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Thanks for sharing your art story with us belladonnis


Isnt it strange at the things that can make a difference!


This is a lovely story, Belladonnis, and a lovely tribute to how thinkdraw can touch all of our lives! Congratulations!


Thank you so much!!! I have to say I'm very flattered, and again I'm so glad I found TD. I would like to share with you all why.
My mother had a love for painting, not professionally but for herself and her children and this as a young girl opened my creative side.
When I became a young women ready to start her life I decided I wanted a career in the art field, so off to college I went.
I found along the way that unlike my mother painting was not my strong point, but charcole and pastels were. I also learned that I had a talent in photography, and won several awards in college.
That was it, my choice was made and I started on my path. I wanted to be a nature photographer, travel for National Geographic and see the world. My journey along this path took me quite far but along the way like so many I came to a cross road that changed my direction forever and a new journey began. One that has given me my greatest joys and a very different career.
I put my charcoals and cameras away and put my creative mind to work in a different way, in the automotive manufacturing buisness for a German automotive company, and soon after motherhood.
When I found TD I realised that I had not drawn or used my camera for anything more than birthdays and social events for years. I tried it and found I loved it and with that I began drawing again whith my children. My oldest daughter who is 11 is a very talented artist, I am happy to say, just like her mother in charcoals and pastels and her younger sister who is 7 has a good eye with a camera. In finding TD I feel I have come back again to the memories I had as a young girl painting with her mother and I am now being able to give that special gift to my children as well.
I look forward to creating the challenge I hope I will not let anyone down!


A great choice... Congrats Bella...