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well, I didn't REALLY believe that Normal was EXACTLY as his - oops - her profile pic... Just the first time I saw it, I thought to an old hermit, and a male, and this idea grabbed into some layer of my mind... LOL


Dear clorophilla, you've set me off giggling ... I have made some wrong assumptions in the past regarding members portraits but never did I imagine this monk-like figure was a self-portrait of Normal. Thanks for the chuckle ...


A she??? OMG - I thought you was exactly as the old guy in your profile pic...!!!


sorry for the mistake she-Normal!


Thank you S&M! What a surprise - glad I looked in this morning.
Sorry I did not contribute more, as symbols have long been a favorite thing. Nearly all my jewellery is either therapeutic gemstones or symbolic.
I now have to think and hope inspiration will strike.
I'll post the next challenge soon. (PS, Cloro - I'm a she.)


thanks Sandm - two challenge in a whole are a very hard task! Well done Normal, I'm waiting for your idea.
Sandm - you should go to the pic of Normal and leave a commente to let him know he's the winner.
I'm not easy with the idea of inherit a challenge - why don't you wait a while? we have still 10 days left. I'm sorry you had not impact with your challenge since now, it's very interesting but - as I told in the other topic - very very difficult to put it in an image. Anyway, I left a pic now.

When you says "this will be my last chalenge" I hope you don't say it seriously! Not all the challenges success, for many reasons, don't care, hope you will own many other challenges in the future!