Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge XXXIX:Performing Arts

21. 30 May 2010 16:15


from kyung -- "A Ballerina"

22. 30 May 2010 17:02


I posted this in the wrong well here is my circus clown:

23. 30 May 2010 17:15


Would you mind if I put my daughters picture on here?

24. 30 May 2010 17:18


This one is an old one of mine that suits this challenge I think:

25. 30 May 2010 19:20


Steve, Your daughter's picture is most welcome! and so is your boogie nights pic

26. 1 Jun 2010 13:50


to quote matthew
" Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick "

27. 1 Jun 2010 16:45


I have been quoted!!! I can now die a happy man (just not tonight)...

28. 1 Jun 2010 18:22


ok.. I've just stolen a slice of time... there'll be a last minute entry if I don't screw it up!

29. 1 Jun 2010 18:33


Ok... I am in...

30. 1 Jun 2010 20:43


...late and certainly not great, but silly fun!

31. 2 Jun 2010 05:32


Times up!

32. 2 Jun 2010 06:07


Ok, so I'm glad you all participated, and I love each of the pictures but ive gotta pick, so here it goes:

Five your Pirates of Penzance is very eye catching - I had to look up what Pirates of Penzance was because I had never heard of it.- bravo for broadening my horizons,

Q- your lifecycle is beautiful- but you just won the portrait challenge- and your puppet made me smile- I thought it was perfect- but you just won the other challenge so lets let someone else have a go shall we?

Shanley- your dancing on fire picture is very powerful- or is it painful?- i know I'd hate to be on fire great job! and thanks for posting those older pics!

Mum your Les Misérables is very beautiful! and yourRock star remids me of a T-shirt i have- it's the silhouette of a friend- he was the lead singer of a band and his expression and profile is nearly an exact replica of the tshirt-(I don't wear it anymore- seems weird to wear the face of a guy friend on your chest when you are both married.- wonderful Idea and execution!

Clorophilla your Tenor is so vibrant- it made me laugh- I have always wanted to see an opera and I think your Tenor would fit in perfectly- those pants- well they make me smile just thinking about them.

Both of the pics By Kyung (posted by matthew and Q)are wonderful!- I think Ballet is one of the most beautiful forms of movement and dance.

Hazer thanks for showing your beautiful Ballerina she's wonderful!

Matthew- loved the little Flower- I can relate- I was a pumpkin in my very 1st play- Cinderella:)

Malini All of your pictures are lovely- especially that song bird. I really like that you took a different take on the challenge- your animals are most definitely wonderful performers and a joy to watch!

While all of your pictures were wonderful the one that really stuck in my mind was "Pie Anyone?" by Steve. - So I'll pass the Imaginary digital Baton to you Steve- your Clown is a fantastic, The picture by your daughter is really beautiful too!

So good luck everyone with the next challenge!

33. 2 Jun 2010 06:26


I wasn't expecting to win, this is my first time hosting a challenge, so I will ponder a little while, get my bearings so to speak...back soon, thank you for choosing me.