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Aaahh, Login.. your Jack is a man after my own heart.. the 'phone is there for YOUR convenience, not anyone else's..

.. and Midnight.. one of the REALLY, REALLY good things about a mobile 'phone, is that you can call '000' or '999' (or whatever the emergency number is) immediately.. and that could mean your life, or your kid's or some stranger's..


My other half finally decided he needed one, for when he needs me to pick him up somewhere. The problem is, he only turns it on when he wants to use it. If I want to get hold of him, i can't.


Thank you Qsilv (and everyone!). I'll get a new word list out shortly as soon as I have a chance to think of one.

As for cell phones I happily have one but only use it as a phone (and occacionally a camera when I don't have my real camera and see something I just have to show my sweetie) but I don't think kids should have them and I think they should be outlawed in schools and movie theaters (seriously, if your so important that you can't turn your phone off for 2 hours then you just don't get to go out to movies).
I have a friend who recently got her first cell phone and we were all absolutly agog when we found out, we thought she'd never get one. She had always said she just didn't need one but suddenly realized that every time she was out somewhere she was repeatedly asking her friends if she could use theirs and that made her figure maybe she did need one after all.


Marius...I tell everyone, I do NOT want a cell phone. Period. I'm one of the only people I know without a cell phone. I really don't see a need for one, and I really, really hate most technology.


Wow. I was really out of it last night (this morning, technically...) when I posted just before going to pass out, I didn't realize that Q must've posted while I was posting.

Congrats, Dragon!