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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XXXIX

41. 26 Mar 2010 04:32


Doug, when I saw the title 'A single Tear' I thought you'd finally given away to the shmaltz faries. It's good and sweet with your usual edginess. Spring fever does unusual things. It ends up pensive and thoughtful.

Qsilv, Glad you like my 'pas de deux' with marius. The tippy-tappy of little fingers. Is it really pronounced 'Potty doo'?..... Giraffe slaps his thigh... Got any Grey Poop-on? Giraffe needs some sleep.

42. 26 Mar 2010 07:40


Wow Giraffe! "At Last" is wow... I don't know, but it is making me think, reminds me of the crusades. Very good.

43. 26 Mar 2010 14:05


Okay, here is my update. 309 words with title


(Does not include the word grandiose)
(This is not the title)

There have been many times
When inspiration has gone sour
And I wonder just how rhymes
Can possibly have power.

These hours of absolute nothingness
Is when I return to ThinkWrite
For the total complete outrageousness
Opens a forest of dynamite

The writers are so great
So talented, original
Somehow their days can culminate
Into something unrational

Giraffe is so popular
Both creative and absurd
His ability is quick and bizarre
You’re left hanging on every word.

The tales by the Dragon
Are some of the best
She is a descriptive phenomenon
And we read her work with zest

Midnightpoet is our corner girl
She stalks us intently
Everything she will unfurl
Will awe us most flawlessly

Nylecoj, the elfin queen
She’s both clever and creative
Her words are fierce, like a wolverine
Her style communicative

The ingenious one is mouse
Her words flow so well
Never grating, more like Strauss
I could not try to excel

Fate, bless marius with an emblem of flowers
For we gladly her smooth words enjoy
She knows so well what empowers
And fills the whole world with her joy

Doug is the sneaky word artist
He knows how to twist things around
He probably should be a hypnotist
Every time he leaves me spell-bound

And who could forget the one
I’m writing this poem for
Qsilv cannot be outdone
She writes from the heart, the core

And that’s only eight
There are so many more
It’s never too late
For Think Write three hundred and four

I have sixty words left
And two on the list
I’d have to be deft
For enfranchise not to be missed

So why not try your hand
At some sort of a tale
We’d love to encourage you and
We’ll try to never blackmail.

44. 26 Mar 2010 14:11


Hahaha, That is amazing LadyHwin! I love it!!!

45. 26 Mar 2010 14:31


Thank you, Nyle!!! Lot's of fun writing it, your paragraph especially! : )

46. 26 Mar 2010 16:58


Very good and thoughfully creative, Ladyhwin. Can't you make me more normal though? I thought I was just a normal kind of guy. Waah. Waah.

47. 26 Mar 2010 17:26


Also lots who come and go.
Fascinated by tales.
Dragon master and his foe
Sit down for cake and ales.

Nothing rhymes with imagination.
Maybe indignation, it's true.
You could squeak in fascination?

48. 26 Mar 2010 18:43


I probably could giraffe. I guess I was just writing from my opinion of everyone's stories and the first things that came to mind. : ) My second poem this week... : D

49. 26 Mar 2010 20:46


Never before have I complained about a word count being too short. Generally over 300 is too much for me...but this little rant ended up at 540 words before I butchered it. Here it is, 309, not including the title. (and yes, I kinda cheated with emblem).


The concept of fate is slippery, hard to grasp, even harder to accept. If fate is real, that means there is no chance...everything is all part of some grandiose scheme woven into the fabric of the universe.

It's like I don't have a say in my own life. Like I'm where I am because 'everything happens for a reason'.

If a person falls in love, they call it 'fate'. But, that means that all the negative is predetermined too. Like life is just some script written by a sadistic playwright. We're forced to put up with it, because it's all part some great big top-secret cosmic plan.

What about human emotion? Is that part of the script? Are we even allowed to chose the way we feel about the lives we're forced into?

What about a woman who gets murdered with a cheese grater and has her body dumped in a forest? Is that fate?

Fate is flawless. If there is fate, then there's no way to escape it, right? Even rebelling against fate would just be part of the plan.

If whoever came up with this idea had enfranchised it, they'd me making millions. So many are willing to believe, because telling yourself that 'everything happens for a reason' is a lot easier than actually doing something.

What about when you find something in your life that feels impossibly right? What if you find a path you feel is meant for you? How can you deny fate when, as your life crumbles, you find a spark of hope? How can you not be glad when it feels so right?

You think maybe everything happens for a reason...

Which implies fate. You get trapped in this dichotomy...wanting to be free and wanting to believe in something greater.

Repeat this cycle about eight might know how I feel.


50. 26 Mar 2010 21:14


wow...I just caught up with everything you guys have been writing and my mind's practically swimming. Maybe I'll have something coherent to say about it in the morning...

51. 26 Mar 2010 23:39


Adding emblem that way shows an intact sense of humor. Maybe nothing's above humor - even fate.

52. 27 Mar 2010 02:51


Umm, erm ... we don’t want Qsilv feeling sad about Miranda ... so, Doug, please forgive this bit of silly fun. Marius offers chapter two to your "A Single Tear." (goes off giggling just because it’s fun to giggle.)

A Single Tear
by Doug

Miranda Forest is all of eight. Eight year olds don’t usually spend time alone in the woods, but Miranda was different. She had weathered the fierce storm of her parents’ break-up, the death of her great-grandmother Marcella and even her near death experience from a slip near the edge of Miller’s Gorge.

Miranda’s eyes sparkled as she caught a glimpse of two butterflies dancing through the field on the edge of the woods. Chickadees let out a relentless chatter that Miranda would gladly have missed if not for the…

Disenfranchised spirits speak to me now as I gaze upon this child of wonderment. Let me hear her prayers and grandiose thoughts as I channel the energy that she possesses. Let her tiny heart, emblematic of the true power behind one’s soul, become a part of mine.

Let it be done!

Miranda lifted her head. Little did she know what fate had become her. A sharp piercing brilliant light enfranchised with the power of a million lightning bolts slammed head on into her petite frame. Flawlessly and with finality it cut through the soft beautiful thoughts that filled her head and revealed the true grating origins of her reality.

Miranda had not survived the slip at the gorge…Her body lies below broken and lifeless. It was these visions she saw now.

There was no more Miranda…she was gone. He had gained another soul to call his own.

He gathered souls by any means possible. He had no name, as he was everyone
He was everyone, but no one…

Miranda shivered as she stared out into the field…butterflies replaced by grave markers.

A single teardrop traveled down Miranda’s cheek. She felt hollow inside. Where she had once given in to the beauty of the gorge’s view, she now had a different one filled with sadness and eternal melancholy.

Chapter Two – The Violet (for Qsilv ... 309 words)

On Ether-Nine, Archangel Guiseppi is sipping sweet Jasmine Tea. Others at the table are lesser-angels Leo and Landy, two Elementals from the violet family and Mangoe, who has chosen a dog form.

It is an Elemental who speaks first, the yellow-violet Deva. “Allll I’m sayin’ is silly to let ‘er go through this. Wee migh-yet have stoppe-dit.”

Mangoe is watching the Jasmine Tea. He’d not had food or beverage in years, didn’t want to, and it seemed such an activity would be beneath an Archangel.

A. Guiseppi looks into the cloud-china teacup and sighs. “Yes, we ‘migh-yet’ but she contracted, or did you forget? This loss of soul, that is and feels eternal but isn’t, is development, ’Pilgrim’s Progress.’ At the moment when all looks lost, it never is. Never. Besides, it’s in his best interest to think he’s conquered yet another and we like it when he gets that stupid. If you’ve been paying attention, she has a TEAR! They don’t have tears, not a one, when soul removal is complete.”

Landy pats Mangoe’s head and scratches behind the ears. There is a bit of sighing going on. “Considering I’m a lesser-angel, don’t have complete set of wings, what-not, think there’s no harm in forgetting a few rules.” In a heavenly blink Landy is gone and when he touches Miranda’s tear, she notices.

Ah, this one has sparks of awareness. The soul never departs as quickly and completely as the dark one likes to believe. In a moment Mangoe appears and starts running tiny laps of joy around Miranda. Although she can’t see him, she feels this too.

The purple violet deva is smiling, swaying with a breeze that might have been there. She says, “Y’know Guiseppp, I ken my kind and I theenk there’s a violet bloomin’ at her feet.”

There is. One tiny, deep purple violet.

53. 27 Mar 2010 02:54


Rats - a tense problem ... should read, "Mangoe is watching the Jasmine Tea. He’s not had food or beverage in years, doesn't want to, and it seems such an activity would be beneath an Archangel." Ahhh ... not tense about that now!

54. 27 Mar 2010 03:06


giraffe, "At Last" ... well now, marius thinks there is no more need to give warnings 'when bad things happen to kittens' as the trauma in your story was a notch, or two, beyond that. (If folks want to talk about this - would be interested in hearing because no desire for others to find offense and/or wish they'd not read a particular story. Anyone?) Enjoyed your exploring of someone doing something in which they aren't 100% invested and later struggling with his betrayal of values, desires. Wished, or felt, your story could have gone longer, had more room to develop this man's ... um, situation.

Ladyhwin - what delight! Love your poem and tee hee, glad you didn't make giraffe 'more normal." (Would that have been possible? tee hee)

midnightpoet - great concept, stuggling with fate and what it is, means. Especially liked "Emblem" at the end. Seems a perfect!

55. 27 Mar 2010 03:08


meant to type: Seems a perfect fit! : )

56. 27 Mar 2010 03:09


And just for fun, giraffe ... BOO!

57. 27 Mar 2010 05:56


BOO, yerself. Yer the one who brought Miranda back to life (kind a). I figger if I give a warning bout the words in my head, most folks'd just look more close at 'em. If I say "Beware of them here words" do you just pass on to the next story? Nah. Ya read it anyways.

"At Last" bugs me. The whole concept of using any religion to be malicious. It's not an original thought - maybe an original way of saying it. It was cathartic to write. Or should I say catheter too right? I's confused.

58. 27 Mar 2010 07:14


Oh dear marius: Tinkering with my story in such a "redneck" way. No if I had another chapter or another 200+ words her grave marker would have been in that field. She was looking on after her death, ghostess to the mostest.. Thought your addition to it was funny. I need to figger out how to get some sleep...

59. 27 Mar 2010 07:19


midnight: on "fate"...the best part and the most relevant is that people say "everything happens for a reason" ie. fate. Its the most cockamamie BS known to man. Its something you use religiously or when you just don't know what to say. People tell my wife and I that God wouldn't have given you two children with Cystic Fibrosis if you weren't able to handle it and "it happens for a reason. Tell that to my therapist. Ooops, getting a bit too personal, but your story hit a "nerve" with me which I applaud you for because isn't that one of the purposes of writing?

60. 27 Mar 2010 07:22


ladyhwin: The suck up to Q was too noticeable. lol.