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No democracy, I decided. And my strong clear ideas of a few hours ago all faded away, replaced by another, although I'm not sure what to call it yet. Mild Cubism seems best. See you all over at Mugdots Challenge LV!


Thank you Puzzler.
Chelydra, you've got the picture right . Think of one subject, idea, etc. Start a new topic saying what it's going to be about. The deadline is usually one week later...not always,depending on inconveniences (holidays, etc.). Casting your vote is something at your own choice. All you have to do is be an honorable a manner of speaking of course. The subject may be anything you find difficult to draw, interesting or simply fun. Don't know what else I should mention...


Congrats Chelydra!
Thanks Shanley for an intriguing challenge. It deserves to run as a collection.


Okay, I think I have something in mind... Well, no, the problem is I have a few different things in mind... I'll be back later to share, and maybe take a quick vote if I'm feeling democratic...


Well, thanks for this honor! Now what? I guess I should concoct a challenge, set a deadline, and sit back to watch the artworks roll in? Any suggestions & guidelines will be much appreciated, thanks.