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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XXXIX

81. 29 Mar 2010 02:52


Correction: It was midnightpoet who ended with the word emblem. I get these broads confused. It was very funny.

82. 29 Mar 2010 06:56


LOL ... you've done it now giraffe! THAT gave me a very creepy feeling. Not saying I didn't like it, AM saying I have the creeps. Well, gonna take those creeps right up the stairs and soothe them with yoga. Yeah, you're still making this "broad" smile. (tee hee)

83. 29 Mar 2010 07:51


.....oddly sweet, actually, giraffe............

Ok folks... here's your "last day' reminder/nudge...

This list seems to have pulled some fascinating imaginings and descriptions out of your minds... got any more lingering in there that it might open a door to?

(Clearly, of all the words I chose, "enfranchise" is going to get the 'booo-hiss' award this time, for being the most awkward to incorporate effectively.)

84. 29 Mar 2010 08:31


Wednesday, March 31, 2010, will mark one year since the absent anotherronism started ThinkWrite and I started on this journey through a forest of creativity.

I wonder if he realized when he made that first post what a grandiose thing he had begun. Sometimes, it feels like it must have been fate that brought it to me, and started me writing again, and sometimes it feels like it was just chance. Either way, it's what I've needed to keep me sane and keep my words flowing.

Should we enfranchise ThinkWrite? Put a copyright on it and sell the rights to anyone willing to pay enough? Would that grate on the flawless beauty and freedom we have in these forum threads?

We've formed a little community here within the larger community of ThinkDraw. Writers have come and gone, and we always welcome the new ones with open arms, gladly taking them into our little family.

The torch changes hands, and the word count goes up or down, and the lists change. There's always one word on every list that's a sticking point, but that one sticky word often leads to things that would not have been written otherwise. In ThinkWrite eight, when Arw65 was torchbearer, she threw the word spatula at us, and what a challenge that was. The sticky word for me this time is emblem, and I'm mentioning it here as a way to cheat and add it in. I'm sorry, it's just a really rough word for me.

I just want to say thank you to anotherronism for bringing ThinkWrite into my life, and to all of you who still post here, who have posted, and who will post. You are truly a blessing in my life, even when I'm silent in my corner and just watching. ThinkWrite is the calm within the storm of my life.

85. 29 Mar 2010 08:46


Yeah, Qsilv, giraffe's last story is sweet, and moreso re-reading it. Twas the last part that got me ... no windows, no doors! Did find it interesting, the trading of the different emblems.

midnightpoet - what a wonderful tribute! (And LOL about emblem!)

86. 29 Mar 2010 08:52


oh, I never did mention, 'dichotomy' was my 4-syllable in "Fate", and 'community' was the 4-syllable in this last one.

87. 29 Mar 2010 10:22


Marius, Q, Emblem. It ended up a definite combo of sad and creepy. I started with the idea 'outer space' and it just evolved. Half way through, I decided to make it a letter to Mom. I can tell a lot of the drawings in here evolve like that too. Spatula.

Midnight. Thin line. If we signed our real names, the stories would be protected by copywright because they're dated and published. My daughter loves reading them along with the list challenge. It's kind of like 'The Spoon River Anthology' - a book of collected short epitaphs. Or good, easy bathroom reading.

88. 29 Mar 2010 10:24


Wonderful Midnight!! haha! I love your "cheat"!

89. 29 Mar 2010 11:03


Q totally approves of cheating done right... ie. in the way of Kirk's "Kobayashi Maru" solution.

Q's also darned good at word counts and finding the 4-sillyble beasties, as well as tinkering with spelling for art's sake, and even grinding my teeth to steadfastly ignore crummy grammar in the interest of encouraging people to put their energy into expressing stuff.

Having brought up the grammar thingie, I think I should haul out my soapbox for just a brief statement.

(....hauls it.....................)

Language is for communicating. (ESP is fun but so bleedin' unreliable.) The way I look at it, then, our responsibility is to check to see if we've used the code in a way that gets the results we wanted.

So even ambiguity may be effective, powerful stuff... when that's an element you're prepared to deal with.

People who give confusing street directions drive me bonkers. But so do story-tellers who lay it out there so flatly that it's Dick-and-Jane-see-Spot-run boring.

So I waffle about tucking in corrections. Occasionally I just can't resist.. or I'm in a mood where I think I can get away with 'em. *twinkly grin*

What I really want to do though, is help set this atmosphere that midnightpoet so cleverly highlighted. It's worthwhile. And yep, I too am grateful to anotherronism.

(...hopping off soapbox.... tucking it under my arm... wandering off with a quick backward grin at all of you delightful people... )

90. 29 Mar 2010 11:09


oh... about that copyright issue...

our user names function as nom-de-plumes or pseudonyms, and since they're provably connected to our 1st-life selves they do provide protection of our rights UNLESS we've signed those rights away as a condition of using the website (which appears not to be the case in ThinkDraw but should be checked for in any site to which you contribute).

91. 29 Mar 2010 11:56


the copyright thing was just something I threw in there to fit 'enfranchise' wasn't really a serious question. I didn't mean to stat and issue...

92. 29 Mar 2010 15:13


Midnightpoet, very beautiful things you said there. (Wish it didn't make me a bit sadder for 'being late' for this 'class'. I bet Anotherronism was an inspiration for all, not only on TW)

93. 29 Mar 2010 15:21


Q, They do have access to our personal emails, so that would be another condition of proving that YOU actually wrote that on such and such date. If anyone was going to promote these ramblings, it would have to be someone at ThinkDraw who has a connection to our personal emails. That would be cool.

94. 29 Mar 2010 15:29


You guys are so phenominal at drawing on ThinkDraw that I pretty much stopped doing it. If there is any commercial benefit, I don't know if the drawings could sell. Maybe the writing could. I'll drop that now.

95. 29 Mar 2010 17:13


Truthfully, I've got a book in my head that I'm thinkin of writing, about ThinkWrite, so if I ever decide to do that, I'll have to look into the copyright aspect, but until then, this is just for fun .

96. 29 Mar 2010 21:40


Ok… it’s time… (says Q, offering a little prayer to Life, The Universe, and Everything that I haven’t missed anyone AND that the length of this doesn’t crash the page…)

My quick summary with a tricky new twist –
each piece shows its first line or so, and its last –and between them, one other (purely by whim)


2. 23 Mar 2010 07:18-- GLAMOUR

I am flawless.
--The forest of keys and tones has again Mesmerized me.
Eight years and no emblem or badge to wear.


5. 23 Mar 2010 12:27 -- A Fishy Look, A Sexy Eve, and a Little Dare

I’m writing in The First Person Coffee Shop.
--He is wearing a fig leaf and drinking coffee.
The next napkin says, “The Waters were First Persons before Adam. Dare to live like them.”


7. 23 Mar 2010 13:00 — Morgan

Morgan was enamored at the situation unfolding before his very eyes.
--Now it is his time to take on the family tradition for at least eight seasons.
Wish I may, wish I might …Have this wish I wish tonight


19. 24 Mar 2010 14:19 — Killer

He is grandiose.
--His legs jiggle incessantly, trying to dislodge what won’t move.
He didn't abandon his parents for what they did but it seems HIS children are gone, even the ones who stayed.


20. 24 Mar 2010 16:19 -- A Fishy Look, A Sexy Eve, and a Little Dare

In my mind, Jon's 'Enfranchising Waterways in Urban Environments' became the birthplace of Mr. Neanderthal fish eyes on the right side of the mural.
--"And disobey God? God's my dad. You're just my wife."
The audience is naked by now. Back to the Garden is our cause. Adam and Eve parented us.


25. 24 Mar 2010 22:43 -- The Price of Freedom

I stand on deck and gladly turn my face into the spray.
--He called me Mariposa but that was not my name.
Foolish really, my kind don’t believe in forgiveness.


30. 25 Mar 2010 11:44 – Enfranchise

Elven masks swirling in a pool of blood enfranchising the onlookers into believing that they have seen rare ghosts or a multitude of paranormal misshapen entities enfranchised with one solemn oath from the forest god Zura.
--These high society quixmickles wear their emblem proudly as they suck the life out of everything around them disenfranchising the weak and timid turning our world into one giant void that allows no escape….no retribution….no enfranchisement into what we believe true.
We live enfranchised in the belief that we are alive and the darkness and power mongers can live with THAT...


32. 25 Mar 2010 14:29 -- Elven Politics

A ring of hard-back chairs stand, glistening in the afternoon sun, on the stone plateau that juts out over the waterfall.
--He is the youngest elf on the council, and only because he has flawlessly translated all the languages of the forest, from bird to tree, a feat of which not many elders can boast.
The council was divided, forty-four for Vron, twenty-three against, six were undecided.


38. 26 Mar 2010 01:05 – A Single Tear

Miranda Forest is all of eight.
--Let her tiny heart, emblematic of the true power behind one’s soul, become a part of mine.
Where she had once given in to the beauty of the gorge’s view, she now had a different one filled with sadness and eternal melancholy.


39. 26 Mar 2010 03:28 – [ commentary, no title, but fulfilling The List and count]

It's pulling midnight here; I'm trying to pretend I’ve actually been enfranchised, like with some sort of life beyond work.
--BUT not til AFTER you’d created tension and exhilaration… the shift… magic… the character’s ability to be taken as human through almost all of it…
Eight, no, nine so far… Four days left….


40. 26 Mar 2010 05:44 – AT LAST

"Yo, heave Ho, and a bott'l o' Rum"
--Their flawless temples, their grandiose golden statues - all destroyed in a week.
I'm underwater drowning. Release at last. Sweet last.


43. 26 Mar 2010 18:05 -- ThinkWrite

There have been many times …When inspiration has gone sour …And I wonder just how rhymes …Can possibly have power.
--Doug is the sneaky word artist …He knows how to twist things around …He probably should be a hypnotist …Every time he leaves me spell-bound
So why not try your hand …At some sort of a tale …We’d love to encourage you and …We’ll try to never blackmail.


49. 27 Mar 2010 00:46 – “Fate”

The concept of fate is slippery, hard to grasp, even harder to accept.
--You get trapped in this dichotomy...wanting to be free and wanting to believe in something greater.


52. 27 Mar 2010 06:51 – A Single Tear …by Doug …Chapter Two – The Violet (for Qsilv ... 309 words)

On Ether-Nine, Archangel Guiseppi is sipping sweet Jasmine Tea.
--“Considering I’m a lesser-angel, don’t have complete set of wings, what-not, think there’s no harm in forgetting a few rules.”
There is. One tiny, deep purple violet.


65. 27 Mar 2010 18:38 – EightH

Grandiose representation.
--Through my ears, he only breaks the silence with words of emptiness.
It only grates my dreams and leaves me with H-Eight!


80. Yesterday 04:12 –

Outer space is my home away from home.
--You probably don't get emails where you are, but I'll just send this to myself and maybe you'll feel it.
It's weird out here. No windows - no doors.


84. Yesterday 12:31 –

Wednesday, March 31, 2010, will mark one year since the absent anotherronism started ThinkWrite and I started on this journey through a forest of creativity.
--Would that grate on the flawless beauty and freedom we have in these forum threads?
ThinkWrite is the calm within the storm of my life.


17 entries from 9 of us… You guys ROCK!!! …LOL

hmmm… just checked my last one, XXXIII – yep, that ran 15 pieces from 7 contributors. So, comparable, maybe a skosh better… hard to say, really.

I think this time we did a little less literary dissection, but a strong fiber of philosophizing ran through it all. It felt safe to do that. Trust, a rare thing, seems abundant here –and justified.

The support between us all feels wonderful. Not cloying, because lord knows we can and do get in there and tinker with each other’s stuff! But the camaraderie is unquestionable.

Thank you!


……………….our next leader

……………………………⠦………… is………………………………

……………………………… €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦..………..Dragon!! !


97. 29 Mar 2010 21:41


With the way your word list was laid out, Q, I had to try another alliterative piece. No title. 4-syllable is environment. 309 words, and I didn't cheat on emblem this time.

Gah! Good gods, if I had to guess I'd say that's the most grossly grandiose gadget that's ever graced this good earth. I would gladly grate it into the ground until nothing is left but gizmos and goo-dads. I guess I'm not so good with the greatly increasing technological goodies every girl and guy is so anxious to get their grubby paws on. I say, got to keep it simply, by golly. These gadgets and gizmos and glitzy-glam devices are no good. You can't get away from the gadgets no matter where you go. They give me goose bumps. Good, golly, it's ghastly.

It's frightening how flawlessly these new-fangled, freaky devices have forced their way into our freedom. What's with people fighting on facebook? No one talks face-to-face anymore. One fad fades only to be fast replaced by another fad, and god forbid you're not in on the fad, that's quite the faux-pas. Frequently, first graders flip out a phone, and for what? Fervent campers can even get service in a forerst. What cruel fate has forced these technological fads upon us? Forget frequent visits to your family, you can find them on twitter or facebook or myspace, or any fantastic new friend page they follow.

It's been franchised, enfranchised, disenfranchised, embellished, elaborated, extinguished. Everything has an expiration date, eventually worn out and replaced with something exciting and new. Employers, employees, big business. Everything's moving, changing, evolving, and the consumer is encouraged to keep up with the times. Eventually we'll all wear emblems, able to do everything the existing gadgets do and more. In eight generations, everyone will be evolved, our society edited, and everything electronic. Egomaniacs edging to take control, everyone wants their cut. Eventually, electronic exoskeletons for everyone. Is that any way to exist? What about the environment? Our Ecosystem? Isn't that more important that evolving electronically?

98. 29 Mar 2010 21:52


....reading... re-reading... bursting out laughing....
oooh midnight that is soooo the sort of thing I'd do!!!

And please folks, go ahead and feel quite free to add pieces to the thread that carries the word list you used .... YES EVEN OLD ONES... (this is a subject that has come up before)

We run on principles, not rules per se!

99. 30 Mar 2010 04:26


Yeah, midnighty, you express my sentiments too! I tell everyone, do NOT want a cell-phone that takes pics, writes emails, checks the weather, twitters or texts or plays tunes ... but hey, if it will vacuum that might be good. Otherwise, NO!

LOVE THIS: "Eventually, electronic exoskeletons for everyone." Haha! Guess we'd have to recharge at night?

100. 30 Mar 2010 04:27


Ooops ... have never thought of you as "midnighty" and don't know where that came from!!!