Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge XXIII- Animation

61. 13 Aug 2009 13:17


62. 13 Aug 2009 15:50


63. 13 Aug 2009 23:08


Here's my first attempt at humor and animation.

64. 14 Aug 2009 04:58


Lots and lots of new faces. A special thanks to robin for getting the word out thru her comments on pics!. Five, you are trying so hard aren't you? I love your style. As for the newbies, you have made some great pieces with good and sometimes funny stories. Last day. I'll pick the next torchbearer saturday sometime. Just finished up 9 straight nights in a row so i'm sleeping most of the day. Will be on sometime tomorrow to do a final review. Any suggestions on who should be the winner?

65. 14 Aug 2009 06:07


Doug, I have to take my picture out of the challenge - after today, I won't have internet for a while. It was a great idea for a challenge - thanks to Robin for suggesting that I submit and thank you for your nice comment.

66. 14 Aug 2009 12:00


Just to show that I often have no clue what I'm doing... this one's silly, it's old, and it never "coulda been a contender" anyway.

The stuff you guys are doing is fabulous fun!

67. 15 Aug 2009 03:34


Good Morining Mugdots animators. It over. There has been some great stuff come out of this thread and as I said before I wouldn't be surprised to see at least one or maybe several of these "animated artworks" make it into the TOP 5. It was also nice to see a lot of new faces and you did terrific work. Coho and bigfoot, Peyton with a fabulous ever changing screens and many more. The two that impressed me the most were Robin and Matthew. Robin, your animation stories were fantastic and that is what I was looking for. But, Matthew, what can I say, from the wedding march to the "first ever" that I know of, human form walking accross the screen. And of course the angel ascension and the "night" animation. You got the stories, a bit of humor, and broke new ground in our slowly evolving "animation" toy on ThinkDraw. So are the torchbearer for the next Mugdots Challenge. I wish you luck. If you are unable to fulfill your duties (lol) let me know. Thanks again to Marius for giving me this opportunity and have a great day fellow TDers. I hope you had fun!!!

68. 15 Aug 2009 07:12


Oh well, too late.....

69. 15 Aug 2009 09:08


Luna: I already commented on this animation in the "gallery". This is beautiful and a great animation. I loved it!!

70. 15 Aug 2009 19:57


I nearly forgot to check this tonight... Thank you doug... & a special thanks to Luna for not getting the changing seasons in on time... lol That was a winner for sure...

I didn't think I was in the running here, though this challenge was most certainly a ton of fun... Give me till tomorrow night to come up with the next challenge as i am going to sleep now so I can drive home tomorrow in time to make it to church @ 4...

Don't know how I will top this challenge... Oh the pressure is on...