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i cant find ur simpsons pic!


just a joke to me


hey i only maid that long thing for a joke cause this is from the past so its something to look back and laught at but i understand if people cant take a simple joke and have to get into my buiness without staying in there owne so i am cool with that and will now ignore them (or get my revange (wink wink nuge nuge))

PS: thankyou chinky for stading up for me none of this messeg is for you other than the thankyou that is ment for you


Hi Think Draw.. can we PLEASE get this thread shifted to the Community forum ?


Hey, I got an idea. Let's pretend this thread never existed, so that people can stop replying to these posts.

If all you future/current commentators haven't noticed, you're really just contributing to the drama.

and for future readers, take note that mimilove is only 11, she wasn't doing all of this on purpose; she was only believing what she thought was right, which was defending her best friend. Sheesh. I'm sure all of us have done something similar to this situation before (having your friend's back when he or she is in some kind of trouble).

P.S. Knowing I may get some sort of reply from this, I'm hoping I don't because this thread no longer exists, remember? :]