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Good choice, Doug.


Congratulations mouse. It was a good story, very well told. 'Looking forward to ThinkWrite XXVI.


Ok, first I'd like to thank all of you for your participation in this chapter of ThinkWrite and I especially not only enjoyed the stories, but the banter back and forth. It was quite a Halloween Spooktacular!

I'm going to pass the torch to mouse for "Medicine man." A lot of the stories drew me in with very visual images and compelling stories. Mouses' story was the one that struck me most with the Indian ritual references and the spinning of the talisman and the big ending. So, mouse your the torchbearer for ThinkWriteXXVI. I look forward to your word list.


midnightpoet: Great story with a very violent ending twist, but not a twist at all, but a "stabber". lol. I think you need to stick around ThinkWrite, you have talent.


Oh, gosh. Creepy. "Welcome home".