol for other meanings too, for instance a black swan.. not to mention a dying swan.

4. 10 Feb 2012 13:35


Mercurius (Hermes), symbol of connection:

5. 11 Feb 2012 07:09

cathyallheart a wish

6. 11 Feb 2012 07:54


the sign of the Goddess

7. 12 Feb 2012 09:58


Owl, symbol of wisdom

Remark: When I gave this pic the title"queen of the night" I never thought on the opera of Mozart and I didnt know about this role in detail. (bc Ive been in the opera 2 or 3 times in my life - so its not my fav. music)

Ive drawn the owl, because it is a symbol of wisdom, and therefore it has to get its place here. I am collecting owls - but only by chance, not a hobby.

8. 12 Feb 2012 10:15


Meanwhile Ive seen here lots of owls. I think it would be nice to open a special challenge/galery "owl"- similar to "roses". I guess "birds" is already defined, but Im not sure. Obviously I had the same idea, because today I remembered my old picture for the symbol-challege and then I thought about the various "titles" to find a picture. (All hearts of the love galery are symbols too)

There are so many great pictures here in TD. It would be a nice idea to make a multiple indexed collection. And then I thought, if one is searching for a picture to a specific theme, for instance to illustrate a story etc, etc. TD is a rich source for such purposes. And then I thought ....

9. 12 Feb 2012 11:11


sandm, in fact there is a topic "galleries of the forum" I started just for this purpose. I added Roses now, so this topic is put at the top (it was in the second page).
I'm trying to add a new topic every month or so, trying to mantain the list up in the index of community forum. Next month we could create the owl gallery and add the link to the "galleries" topic!

10. 20 Feb 2012 11:43


The Black Swan, symbol of the highly improbable

11. 24 Feb 2012 10:13


The "key" is a very strong and comprising symbol for entrance, permission, knowledge, mastery. But also for power and might or silence. There are lots of other meanings, depending on cultural background or field of interpretation (psychology, religion, etc.)

12. 25 Feb 2012 06:52


Rod of Asclepius, symbol of medicine and healing

13. 25 Feb 2012 17:33


The breastplate of Aaron, as described in Ezekiel (I think!)
Symbol of the 12 tribes and the 12 zodiac signs.

14. 25 Feb 2012 17:35


Brain must not be computing tonight! Try again....

15. 28 Feb 2012 13:59


Just the last-minute-pic for the challenge and for Western showcase!

16. 4 Mar 2012 21:41


Today, is the time for closing this challenge. It has been my first one here and will be the last one. The winner is Normal, for the breastplate of Aaron, ex aequo with clorophilla for Mercurius. I give the baton to Normal, because I have not yet seen her in this role, and I would like to pass the other actual challenge "Lent" to clorophilla, to decide at its end. There are no pictures made till now.

Thank you all.

17. 5 Mar 2012 06:52


thanks Sandm - two challenge in a whole are a very hard task! Well done Normal, I'm waiting for your idea.
Sandm - you should go to the pic of Normal and leave a commente to let him know he's the winner.
I'm not easy with the idea of inherit a challenge - why don't you wait a while? we have still 10 days left. I'm sorry you had not impact with your challenge since now, it's very interesting but - as I told in the other topic - very very difficult to put it in an image. Anyway, I left a pic now.

When you says "this will be my last chalenge" I hope you don't say it seriously! Not all the challenges success, for many reasons, don't care, hope you will own many other challenges in the future!

18. 5 Mar 2012 07:13


Thank you S&M! What a surprise - glad I looked in this morning.
Sorry I did not contribute more, as symbols have long been a favorite thing. Nearly all my jewellery is either therapeutic gemstones or symbolic.
I now have to think and hope inspiration will strike.
I'll post the next challenge soon. (PS, Cloro - I'm a she.)

19. 5 Mar 2012 08:46


A she??? OMG - I thought you was exactly as the old guy in your profile pic...!!!


sorry for the mistake she-Normal!

20. 6 Mar 2012 12:54


Dear clorophilla, you've set me off giggling ... I have made some wrong assumptions in the past regarding members portraits but never did I imagine this monk-like figure was a self-portrait of Normal. Thanks for the chuckle ...