Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - CHALLENGE VIII - Tasteful Nudes

61. 5 Aug 2009 11:55


62. 5 Aug 2009 13:47



63. 5 Aug 2009 14:06


matthew, how exactly do you yourself define 'tasteful'?

64. 5 Aug 2009 14:11


Badur... Take 2...

65. 5 Aug 2009 14:30


Baldur, nude

66. 5 Aug 2009 14:31


matthew +l=Baldur

67. 5 Aug 2009 14:57


matthew are you acting out?

Don't make me punish you...

68. 5 Aug 2009 16:03


he likes spankings

69. 5 Aug 2009 19:58


I am going to miss this challenge when its gone... Nice to have seen the good works not censored...

70. 6 Aug 2009 15:14


Is everyone done drawing for the Nudes Challenge? I was going to wait until Thursday, midnight but if everyone is done I’ll pick a winner tonight. Let me know…

71. 6 Aug 2009 16:09


Ears one more nude!

72. 6 Aug 2009 20:24


I tried...

73. 7 Aug 2009 11:09


Ok, so I was having a blonde day yesterday, I was sure it was Wednesday! Someone could have said something…

Anywho since I missed my own deadline I’m going to pass this off right now, and hope the next in line won’t hold against me my tardiness.

I have to say ALL the Drawings were wonderful whether it was going for a laugh as Robin’s


or Lynn’s

I was surprised that I really enjoyed the abstract drawings as well like five’s

and gradie’s

I enjoyed too seeing the covers of some classic statuary. Ya’all did way better than my terrible attempt ant David or Apollo. Login’s

and awr65’s

were both very good.

I loved the Maxfield Parrish covers from gwinnyb

and pollyesther

And of course there were the pregnant beauties

from five

from awr65 and matthew’s

And who knew you could do a creditable nude in fruit?


was stunning and Luna’s

is just plain pretty.

There were two Fan Dancers, one from eliza

and one from belladonnis

It is this one that really caught my attention. bella did a new thing that opened a new door in my mind; she made a dark skinned woman.

In all my time here on TD while I’ve made many a body I’ve lamented the lack of a good skin tone in Flowers.

Well, she showed me an obvious one that’s been there right along, for that I’m passing the torch to her. I can’t believe I’ve missed it for that last 9 months!

bella, your dancer is quite bella herself. Good job.

And to everyone who participated, thank you for the support and the dialogue. I think this was a success on more than one level.

I look forward to seeing what belladonnis has up her sleeve…

74. 7 Aug 2009 12:44


A great choice... Congrats Bella...

75. 7 Aug 2009 15:23


Thank you so much!!! I have to say I'm very flattered, and again I'm so glad I found TD. I would like to share with you all why.
My mother had a love for painting, not professionally but for herself and her children and this as a young girl opened my creative side.
When I became a young women ready to start her life I decided I wanted a career in the art field, so off to college I went.
I found along the way that unlike my mother painting was not my strong point, but charcole and pastels were. I also learned that I had a talent in photography, and won several awards in college.
That was it, my choice was made and I started on my path. I wanted to be a nature photographer, travel for National Geographic and see the world. My journey along this path took me quite far but along the way like so many I came to a cross road that changed my direction forever and a new journey began. One that has given me my greatest joys and a very different career.
I put my charcoals and cameras away and put my creative mind to work in a different way, in the automotive manufacturing buisness for a German automotive company, and soon after motherhood.
When I found TD I realised that I had not drawn or used my camera for anything more than birthdays and social events for years. I tried it and found I loved it and with that I began drawing again whith my children. My oldest daughter who is 11 is a very talented artist, I am happy to say, just like her mother in charcoals and pastels and her younger sister who is 7 has a good eye with a camera. In finding TD I feel I have come back again to the memories I had as a young girl painting with her mother and I am now being able to give that special gift to my children as well.
I look forward to creating the challenge I hope I will not let anyone down!

76. 7 Aug 2009 15:41


This is a lovely story, Belladonnis, and a lovely tribute to how thinkdraw can touch all of our lives! Congratulations!

77. 10 Aug 2009 13:02


Isnt it strange at the things that can make a difference!

78. 10 Aug 2009 19:18


Thanks for sharing your art story with us belladonnis