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61. 3 May 2010 08:13


Can't even start to tell you how happy I am to see all this examples! New or old, they are welcome here (I know there many more on TD, maybe it would be nice to keep the challenges as collections after closing them...).
Chelydra, that was more than generous of you! Thank you for taking the time to post them all here. And not to worry about classifying certain artists. Personally, I think there are a lot of artists who should not be 'labelled' in any way, given the complexity of their work or simply their unique style.
Watzup, it's nice to see you joining. Banksy is a great joice. Modern, satirical and clever. Just my kind, lol. Hope to see some new pics from you as well.

62. 3 May 2010 09:07


Hi Shanley! What a great idea! Thanks for mentioning my Warhol attempt at Liz Taylor too. I really like his stuff. Dali and the surrealists are also facinating. I had a go at Dali's 'glalatea of the spheres in Nov 2008!

and this one is Dali's

I know which one I prefer! Lol!
Another old Dali of mine

and my own surreal pic, done mor recently.

63. 3 May 2010 09:10


Sorry that link doesn't work. Try this

64. 3 May 2010 10:59


Just tried Galatea again - that was hard! Dali certainly knew what he was about!

65. 3 May 2010 10:59


66. 3 May 2010 11:45


let mi add just a little one...
after Magritte and (again) the Surrealism

here the infos
and the original

67. 3 May 2010 14:50


A touch of Pop Art. Never mind it's not Andy's brand of soup.

68. 4 May 2010 08:07


Well, after taking one more look at this beautiful collection, i feel bad enough ...because I have to pass the torch to only one person. I hope you're all as aware and proud of creating so wonderful pics. I am very delighted to see that most of you took this challenge seriously and pushed art to new boundaries. Hopefully, we have all improved or at least learned something new.
With all this being said, I'd like to thank all the participants - Belladonis, Clorophilla, Chelydra, Five, Mum23, Normal, Puzzler, Stevedover- and also to Luna, Qsilv and Watzup for adding their older pics to the challenge/collection.
The next TD-er in charge of Mugdots Challenge will be Chelydra (i will admit that the older pics did a great job by refreshing memory) - 'Madonna after Munch' would make a great 'course' for any art explorer and the 'Girl in the mirror' <shifted> my opinion regarding Picasso's work!

69. 4 May 2010 09:13


Well, thanks for this honor! Now what? I guess I should concoct a challenge, set a deadline, and sit back to watch the artworks roll in? Any suggestions & guidelines will be much appreciated, thanks.

70. 4 May 2010 10:28


Okay, I think I have something in mind... Well, no, the problem is I have a few different things in mind... I'll be back later to share, and maybe take a quick vote if I'm feeling democratic...

71. 4 May 2010 10:43


Congrats Chelydra!
Thanks Shanley for an intriguing challenge. It deserves to run as a collection.

72. 4 May 2010 12:23


Thank you Puzzler.
Chelydra, you've got the picture right . Think of one subject, idea, etc. Start a new topic saying what it's going to be about. The deadline is usually one week later...not always,depending on inconveniences (holidays, etc.). Casting your vote is something at your own choice. All you have to do is be an honorable a manner of speaking of course. The subject may be anything you find difficult to draw, interesting or simply fun. Don't know what else I should mention...

73. 4 May 2010 13:32


No democracy, I decided. And my strong clear ideas of a few hours ago all faded away, replaced by another, although I'm not sure what to call it yet. Mild Cubism seems best. See you all over at Mugdots Challenge LV!