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Is Danny still monitoring this?


with this beautiful gallery of pieces we'll have no more hope Danny will give us the black and the white pieces

Anyway, we have the white background and we found some edge "quite" white; but the black is still an issue - maybe a little little edge of a little piece could be plain black - without shadows or shining edges?

Anyway, Beads is still my favourite palette; but I begin to appreciate Lunartics, and there is some subject that "pleads" to be drawn in lunartics!


That's blown it Danny will feel he doesn't need to improve his pieces now...LOL, well maybe you are right Q now that the Lunartics have been around for a little while TD members are becoming more innovative in the application. I certainly have taken note of some of the different approaches people have made, and hope to utilise the new knowledge some time later, although I must admit some affinity with beads.


:D I didn't confuse you with hanging, Q. The confusion was in my copying and pasting. I should go to bed earlier!

You're right about being thrown by a new palette, though. It's beaten me so far ... but I appreciate those who've mastered it.


So, after all the whining we (I!) did about needing stronger blacks and whites (and transparencies), we ARE getting some truly strong images just as it is.

Seems we're typically thrown by a new palette.. then wind up appreciating it.

(And hey.. Q doesn't mind being confused w/ Hanging... in fact kinda thinks it's an honor! lol )