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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XLIX

61. 2 Jul 2010 11:10


Giraffe...i have been writing most of my life...and until a couple years ago, even after i learned to touch type 120 words per minute, i wrote everything out by hand before tying it: my poems, papers for school, 13 chapters of one book i was writing, 10 chapters of another. it took a long time to teach my brain to think with my fingers on a keyboard instead of a pen. and now i've gone back to that. since ive been without a computer, everything ive posted on here has been written out by hand first, whether a story or poem, short post like this, or long post dictated to the muse. i keep five different hand written journals. ive not lost the art of writing by hand...i have severe recurring tendonitis in my left wrist because of it. thank you for expanding my did it justice. and, doug, im going to have to give your expanded story aonther read...something didnt click in my brain there.

62. 2 Jul 2010 16:41


Kudos, Midnight. Just for example, can you imagine someone like Wagner writing a 3 hour opera, the singers learning their lines and the symphony playing it when all they had were scribes and guys on horseback? The singers and musicians were all local townspeople - bakers, butchers, seamstressess, maids, cops. How did they do that?

63. 3 Jul 2010 02:49


It is amazing, g. We live in a generation spoiled by technology. and I rant on technology all the time, but here I am posting on internet forums from a cell phone, becuase as much as I hate it, I'm just as spoiled as everyone else.

64. 3 Jul 2010 18:50


93 words

Flatulence went unnoticed to the entranced audience, they sat attentive as if he were a conductor tapping his wand on the podium to ready the orchestra. His expatriation omitted from his "life story" the enervate crowd would hear only what they chose . Avariciousness never entered their minds as this " Messenger" preached, then as if on cue, he languidly stretched his arms out,the sleeves of his ornate silk caftan draped to the floor and they lined up to grovel at his feet on the way to the cashier to deflate their bank accounts.

65. 3 Jul 2010 18:53


My short story is not meant to offend anyone in anyway, It's the only thing I could come up with using those key words.

66. 4 Jul 2010 06:32


Well, yes bhughes. I'm extremely offended. Can't you keep the farts out from the nuns' habits? This was really good. I'll probably add to it later.

67. 4 Jul 2010 22:59


Uh oh ! Giraffe I saw your bio. about the fart jokes. I looked for other definitions for the word flatulence thought I found one that said "portentously overblown" (kind of funny as I thought Pompous) when I went back to double check I could not find the same def. Oh well. Can't wait to see yours.

68. 4 Jul 2010 23:12


Oh I also had to edit out words like circus tent , I hoped that the quotation marks around Messenger and life story would depict a fraud.

69. 5 Jul 2010 03:06


Good challenge, bhughes. You seem to like to use funny inuendos. That's not stupid humor. Let me name it.


Peter and I were holding hands in the taxi on our way to the performance. He kept glancing at me and I at him. I was too shy to speak and he was too lusty not to. I noticed his circus tent many times.

Once we were seated, and the orchestra started, I was more comfortable. My emotional flatulence went unnoticed to the entranced audience. They sat attentive as if he were a conductor tapping his wand (I'd call it more like a flag pole) on the podium of my leg to ready the orchestra.

His expatriation from Russia was always omitted from his "life story". We're listening to Shostakovich and the enervate crowd would hear only what they chose . They also chose to ignore his amourous advances toward me.

Avariciousness never entered their minds. I was only out for his money. Who would win?

The conductor (as if this "Messenger" preached), did the opposite of what they had rehearsed. He made them go fast through the slow passages and drag out the fast ones. Then as if on cue, he languidly stretched his arms out,the sleeves of his ornate silk caftan draped to the floor and they lined up to grovel at his feet. Some were throwing tomatoes. This was an odd event. Conducting backwards and Peter's flag pole. On the way home, we both knew what was going to happen.

We went to an "all night" banking outlet and asked the cashier to deflate our bank accounts.

Mine was bigger. I got all the money and I'm sure even Stravinski would smile on me.

70. 5 Jul 2010 05:02


Very funny Giraffe, I had a smile on my face when I wasn't laughing out loud throughout the whole story starting with the use of circus tent. You are good.

71. 5 Jul 2010 05:23


I'm glad you liked that. It's very trashy, but more entertaining than politically blogging. You should stick around and write some more stories.

72. 5 Jul 2010 05:38



73. 5 Jul 2010 06:36


I'm at a computer!!

My muse and I are deliberating on the torch passing, so as of now, entries for consideration are closed (feel free to post more though).

We'll be back to you once we've made a decision.

74. 5 Jul 2010 07:03


We've deliberated, and we've come to a decision.

I loved the response to the bonus challenge, we decided to only consider the 93-word stories for torch passing.

First, an overview...

Giraffe - "The Concert"
"If my farting enervates anyone, they can always move."

Five - "She's a Lady"
"If she ignored him, she could make him grovel."

Giraffe - "Who is He?"
" Like flatulence, there's only one escape valve."

Five - "Goodbye and All That"
"With a deflated smile, she released him from his promise."

Five - "Unforgivable"
"Alvin wore shorts. He wanted a caftan like a sultan. Cardinals get robes, maybe shorts underneath."

Qsilv - "Tea for Two (or three or four or more…)"
"The younger women -- still at the entranced-by-avariciousness stage -- wanted their toys to inflate, deflate, grovel on command."

Doug - Untitled
"Bright blue orbs energized by enervated ions dancing crazily through a mystic portal only deflated by the mist hanging like drapery along the outer walls."

Bhughes - Untitled
"Flatulence went unnoticed to the entranced audience, they sat attentive as if he were a conductor tapping his wand on the podium to ready the orchestra."

We were torn between two...

We talked about it...

Thought about it...

Both were so good...

But in the was one that stood out...

The story was clear, coherent, intelligent. The words fit without being forced...

Congratulations, Bhughes...the torch is all yours. Please start a new thread (ThinkWrite L) with your choice of a word list and count and any other rules you feel like throwing at us.

Thank you everyone else for participating. I've had a rough couple of weeks and being able to do this made it more bearable. See ya'll in the next one!

75. 5 Jul 2010 10:38


Wow !!! Thank you Midnightpoet and Muse. Seems like I'm having a good day. I will try to challenge everyone as you did within a couple of days. As for now I proudly hold the torch.

76. 5 Jul 2010 12:18


Good, thoughtful choice midnight. Be huge, don't wait too long. Can't wait to see your list.

77. 6 Jul 2010 10:06


Congrats bhughes! I'm not too proud to say that I was wondering what in the world the next roman numeral would be after XLIX so I looked it up. It's "L" (fifty). Waiting for that word list. Congrats on the TOP5 pic too!

78. 7 Jul 2010 11:14


I suggest if we don't get a new list soon, we just make it a free-for-all. No list or word limit. Then maybe take a vote on the next TBer.

79. 7 Jul 2010 11:31


No offense, but I think that's a terrible idea, giraffe. Anyway, B accepted the torch. give her some time. she said it would be a couple days. And if she doesn't post one up by the end of the week, then I'll consider passing the torch off to someone else. free-for-all with no list or limit is NOT thinkwrite...not even close.

80. 7 Jul 2010 15:49


Sorry about the tardiness. Midnightpoet, I will do something by the end of today.