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Forums - Community - Pick your own top 5!

61. 3 Jul 2009 11:57


Well sometimes midnightpoet, we make mental notes to remember names, and I remembered your dad as John, as it is also my brothers name. We too have John passed down, my grandfather was a John, who immigrated here from Germany. My name was my mothers, and have four relatives named after her! My brother has a son, John, and the beat goes on!!

62. 3 Jul 2009 13:26


I have plenty of friends who know me as Baldur even though that is not my given name. Since it's my email address people who've met me in the internet era sometimes have assumed it's my real name, and often enough even after learning my name have stuck to using 'Baldur'.
I have a good friend named 'Bob' that I refer to as 'Blacksmith' for the same reason.

It almost seems that there is a phobia surrounding the name 'anonymous'. I haven't determined who this long-lost Think-Drawer actually is, but I question if all this craziness around him/her would have developed if their user name was something random like 'Chocoholic' or 'Snowman123'.
Would the angry mob have jumped down their throat with:
'You are the one vote bandit!'
'You are matthew!'
etc etc ?

63. 3 Jul 2009 13:30


Think of how many new artists sign onto this site every single day. Any of us could cease to be our current user ID and reappear as someone new.
Indeed with enough caution you need not ever be discovered either.
Also it would be very simple just not to allow yourself to get drawn into the debates and arguments. If you'd like to avoid them you need not even read them. Should curiosity force you to read them just don't post a reply.
That part is rather simple.

64. 3 Jul 2009 13:36


Baldur generally enjoys these exchanges of opinion, even when in moments of denseness he misses something crucial, like why old arguments lay dormant for months and then resurface with a vengeance.
I thought this had quieted down to a low simmer that would hold for at least a few months but apparently I missed the subtle seismic undercurrents pointing to a new eruption.

65. 3 Jul 2009 13:41


There are people on this site that I really like, and there are people here that I'm definitely less fond of.
In that respect it's like the real world.
I could never be saintly enough to love all my neighbors, the best I can manage is to avoid calling people I truly dislike names publically.
Even then I fail at times.

66. 3 Jul 2009 13:57


Dang it!!! Now I am missing all this good stuff to... lol... I really need to get away from work for a while...

67. 3 Jul 2009 14:07


FYI: Call my pool room (803) 957-POOL and ask for John & they will have no clue who that is... Then ask if Matthew is in & the phone will be handed to me... So I ask you... what is my real name?

My son is John, My father was John & generations before him were all John... My 1st name is John... But I am not John... Very few people know that my 1st name is John & I was quite surprised to see it show up here...

I feel like the Paparatzi have found me out... lol

68. 3 Jul 2009 14:16


The difference between any of our individual user IDs and IAM is that our passwords are not generally available for anyone and everyone to use the ID, so we assume any of us is the same us each time, whereas IAM could be anyone or everyone at any given time -- in this sense, it's one step more anonymous. Of course, one could make their password available to others, so you never really know how many people are using a single ID, but we tend to make the presumption that one ID=one "secret" password = that same person every time, and it's probably mostly correct as a presumption Even if we don't know an online user in real life the way we know someone face to face, each user tends to develop a single personality/identity, we get to "know" that person/personality by that ID, and we get "known" by that ID (which probably has the effect of moderating behavior much the same way it would face to face). This is not the case with a multi-person ID like IAM. Under the multi-ID, someone might feel one step freer in how they comment or treat others on the site. Using the multi-ID comes with all the negative and positive feelings others may associate with the ID.

IAM would only have gotten one vote per pic as an ID anyhow, so not sure much was gained by having the voting for IAM cutoff.

69. 3 Jul 2009 16:19


five, you took the words right out of my mouth. Indeed the problem is not in the name itself, in fact I think there is someone who's name is Anon or something of that nature. The problem is that I could log into the Iamanon. with the public password and go say some very nasty things to another artist and there's no way to tell which of us said it because any one else could also log on at any time under that name.

70. 3 Jul 2009 16:34


Thats what I've been talking about! Like I said we are all anonoymous! We really don't know each other, but the onfo we give here! So it gives me the right to go there and be vile? Then go back to my user name and be nice? Makes no sense!
I think Rachael and a few others work it out for a study on human behavior on the internet!
It's more like a daily soap! TD needed more drama, to keep their ratings up!!
Most got here through suduko, games!! We all like games, mystery! Everyone is artistic in one form or another, so here we are! Now's our chance to do evil!! Say, you?

71. 3 Jul 2009 16:49


Has no one got a good word for Iam? It matters not how much explanation I give, if people are perpetuating the myth by associating it with a "chance to do evil".

72. 3 Jul 2009 17:07


Well then, if I see a drawing I like, I give a comment. If I see one I am not attracted to, I pass. We each have different taste. It's a drawing site, where one draws, they can go to the forum and write, compete at a challenge, and just talk! But, it's still a drawing site.

So if a see a drawing I like, why would I use your user, to comment on a pic? I have my own! I can give constructive criticism, or make a negatice comment with my own user name! -c +v

Maybe I just don't understand what you are offering. Maybe it's not about evil, but hurting one's feelings, insulting their work, that they are so proud of. I just can't do that.

I worked in a small gallery for three years, and not once could I say to some one, or the artist, that I didn't like the art. It just wasn't attractive to me! My opinion, I kept to myself.

My good word for you is, draw! Let your soul speak to us through your art.

73. 3 Jul 2009 17:21


We must agree to differ. You are never going to see my point of view and I cannot get my head around yours. What I see as constructive comments, which other drawing forums welcome, you see as being hurtful, What I see as teasing, you see as insults. I cannot do right. I am not "offering" anything, I am just being me.

74. 3 Jul 2009 17:29


(@_@) Miss you so muchhh...alz of you is my "Top 5" in my heart.....!!:)

75. 3 Jul 2009 17:33


Well, be you. You will be fine with your critique! I just can not embrace, the idea of using your site to, for myself, to comment, good, bad, or constructive. I shall use my own.
I have been to other sites, and truefully, most are very artsey(sp). TD, has a good amount of really good artist. But, I think the majority are here for fun and friendship.
So, Iam, please be yourself, and as I mentioned in the last thread, please take time out to draw. It is fruit for the soul!

76. 3 Jul 2009 17:35


Hello, Ria, as I said earlier, I miss you!! Your youth, smile, and espically your drawings!! Hope you visit for awhile!!

77. 3 Jul 2009 17:36


There's nothing wrong with "constructive" comments or critique (it's only one person's opinion, after all); however, there are kind ways and unkind ways to be constructive, and if it's done unkindly, it can be destructive. "Teasing" isn't always taken as a tease by the recipient and can end up being very hurtful. If you know the person, and know they "get" the teasing, it's not an issue. Kind of like practical jokes -- they can be funny to you and a whole lot unfunnyier to the butt of the joke.

If one uses a multi-ID to give constructive criticism, the criticism is bound to be tainted with the negative associations that multi-ID has garnered (even if you aren't the one that wrote the things that gave the ID negative associations), and it probably makes it that much more likely that the "tease" will be seen as mean, not funny. Why not recognize that and use a personal ID rather than the multi-user ID to give the constructive criticism/teases?

78. 3 Jul 2009 17:46


Five, I agree. I could go to Iam, login, make a comment, and provide enough info, to let the artist think I was, say, you for example.
I don't mind teasing, in fact, I love most humor. But, be careful, as some don't have that sense, when it comes to their work.
This is pretty much a happy site, and there is enough drama in the forum, if one wants that.

79. 3 Jul 2009 17:57


I don't see why you criticize Iam for not drawing. I spend a great deal of time hanging out on this site, and I almost never draw, because that's not what I'm here for, even though it is a drawing site. No one gets on my case because of this...

80. 3 Jul 2009 18:01


By the way, I thought the original idea behind the IAM ID -- to give people who wanted it the chance to draw not associated with their personal ID and all the ego/competitive stuff that can get associated with our personal IDs/identities -- was a nice one that might free some up as they experimented with their drawing, though an idea that gives up being personally acknowledged. I also thought the group picture idea -- thinkdrawus -- was a fun one. I only seems to become an issue with comments and the forum.