Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge XVV-Special Moments in Your Life

41. 14 Jul 2009 15:26


I've read this thread again and again ... there are so many of your special moments that many of us can can nod to and say "Yes, I remember that" and the warm feelings that those memories bring ... the first meeting of kindred spirits, the red roses that speak volumes, the first home together, the holidays together, holding ones new-born baby, the companionship of beloved pets, the rewards for hard work, the good deed that brought freindship, the peace of being alone to contemplate and listen to the sounds of nature.

I recognise the joy experienced by KM when she first joined TD but I can only imagine the joy of suddenly being able to see properly after years of living in a blur and believing it to be the norm.

This thread will be difficult to follow, so let's leave it open ... let it continue because it is so special. Marg has promised to contribute when she gets back ... and maybe polenta would like to contribute when she is feeling better (no pressure polenta ... it's just that you have a lovely way of saying things).

I've thought long and hard to find a similarly happy subject for Mugdots Challenge XXI. At first I thought 'Funny quotes or sayings' but they may be difficult to draw, so I've settled for a subject that hopefully we can all relate to ... Fairy stories or any children's stories that have remained in your memory since childhood.

42. 15 Jul 2009 03:54


Login - You are continuing this thread, did I read your note correctly? Thank you.

43. 17 Jul 2009 06:10


Well, I can only assume this thread is being continued since I haven't heard anything to the contrary.

When my new washer came, it's made my life easier than two days before!
It's the little things in life!

44. 17 Jul 2009 12:21


KM, I didn't mean to take liberties with your thread ... I just thought it would be nice to let it run on, because it was such a joy to read ... and there must be many more special moments to be related. How do you feel about it?

45. 17 Jul 2009 17:25


Login - I'm sorry you thought that about the "special moments". I only said that because I wanted to put something in and wasn't sure if I read your post correctly. No, no....I never thought that, sorry, if I gave that impression. Anyway, my new washer has brought me happiness!! Ha, Ha. Take care. Good luck with your term here.

46. 18 Jul 2009 12:29


I may have confused the issue by suggesting we let this thread 'run on'. What I should have asked was: 'May this thread continue, even though the honor has been passed on and a new Mugdots Challenge has commenced?' It would be closed as far as the challenge is concerned, but it was such a good thread, it would be so nice to see more contributions, ad infinitum.

47. 18 Jul 2009 15:21


nodnod...! It's a particularly wonderful theme, worthy of continuing long after the "mugdots challenge" aspect has passed to its next phase.

Keeping it in this same thread rather than starting a new one encourages us (well, me anyway!) to read back now and then, savouring others' delicious moments.

And, km, I agree -- those 'little things' count big!


48. 18 Jul 2009 16:15


BTW - another happy moment is letting this thread go on so more can share! Thank you login, you're cool!

49. 22 Jul 2009 09:37


My cat "Brat" was missing for 3 days. My son Jake found him yesterday!!

50. 22 Jul 2009 15:54


I love happy endings ... delightful drawing, Robin.