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81. 3 Jul 2009 18:02


"It only", not "I only"

82. 3 Jul 2009 18:08


I can't see that I would be much better off with a personal ID, because even they get picked on, Matthew for instance. Even a newcomer got picked on a while back, for writing lol on another artists pic!

83. 3 Jul 2009 18:11


I certainly did not criticize Iam for not drawing. Iam stated, about a connection to people, as he/she felt no one understood.
I merely suggested maybe drawing would help others to understand he/she, a little more.
You can learn alot about someone through their drawings. Also Iam is about criticism, whether it's positive or negative.

84. 3 Jul 2009 18:58


The "lol" was misinterpreted by someone who was not used to the acronym -- words get misinterpreted (apparently the word meant something insulting in another person's language) The person who thought lol was an insult was also a newcomer. Misunderstandings happen, and get cleared up, as that one did. Matthew played a practical joke with the OVB ID, which some did not take as a practical joke. I am not sure he'll ever persuade some people that it was a joke; that's is one of the things that can happen with practical jokes even in the offline world.

At least if you used a personal ID that belonged only to you, it would only be you and your comments would not be discounted because they could have come from anyone and you would not be tainted by whatever else someone said "in your name".

85. 3 Jul 2009 19:01


hmmm... I used IamAnonymous and ThinkdrawUs a few times. Frankly I'd have enjoyed using it lots more.

But now it feels a bit like I'd be invading someone else's space, even tho they're only there under 'squatter's rights' ...anyway, in the current highly sensitized social climate, for me it's just not worth the (potential/probable) hassle.

There WAS an oddly lovely feeling in creating a piece there and trusting that someone else wouldn't come in and delete it. Even tho they could, they just... well... wouldn't. Halcyon days. ;>

My feeling is that Five hit it pretty exactly. Teasing especially (tho really any humor) is stunningly difficult to pull off in a foreign language. And the internet really is a foreign language -- in fact it's a whole new culture, populated with precocious children.

Toss any group of people together anywhere under stress (core stress factor here being the voting system), and their vulnerabilities come into play - embarrassingly, more often than not.

I'm quite fond of ALL you folks, even when I feel my eyebrow go soaring skyward at your doings now'n'then.

86. 3 Jul 2009 20:21


*** This post has been removed at the request of our users. ***

87. 4 Jul 2009 16:01


Five, the lol newbie has deleted all their pics, so they couldn't have been happy about the episode.
Qsilv, I accept that Iam is not exclusive. I am a very responsible squatter and I personally would never delete anyone else's pic, so I hope yours are still there.
Wonder what zoyi said? P'raps best not knowing.

88. 4 Jul 2009 16:54


zoyi was selling watches (and goodness knows what else) on the black market.

89. 4 Jul 2009 16:59


S'pose we look a bit like ebay!?

90. 4 Jul 2009 17:59


Odd, it seemed resolved at the time it happened, and the confusion over "lol" clearly was a language miscommunication. Sorry to see Waterlily gone. Doesn't change the fact that you'll never get away from the negative baggage associated with the IAM multi-ID.

91. 4 Jul 2009 19:29


Two clarificatioins:
1. zoyi did not have any pictures to delete! I checked that out the minute I saw weird advertising from zoyi for cheap watches. Then discovered that zoyi had hit tons of forum "threads" (what are they called? topics, threads?). Since I was not impressed with zoyi's "artistic selling," figured TD would not be impressed either. Seems they weren't. : )

2. person with confusion over meaning of lol has not deleted a single picture. She is still here.

So - I'm guessing all is well. Happy 4th to all, happy drawing and sweet dreams!

92. 4 Jul 2009 20:05


marius, the person who was going to leave over the LOL comment is Ria90, and yes she is still here. The person who made the comment , waterlily, has left the site blaming me, for her/his displeasure. I did apologize to her/him twice, but he/she stated, at this time it was not a enviroment he/she wish to be in for the moment.
I could say more, but there is already too much drama here!!

93. 5 Jul 2009 05:26


See lilalee, once again I find out I only know parts of a story - which means I know nothing! (big smile here). It's hard when you apologize and it isn't received. Sorry that happened, but, glad you're still here! I think you give every new-comer a boost - and it means a lot to them, I can verify that! It's not just your comments that encourages - your art talent comes through with ideas of fun, play, happiness, hope and love. Thanks for that too!!! : )

94. 5 Jul 2009 15:04


I love a bit of drama.