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Forums - Community - Lunartics... colours and shapes

1. 18 Nov 2010 12:33


First, a heartfelt thank you to every artist who has created a Lunartics-inspired 'painting" in Thinkdraw... plenty of fun and amazing work!

I have been noting the comments re how the colour palette could be amended slightly in order to give a wider choice of options when creating. Any suggestions would be warmly appreciated, then I'll see what I can do...

yours Danny Flynn at Lunartics.

2. 18 Nov 2010 12:57


hey, Danny... I'm actually pretty chuffed with the shapes. Lots of tiny bits and promising edges to work with.

As you've been reading, there's some muttering and whinging (quite normal for us during early days of EVERY palette --you should've heard the gross-outs about "Animals"!) but figuring out how to work within each one's limitation is part of the essence of ThinkDraw.

We'll get used to it.

HOWEVER... since you're asking..! .....a plain truly black background would help hugely.

And if you're actually willing/able to add a couple more pieces... again, the classic bit of pure black edge and a bit of pure white edge would be heaven sent.

Mind you, as long as I'm importuning heaven... transparency???

The history of TD shows that work becomes more photographic as folks get more familiar with the palette.

It remains to be seen how many pieces in this palette it will take to choke Flash (a known issue where white spots appear or pieces simply fail to load when too many of the same piece are repeated). Those works take hours, tho', and *I* don't have the time... yet.

Q (who thanks you ...and inserts a winningly twinkling look here)

3. 18 Nov 2010 13:12


Hi, Danny.

First, thanks for the new palette.

Second, my observations, from my experience:

1) A lot of the pieces have pointy bits that are different colors from the main part (or a dot(s) of very different colors in the middle of the shape. This make it hard to amass the colors into blocks and gives fewer options for covering up, which makes realistic or painterly pictures more difficult.

2) A lot of the colors are intense and relatively close in value, which makes contrast/sharp distinctions difficult.

3) There's no way to get white or near white back when you lose it (when you lay down pieces), which also makes cover up hard and makes it hard to lighten (value choice) areas. I don't mind saving white areas for light areas but you can only do that with the white background, and with the points on the pieces, it's hard to save smooth white areas.

Q is right, though, the puzzle for TD is working within the limitations. As far as changes, a black or very dark piece (dark blue or dark violet even) without points, a creme or off white (one side warm, one side cool), and a black or dark even background would be helpful.

Thanks again for the Palette.

4. 18 Nov 2010 13:13


Hi Danny, I agree with Q: The black background could be really appreciated; but... don't make it too easy for us, or it will be no more funny!
Anyway, the adding Black background+a white edge in one bit could be reasonable.

Q, in fact I do find the choke flash in my last pictures, although I didn't count the layers (sorry ;-)) - it was in my Easter Island pic, and also in the face of Horus. Anyway, there was a lot of repetition there, and the trick of put on a different bit some times worked quite well.

thank you!

5. 18 Nov 2010 13:52


Danny love your theme Lunartics. actually found it quite fun trying to use the different pieces for quite different effects, the difficulty level is good, but Qsilv and Clorophilla make some good arguments for a black background, with maybe a couple of additional pieces. Just to allow for better quality pictures, you see using the elements for creating pictures unrelated to the theme is the puzzle element I enjoy, and well thanks for your pieces Danny.

6. 18 Nov 2010 14:38


some white and black and one more piece that allows a solid color.... if transparency.... better.

7. 19 Nov 2010 04:10


I'm updating this so everybody can participate.
The problem is that we have plenty of colors and that's good but we don't have many ways to make big solid surfaces so if you look at the pics that have already been painted, most of them look like full of "grains" as if they had been made with little pieces of stones, grains or seeds.

8. 19 Nov 2010 04:35


True black & True white, Black Backgrounds, Transparency...

Moonlight & Hindsight, Snikers/ Mounds & Complacency...

These are a few of my favorite things...

I have created & deleted so many pics from this theme... Just can't wrap my "THINK" around it enough to draw yet... It has so many possibilities & adding our "wish list" to the pallet would surely make Lunartics the favorite theme of many...

9. 19 Nov 2010 13:33


I'd like to add my thanks, Danny, for the lunartics theme, and to echo Qsilv's suggestions. I think she covered all my 'wishes'.

10. 19 Nov 2010 14:23


I can't get that theme I try create delete, create delete, create delete, create delete and so forth so forth I could go on and on.
It is hard to get my mind around it I just don't get it @ all. It looks VERY fun it just doesn't work 4 me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay so it is very fun to try though, it definitly puts the THINK in Think Draw.

11. 19 Nov 2010 14:37


Ditto the black and white edges. I find that overlapping pieces to create a solid block of color is quite difficult. I miss a good yellow. The flip side of it's limitations to create as we may be used to is that it expands our thought process. The redo of my lighthouse was the first time I really used negative space. It also provides a theme that is kid friendly where they can easily create pictures that are fun and colorful. Thanks for the new theme!

12. 20 Nov 2010 08:42


I'll amend my observations somewhat. While it is quite difficult, one can get the value and color differentials. One has to know the pieces very well, I think. The points on pieces still add their own wrinkle.

13. 20 Nov 2010 18:33


hmmm-- further reflection -- a flesh toned piece usable without black lines -- the pinky page in one of the eyes is a good color, but cannot be accumulated without black lines remaining.

14. 22 Nov 2010 01:30


Hello Thinkdraw Artists... Thank you all for taking a moment to convey your constructive comments. Needless to say, I will try and do what I can to help. As artists, we all know it is never easy to keep everyone happy. I did not set out to make "Lunartics' a difficult theme... far from it - I just hoped it to be something new and fun, yet most of all inspiring... Each day when I look in here, there always seems to be some fantastic new artwork to admire, yet I will try my best to improve and facilitate the Lunartics theme if I can... Danny

15. 22 Nov 2010 05:14


How F~ing cool is that!!! Thanks Danny...

16. 22 Nov 2010 05:28


Looking forward to that Danny

17. 29 Nov 2010 19:27


Just to say... have had a busy week.. yet the moment I get time to add a few new shape pieces as per the suggestions kindly offered, I will get round to it... Danny

18. 29 Nov 2010 21:21



19. 30 Nov 2010 00:27


thanks in advance Danny

20. 30 Nov 2010 04:00


Thank you Danny