Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mean people

41. 24 May 2010 20:01


I think it's unnecessary to be mad until Sarah apologizes... Cause you know... She probably isn't on and doesn't check the forums very often... So it may take a little while before she even notices this thread. I think it would be better to be mad After she responds if she refuses to apologize, but I think she will so no need to be mad anyways, since it IS a misunderstanding in all... and people tend to not ask the person what's up with their attitude. We automatically assume things and stick with our assumptions. Sarah Assumed porky was yelling, and didn't like it, and porky Assumed she was playing around so she continues, so now Sarah thinks porky is being rude when really, porky is just playing around. Since Sarah didn't like porky's "rudeness" she asks the public for assistance. That's all that happened.
I think it's better to just wait patiently for her return to TD and see how she responds, than to keep that anger inside of you all this time for no reason. :]

42. 25 May 2010 06:32


once again...well said chinky

43. 25 May 2010 07:47


i would still like an apologie. And this is like school we get in a fight with another girl just nobody is there to stop it or say somthing to calm things down.

44. 25 May 2010 07:58


Mimi, Chinky has just said the wisest thing I've read in years maybe. Please drop the attitude and don't make assumptions based on your own feelings. It only builds pressure and it's more likely you'll convince Sarah not to respond in any way to this. Or ...make her angry and get the oposite response... Try putting yourself in her shoes for one minute. After all, Porkyporks seems less upset than you. It's very nice of you to be supportive, especially when it comes to your best friend, but you're taking this to personally. Play nicely and have fun! I love to see young people around and really appreciate the work of the three of you. I'd hate to see any of you in a fight over a missunderstanding...

45. 25 May 2010 11:56


i know it was wise but porkyporks apologised and all i am asking is for an apologie back

46. 25 May 2010 12:24


I dont have an attitude it just seems like that on the computer plus its not my fult she dosnt look on her forum so please dont tell me to stop the i dont attitude please cause i dont have one.

47. 25 May 2010 14:04


porkyporks, i did not read ur message tht u were joking so i thought it was real. srry bout tht

48. 25 May 2010 14:06


i only started this cause i wanted some advise and to know if it was a joke or not.... i didnt mean to go this far and i'm REALLY srry!!!!!!!! hope u can forgive me!!!

49. 25 May 2010 14:09


acually what chinky said was absolutly true.

50. 25 May 2010 14:35


srry to she totaly firgives you if she apologies first she will fergive you

51. 25 May 2010 14:55


thanks sarah...

52. 25 May 2010 16:30


welcome could we be friends then?

53. 25 May 2010 18:30


she propably will

54. 26 May 2010 05:11


of course!

55. 26 May 2010 05:20


hey y'all.. this forum is for messages to Think Draw

Sarahad.. could you please ask Think Draw to shift this thread under 'Community' and continue it there ?

56. 26 May 2010 08:04


is that even possible

57. 26 May 2010 08:08


it basicly affects me 2

im not invisible u know

58. 26 May 2010 08:10


take that back sorry
didnt see the whole mssg

59. 6 Jun 2010 20:19


I realize this is the 'internetz',but can we pretend like we have some modicum of a grasp of the english language and its' use. My head hurts just trying to interpret what your trying to say. If you can't spell it or are unsure; Google works wonders!

In sticking with the forum topic; an ability to remove comments to ones' photos would be a nice feature.

60. 15 Jun 2010 05:07


I agree with Captmurdock, is there anyway to remove stupid,offensive, impolite messages ? MISSFOFO AND LUKA, ARE BOMBARDING ME THROUGH MANY OF MY PIC. OUT OF RUDENESS and without me having commented in an offensive way to them? I'M STARTING TO BE SICK OF THIS...