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Forums - Community - Pick your own top 5!

41. 2 Jul 2009 13:48


Cancer in liver, pancreas & abdomin = GONE...
Cancer in breast, lungs & brain = GREATLY REDUCED
Cancer in bones = SLIGHT REDUCTION

She is now struggling to get her mind back 'cause she had come to terms with the fact that she was going to die soon... Now she will be with us a while & she has to face life again... It is an odd struggle to say the least...

Thanks for asking...

42. 2 Jul 2009 13:57


That's amazing! I am so happy for you and your family! I can see how that would be a really strange adjustment for her.

43. 2 Jul 2009 14:09


Luna, you can take me off your suspect list if you'd like.
I am not nor have ever been IanAnonymous.
Nor was I Rasslebear, or any other transient identity here, Baldur has always only used the Baldur screen-name

44. 2 Jul 2009 14:19


It was just a guess Baldur. No offense intended. I don't have a problem with IamAnonymos.

45. 2 Jul 2009 15:55


Luna my friend, thank you for understanding me and to Autumn and midnightpoet for their common sense.

To all who still rant on about the one voting - try this:
Log in using Iam Anonymous, password: 'whoamI' and have a go at voting - NOTHING HAPPENS! So let that be an end to those insinuations. It never was me and Matthew is not me! But if you do this, you too could be me. So why don't you try making some light-hearted comments to one of your friends, I can almost guarantee that the response you get will be an aggressive one. How will that make you feel? It's not nice, when all I ever wanted was some jokey banter. Baldur and Matthew used to provide that, but poor Matthew has been busy and Baldur tends to talk a lot about cooking, which I have very little interest in, (just eating!).
So I am friendless and trapped in an identity which nobody likes and that I didn't set up. Oh, the injustice of it all. But am I downhearted, no, because I harbour the belief that there are faint glimmers of hope, (Luna, Autumn & Midnightpoet) that one day I will be accepted into that forum of greatness, which is ThinkDraw. (Last paragraph to be read tongue in cheek).
Now for the sincere part.

I am so sorry Matthew that people are unjustly and narrow mindedly accusing you of everything they can dredge back up, all because of what I thought was an innocuous bit of teasing.
People cannot see past the pseudonym and so any comment I make is tainted with preconceptions, whereas if one of their friends had made it, it would have been taken as the light-hearted banter it was intended to be. My sincere apologies to you.
Now I expect I will have holes picked in what I have just written, but as someone on here said, this is the internet!

46. 2 Jul 2009 18:26


-n +m =IamAnonymous

47. 2 Jul 2009 18:54


IamAnonymous, if people can't see past the pseudonym and take everything as aggressive than why keep using it? If what is said under that pseudonym is going to taken as insulting because that's where it comes from perhaps you should use your regular login name. I'm not trying to be a cow here, I'm just pointing out that if you can see a pattern (such as many people seeing IamAnon as agressive and mean -yes, even if it was intended to be light hearted and innocent) then break that pattern.
It's also true that if someone has grudge against someone else it's far too easy to log in to IamAnon and go be insulting without any particular consequences, the fact of the matter is that anyone who follows the forum can use that log in at any time and none of us know who said what.
I don't quite understand why you would feel like you need to be anonymous if you think what you're saying is not going to be construed as insulting.

48. 2 Jul 2009 19:25


wonderfully put DRAGON...that is one of the points that I tried to make yesterday...If you have the guts to say it say with a backbone. Don't hide. Maybe if people knew who you are then they could appreciate your humor.and if they dont appreciate it they could kind ask you to stop.
When someone feel they have to hide it is normally because they know they are being mean or stirring up trouble that is not neccessary.

49. 2 Jul 2009 19:28


I know many people that can take a joke is stride if it is someone they are friends with or even someone they just know because it is not instantly an insult but when it is someone who kow nothing about you, your family, your situation, age, or personality it is a fine line between joking and rude. When the cloth is drawn over ones face I immediate feel that it takes on a negative to later find out it is someone I knew then that is when my mind would change.

50. 2 Jul 2009 19:41


any way I wish all peace and good luck I am back to just drawing picture and minding my own business...I jsut feel bad that people aer getting hurt by silly little games and by people to scared to stand up and take responsibily for what they do... ever since I have started drawing on this sight I have worried that my comments would be taken as mean or rude. The internet does have a way of making personalities cold and difficult to determine because of the mystery involved.

Any way hopefully I have not hurt anyones feelings...I have not made up any information, exaggerated any facts, or pointed fingers at anyone who has not already shine a light on ones the unknow trouble makers I have a few wishes...GROW UP, DON"T BE A COWARD, THINK OF OTHERS FEELING, stop posing as unknow person and causing problem for others,AND STOP BEING SO MISERABLE I think people might have a chance at accepting you and your thoughts if you were a little more respectful of others thought, opinions, and feeling.

Whether that person is someone you know or someone you have never met they are human just like you. They might have faults, might have said something out of anger, or done something that you might have not liked... if you didn't hide and approached the situation in a civil manner then maybe the problem could be worked out...if not no big loss. Don't stoop to their level of low and back stab, undermine, sabatoge and so forth to get an adult and cut the tie and move on.

Good luck to all....

51. 2 Jul 2009 20:51


IamAnonymous, a month or so ago, we were told by Matt that you were somone who use to draw here, and wanted to come back! He begged for us to understand that you wanted to be anonymous! That you wanted to draw again.
What I don't understand in your comments you made today, you didn't speak much of drawing, but the enjoyment, you or we would have commenting on others drawings. Almost trying to convince us what fun it would be to say something nice or nasty to another. Come, and enjoy this new game that was created and remain anonymous!
There are many sites out there where one can play mind games, be nice or not. So why here? Tell us how it was done, that no votes come from your profile. Why are you here, on this drawing site, and rarely draw?

52. 2 Jul 2009 21:06


I have not been here as long as some, but when I did start here, there was so much about the one-vote-bandit. Didn't understand the voting system and really didn't care about the votes, and even now, I still think a nice comment is the best.
I also feel we are all anonymous! As,someone said this is the internet! I don't know what color, size, age,sex or anything about the members here,except for what they tell us. But is it true? So we are all anonymous! If I wanted to make a nasty statement to anyone, well it could easily be done without going through you. After all, we members of TD are anonymous!

53. 3 Jul 2009 06:34


As lilalee said, everyone here is anonymous, so the hangup in the name "IamAnonymous". Not really different from luna; not my real name. (my German Shepherds name actually) So the sticking point is that the rest of us pretend to know each other by a nickname, and don't see IamAnonymous as another nickname. Take a little time to figure out why that bothers you so much.

Matthew is one of the few on here that uses his real name. Anyone could walk in the door of his business, if they were so inclined (mine too for that matter if you cared to dig) No mystery.....

54. 3 Jul 2009 06:35


first line -in +is

55. 3 Jul 2009 07:24


Sorry Luna, but my "hangup" is not the name. Also, I read a comment in the forum a while back, that John is Matthews real name. I am not bothered by the name of "IamAnonymous". In fact I've seen several names on this site that I find humor in.
I still have unanswered questions, as to why this IanAnonymous can not vote, and has invited all of us to use his/her name to make comments on a drawings by others?
Why doesn't this IamAnonymous draw?

56. 3 Jul 2009 07:25


By the way, my real name is Lila!

57. 3 Jul 2009 07:49


The IamAnonymous persona is open to all to use and, at the request of someone, has been denied the right to vote. Odd that someone would want to use it for their own, but there you go.
By the way, IamAnon ... I have no problem whatsoever with your honesty about my drawings. We all have different tastes in art ... that's what makes Think Draw so interesting.

58. 3 Jul 2009 09:33


Luna you are very wise and Login, you are very gracious.
Lila, I think that Rachael of ThinkDraw must have removed the voting rights from Iam, probably as Login suggests, at the request of someone unknown, probably on the back of all the presumed one voting in the past, which was (erroneously) attributed to this account. From what I can see, lovely pics still get voted down undeservedly, but it isn't from me and never was.
The invitation to use the account was always in the public domain,

as it was set up in the forum by lynspotter, as a place to post pics anonymously, ironically, in an attempt to avoid the efforts of the supposed OVB, who it was thought, preyed on well-loved TDers. So my invitation lila, was just for anyone to step into my shoes and see what it feels like to be regarded and treated unjustly.
You also asked why I don't draw. You may remember that I did draw, when I first adopted Iam's account. I drew several nice pics. I can remember drawing a lovely mouse, which you and others, who suspected me of being the OVB, were less than kind about. So I deleted all of mine, dejectedly. Everyone forgets that I have feelings too. But I enjoy following the forums and the pics and love to comment. I have done a bugs drawing recently, the others in the account are not mine, so remain.
I hope this answers all your questions. The problem seems to be, with people believing my answers! lol!

59. 3 Jul 2009 09:57


I still have questions, and eventually, I suppose they will be answered.
I do remember your mouse, and my comment along with others, but I also remember your enjoyment of the shall I say, "the stir it caused". I have a copy somewhere here, and I know that you and a few enjoyed that "stir".
I can say I and others have been treated unjustly without going to your space, through comments on certain pics. Also yourself. I don't feel a need to go there myself, but also know it's there for that purpose.
Actually, I would like to see you draw, and have others and myself comment on your drawings! Now to check out your bug.

60. 3 Jul 2009 11:00


Lila, you said: "I read a comment in the forum a while back, that John is Matthews real name."

His first name is John, as was his father's, as is his son, as will be his son's son. So they alternate generations of going by their middle name. He goes by Matthew. I know, it's a lot of confusion, but kudo's to you on picking up that his name is John, some people who know him in real life don't even know that.