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Sorry about the tardiness. Midnightpoet, I will do something by the end of today.


No offense, but I think that's a terrible idea, giraffe. Anyway, B accepted the torch. give her some time. she said it would be a couple days. And if she doesn't post one up by the end of the week, then I'll consider passing the torch off to someone else. free-for-all with no list or limit is NOT thinkwrite...not even close.


I suggest if we don't get a new list soon, we just make it a free-for-all. No list or word limit. Then maybe take a vote on the next TBer.


Congrats bhughes! I'm not too proud to say that I was wondering what in the world the next roman numeral would be after XLIX so I looked it up. It's "L" (fifty). Waiting for that word list. Congrats on the TOP5 pic too!


Good, thoughtful choice midnight. Be huge, don't wait too long. Can't wait to see your list.