Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mean people

61. 15 Jun 2010 05:57


Danila I think this is happening to you because when they started on
me you made a comment and I agree this is totally annoying....but that's
what they want to do. They like to get us worked up....I wanted to ignore
them, but they have added more comments to my pic Girlfriends and I have
asked that the comments be removed. I also agree with captmurdock. But
it would be nice to get rid of these TD bullies!

62. 15 Jun 2010 12:27



63. 16 Jun 2010 10:58


i hope that by "mean people" you weren't talking about me cause if you read all the previous comments you will se that i am not mean and am not even trying to be was just a miss understanding and neither me nor sarahad meant to hurt anyone, so i just wanted to put it out there cause some people like for example alexi, just put whatever they want from looking at the two comments above thier own. Also i think that before someone puts a comment that offends someone...they should know the whole story, well that's all i have to say and if anyone disagrees, just say the way i'm sorry to name names alexi but i just needed a good example.

64. 16 Jun 2010 11:38


what's all this about mean people...i know that they exist butt still...look at my stuff!

65. 16 Jun 2010 11:46



66. 16 Jun 2010 11:48


sniff sniff. (I have a cold) and i am realy upset if you really knew me i never wanted to be in this mess i am just a 11 year old kid who happends to like art!

67. 20 Jun 2010 12:09


Mimi, I read the whole thing, it seems like you noticed that there wasn't really a fight, they could of figured it out for themselves, you stuck yourself in there on purpose. Next time, (and i know this is none of my business), mind your own business.

68. 10 Jul 2010 13:44


r u kidding me i know about what i did when i first saw this i told her the rest i just felt bad to leave so everything i said i didnt mean it (most things) but what gets me really mad is that everyone is on my back (almost everyone

69. 10 Jul 2010 14:12


mimilove68, I am "mad" at you getting involved in something that is none of your business, carrying it on for such a long time, making all of us see it over and over, and not knowing how to spell important words in your messages.

How about you drop this petty feud?

Here are some works you could try making.

70. 10 Jul 2010 15:29


Hey, I got an idea. Let's pretend this thread never existed, so that people can stop replying to these posts.

If all you future/current commentators haven't noticed, you're really just contributing to the drama.

and for future readers, take note that mimilove is only 11, she wasn't doing all of this on purpose; she was only believing what she thought was right, which was defending her best friend. Sheesh. I'm sure all of us have done something similar to this situation before (having your friend's back when he or she is in some kind of trouble).

P.S. Knowing I may get some sort of reply from this, I'm hoping I don't because this thread no longer exists, remember? :]

71. 11 Jul 2010 05:36


Hi Think Draw.. can we PLEASE get this thread shifted to the Community forum ?

72. 11 Jul 2010 18:22


hey i only maid that long thing for a joke cause this is from the past so its something to look back and laught at but i understand if people cant take a simple joke and have to get into my buiness without staying in there owne so i am cool with that and will now ignore them (or get my revange (wink wink nuge nuge))

PS: thankyou chinky for stading up for me none of this messeg is for you other than the thankyou that is ment for you

73. 13 Jul 2010 18:31


just a joke to me

74. 15 Jul 2010 06:54


i cant find ur simpsons pic!