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I wasn't expecting to win, this is my first time hosting a challenge, so I will ponder a little while, get my bearings so to speak...back soon, thank you for choosing me.


Ok, so I'm glad you all participated, and I love each of the pictures but ive gotta pick, so here it goes:

Five your Pirates of Penzance is very eye catching - I had to look up what Pirates of Penzance was because I had never heard of it.- bravo for broadening my horizons,

Q- your lifecycle is beautiful- but you just won the portrait challenge- and your puppet made me smile- I thought it was perfect- but you just won the other challenge so lets let someone else have a go shall we?

Shanley- your dancing on fire picture is very powerful- or is it painful?- i know I'd hate to be on fire great job! and thanks for posting those older pics!

Mum your Les Misérables is very beautiful! and yourRock star remids me of a T-shirt i have- it's the silhouette of a friend- he was the lead singer of a band and his expression and profile is nearly an exact replica of the tshirt-(I don't wear it anymore- seems weird to wear the face of a guy friend on your chest when you are both married.- wonderful Idea and execution!

Clorophilla your Tenor is so vibrant- it made me laugh- I have always wanted to see an opera and I think your Tenor would fit in perfectly- those pants- well they make me smile just thinking about them.

Both of the pics By Kyung (posted by matthew and Q)are wonderful!- I think Ballet is one of the most beautiful forms of movement and dance.

Hazer thanks for showing your beautiful Ballerina she's wonderful!

Matthew- loved the little Flower- I can relate- I was a pumpkin in my very 1st play- Cinderella:)

Malini All of your pictures are lovely- especially that song bird. I really like that you took a different take on the challenge- your animals are most definitely wonderful performers and a joy to watch!

While all of your pictures were wonderful the one that really stuck in my mind was "Pie Anyone?" by Steve. - So I'll pass the Imaginary digital Baton to you Steve- your Clown is a fantastic, The picture by your daughter is really beautiful too!

So good luck everyone with the next challenge!


Times up!


...late and certainly not great, but silly fun!


Ok... I am in...