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81. 25 Oct 2009 17:29


hey, Login. You were right about this site. I think I like the writing best. I don't have anywhere near the expertise in drawing that you guys have, but that's fun, too. Stay in there.

82. 26 Oct 2009 07:32


“Going Home”

A spider crawled along the window pane. I watched with fascination at the way all eight legs cooperated to send it scuttling along the glass.

It stopped and looked at me. I know it’s impossible to tell where a spider is looking with all those eyes, but I swear it was staring at me.

“Uh…can I help you?” I asked quietly, feeling this was a perfectly normal thing to do, but not wanting anyone else to overhear me.

It became surrounded with a viridescent glow, and I leaned in closer with curiosity.

The world went black and my stomach churned as though it had been placed in a centrifuge. Flashes of color popped before my eyes and I felt my feet leave the ground.

I wished for a guardian angel to pull me out of this strange spiral, but it was in vain. There are no angels on Halloween night, save for those in costumes purchased at Wal*Mart.

My feet hit ground again, sending a jolt through my body. My knees turned to jelly and I collapsed.

I was back in my living room, but it wasn’t right. There were no voices coming from the kitchen where costumed partiers had been hanging around the keg. There was no sound of trick-or-treaters in the street….there was no sound at all.

I stood up on shaky legs, a task made even more difficult by the platform shoes that were part of my exotic costume.

A translucent figure glided past the window that the spider had been crawling across. Was it a poltergeist, or just an ordinary ghost?

I nervously twirled my fingers in the strings of beads around my neck, as though they were a talisman that could save me from this place.

I never heard it come up behind me. I could see my bookcase through its middle, and it was a uniform shade of pale white, the only deviation from this being the crimson blood dripping from the kitchen knife in its hand.

“Welcome home,” it said, without moving its mouth, the voice seeming ooze from the walls.

Suddenly, it all clicked into place, and I felt peace as the blade pierced my heart.

83. 26 Oct 2009 08:00


Midnight Poet
Oh what webs we weave when we practice to deceive--the spider was a deceiver. I went right along with you . Great Halloween story>

84. 26 Oct 2009 09:41


Good to have you back writing again midnightpoet. Great story. Love the twisty quality it had.

85. 26 Oct 2009 15:54


Good story, midnight. Welcome back.

86. 26 Oct 2009 16:18


Oh, gosh. Creepy. "Welcome home".

87. 27 Oct 2009 06:46


midnightpoet: Great story with a very violent ending twist, but not a twist at all, but a "stabber". lol. I think you need to stick around ThinkWrite, you have talent.

88. 27 Oct 2009 06:54


Ok, first I'd like to thank all of you for your participation in this chapter of ThinkWrite and I especially not only enjoyed the stories, but the banter back and forth. It was quite a Halloween Spooktacular!

I'm going to pass the torch to mouse for "Medicine man." A lot of the stories drew me in with very visual images and compelling stories. Mouses' story was the one that struck me most with the Indian ritual references and the spinning of the talisman and the big ending. So, mouse your the torchbearer for ThinkWriteXXVI. I look forward to your word list.

89. 27 Oct 2009 07:13


Congratulations mouse. It was a good story, very well told. 'Looking forward to ThinkWrite XXVI.

90. 27 Oct 2009 09:37


Good choice, Doug.