Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - A Survey...

21. 9 Feb 2010 13:36


1. What is the most exotic/bizarre food you’ve ever eaten?
oisters, frog legs, octopus, ants...are you really sure you want to know this?

2. Last cd/mp3/vinyl/etc. you listened to?
I'm currently stuck on a cover of "Papa was a rolling stone":
When it comes to music I really have no limits. I listen as much as my ears can 'understand'.

3. Do you have any phobias?
I occasionally get this 'self-phobia' and even more often a society-phobia.It's not an irrational fear that I refer to,'s actually the opposite of's extremely rational. :|

4. Any odd obsessions?
Oh, I keep my dark side to myself, teehee.

5. Do you own a firearm?
Yes, a perfectly legal one that I use: humour. No, seriously speaking I do actually. It's a nice, soft riffle that I once used pretty well. (Haven't practiced in a long time)

6. You’re at a bar with an impressive liquor selection. What do you order?
Pina Colada or some other cocktails. I'm crazy about mixed flavours.

7. It’s tax season! Have you filed already or do you wait until April?
(Not ) Nice to find out there is such a thing...

8. Longest distance you’ve ever traveled in a car?
Bucharest -Athens....or Bucharest-Venice....couldn't really tell right now. The Bucharest-Venice trip seemed like a life-long journey at the time!

9. It’s almost Valentine’s Day. What type of bouquet would you like to receive or buy for yourself perhaps? If you’re a dude, what type of bouquet would you buy for your wife/girlfriend?
Hmm...My temper doesn't really rhyme with flowers. It matches better with fun and action.

10. One of the few things I hate about this country is the four seasons. I wish it would be summer all-year long!
11. Do you currently have a valid passport?
Yes, whenerver I feel and afford to go visit some other countries, I do so!

12. List five marvels of modern technology that you couldn’t live without:
Hm...this is gonna sound weird....chocolate! Tehnology in food industry is amazing our days. I'm not sure I could've lived eating bananas and fresh meat all my life!
Oh...and since new questions are allowed:
13. What is your favorite painter?
14. What's happiness to you? (hope I'm not being no fun here )
15. Some words that describe you best in your friends opinion: ...
16. Some words that describe you best in your opinion: ...

22. 9 Feb 2010 13:47


Inked Gemini. I found the answer to your question about taxes in Uruguay. Look at the forum in communities in For Those who want to know about other cultures. I brought it back to the top to make it easier for you. It would be more or less from number 366 to 374.

23. 9 Feb 2010 13:52


Thank you very much polenta. You're a doll!

24. 11 Feb 2010 01:31



No handheld musical devices.




I do not order anything.

Not sure.

I don't want anything.


Paper, pencil, erasers, knives, and clothing.

25. 11 Feb 2010 05:47


Shanley, each one of your questions would make a good forum thread in itself, but there are too many for me to answer at once and if people just put question numbers and a yes or no, it will not be very informative.

26. 11 Feb 2010 05:59


(*twinkly grin) yes and triple space before getting to one cute punch-line...
but overall this is going great guns!

Fun insights. Thanks, Inked_Gemini, for starting it.

27. 11 Feb 2010 06:13


Apologies Shanley, I thought you'd started this thread because the 2nd page came up when I went to the forum, instead of the first, for some reason.

28. 11 Feb 2010 07:16


For you Shanley, and by the way puzzler, you made a very good point, so this time I copied the questions first.

13. What is your favorite painter?

I haven't narrowed it down to one in particular, but I like realistic paintings of either landscapes, portraits, flowers or animals. I don't get much out of modern art or impressionistic paintings.

14. What's happiness to you? (hope I'm not being no fun here )

Happiness is having close loving relationships with family and friends. I hate any kind of discord or misunderstandings. I'm always happy when hubby and I are working on some yard or home project together, or going for a drive together exploring new places, or even just spending quiet time together. And big time happiness is spending time with our grandchildren!!

15. Some words that describe you best in your friends opinion: ...

My friends say that I am warm and friendly. They say I'm a good listener, offer good advise and would make a good councilor. Some think I'm fun while others think I'm more serious.

16. Some words that describe you best in your opinion: ...

I have a great sense of humor, sometimes a bit dry though, which accounts for some friends thinking I'm serious!
I would be a going concern if I weren't slowed down by blood pressure medications, so one word that comes to mind is frustrated that I can't physically do all my mind would like to get done. But I am learning to slow down and not "sweat the small stuff".
But more seriously, I like to encourage friends who are struggling, I like to entertain people in my home, and I really enjoy going for coffee with a friend and sharing our joys and heartaches.

Glad you didn't ask us to list our shortcomings! Thanks Shanley for adding these questions. They will help us get to know each other better which is nice.

29. 11 Feb 2010 08:33


Here's my answers to Shanley's new questions.

13. What is your favorite painter?

I'm very partial to Dali (love the surrealism) and I quite like Seurot (I've probably spelled his name wrong but he does wonderful pointalism paintings.

14. What's happiness to you? (hope I'm not being no fun here )

To me happiness is a purring cat in my lap and my fella at my side.

15. Some words that describe you best in your friends opinion: ...

This is a tough one, I guess I'd say my friends would call me kind, funny and absolutely full of useless information.

16. Some words that describe you best in your opinion: ...

My own opinion (hopefully not too self-serving): Clever, loyal, and absolutely full of useless information.

30. 11 Feb 2010 08:51


Dragon may I add you're a great TD artist! And although I haven't met you in person, I think you're a hoot!

31. 11 Feb 2010 09:47


Oooo, I'm blushing!

32. 11 Feb 2010 10:50


Puzzler and Inked_Gemni, I also found Goldie's survey idea a very nice way of getting to know more things about each other. If you would like to see any of the questions I added in a new thread, please feel free to start a new topic, Puzzler. It's true...the question list is kinda' long now . Hazer, somehow your answers about yourself correspond to the image I had about you. I noticed I skipped my own questions, lol.
13. What is your favorite painter?
I share Dragon's passion for Salvador Dali's work. I am very fond of the surrealism of Magritte too, Van Gogh is a true enchant for my eyes every time I see his work (Q's observation of one of drawings suprised me as I didn't have a particular style in mind, but a particular atmosphere when I started that pic. I'm usually pretty stubborn of finding a way to express pieces of my imagination and still very unhappy with the outcomes...). Well, I guess i have more than one favorite after all.

14. What's happiness to you? (hope I'm not being no fun here )
Still trying to figure this out. Some things I associate with it though: lying in the sun, enjoying nature, sharing some good times with a friend, helping someone in need and creating....right about all one can.

15. Some words that describe you best in your friends opinion: ...

This is a tough one for me too....clever,funny, undecided,stubborn, open-minded, a bit crazy, some would say i tend to exaggerate and even go wild now and then.

16. Some words that describe you best in your opinion: lazy, careless, free, original, with a strong imagination, sometimes selfish and with high expectations, keen on getting the best out of life and always ready for adventure!

33. 11 Feb 2010 19:40


13. What is your favorite painter?
…sigh… that so depends on the phase or even the mood I’m in… plus the individual pieces themselves
(I almost never have pictures on my walls, except for a long horizontal iris print by Leah Schwatrz, a rather unknown artist – its blend of colors just fills me with pleasure every time I actually look at it, and, well, there is one painting of my own, hanging from a ceiling, occasionally startling the daylights out of visitors, simply because the damned thing’s too big to safely store anywhere else…)
Now mind you, there are artists I admire hugely… but that’s not the same thing as having your heart simply take over, is it…
So… works in museums I have stared at waaay too long include

Maria van Oosterwijk’s magnificent floral arrangements (1600’s)
Rachel Ruysch’s equally stunning florals (late 1600’s to mid 1700’s)
Élisabeth Vigée-Le Brun’s portraits (late 1700’s through early 1800’s)
Turner’s luminous watercolors (early 1800’s)
Millais’ “Ophelia” (~1852)
John Singer Sergeant’s Italian stuff… especially the watercolors (1880’s forward)
Mary Cassatt’s children (late 1800’s)
Alma-Tadema’s “Spring” (1894)
Monet’s waterlilies (earliest 1900’s)
Waterhouse’s “Echo and Narcissus” (1903)
Pollack’s tightest darkest scribbles (1950’s)
Rothko’s darkest flat field works (1960’s)
Morris Louis’ bright color veil series… (1950’s – 60’s)
Georgia O’Keefe’s huge abstract yet intimate flowers (mid 1900’s)
Andrew Wyeth’s landscapes, nature studies, and still-lifes (mid through late 1900’s)

34. 11 Feb 2010 19:42


14. What's happiness to you?

…a side effect rather than a goal.

I think more of contentment… and mostly I do have an abundance of that, when I stop to consider it.

Same as the rest of you, I value the feeling of sharing with pleasant people, affection from animals, moments of awareness…. awareness of beauty in nature, of course… like drinking in the countless colors on a hillside when the sun suddenly finds all the hints of gold that were buried in the greens… but also that feeling you get when you suddenly understand something clearly. That makes my spirit soar!

35. 11 Feb 2010 19:44


15. Some words that describe you best in your friends’ opinion:

...boy THAT varies depending on the friends… but words I’ve heard… hm…

intelligent/slow; fair/annoying; kind/cold; honorable/stubborn; sophisticated/earthy; reliable/flaky; easy-going/determined; good-natured/controlling; optimistic/cynical…

16. Some words that describe you best in your opinion: ...
…(smiles) all the above, of course!

36. 11 Feb 2010 20:12


13. Favorite painter? Varies depending on mood and what issue or concern I am focused on. I am fascinated by cave painting and manuscript painting (e.g. Book of Kells), have spent considerable time being drawn into Vermeer, Goya, Turner, Cezanne, Picasso, and Matisse -- in ways I am pretty rooted in that progression. I love paintings by Clyfford Still and Richard Diebenkorn, but I don't think about them when I paint or make art. I love Max Ernst conceptually but don't think of him in terms of "painter" or "painting."

14. Happiness? Time to relax without worrying.

15. Clever, even keeled, and a little odd, I guess, and maybe thinks too much.

16. Perceptive, knowledgeable, listener/observer

37. 11 Feb 2010 20:43


Here r my answers:
1. haven't had any bizzare food yet.
2.Selena Gomez~Naturally
3.spiders,snakes (internet: TD, facebook, but my dad does
6. I can't drink I'm only 9.
7.I don't pay taxes
8.from LA 2 Kansas City, in a RV
9.I'm too young to have a boyfriend/husband.
10.summer break
11. yes
12.Tv, computer, cell phones, video chat, modern medicine

38. 11 Feb 2010 22:48


oooh five! Cave paintings... like in Lascaux...
and Kells/Lindesfarne etc... yes!

Goldie - poi doesn't count?? ;>

39. 12 Feb 2010 04:20


People say happiness is a feeling you have at certain moments, not at all times. I respect this but I feel you can almost always be happy. HAPPINESS IS BEING IN BALANCE. EUPHORIA IS ONLY SOMETIMES.
Yes, I know, nobody agrees with me.

40. 23 Feb 2010 11:11


Belatedly discovering this discussion -
1 - Exotic food? Had to try the Eel Soup, living 3 yrs in Hamburg. Once was enough.
2 - Last CD - Bach keyboard/strings concertos. Been on a Bach kick since returning from Leipzig in Oct. Especially love well-tempered clavier, since the 24 fugues attract me deeply - make my brain fizzy.
3 - Phobias? Nah.
4 - Obsessions? Probably poor English grammar.
5 - Firearm? No.
6 - Bar choice - Bourbon Manhattan. Don't hang out at bars, but did go with the Chocolatini at the top of Chicago's John Hancock.
7 - File taxes? Usually mid-March when the mutual fund people get done changing their minds about their info.
8 - Longest car trip? 1964, at the end of the transatlantic liner era. Car came off boat with us at La Havre and we drove to Warsaw. Old-style baby seat in back, plus crib mattress to let her out to sleep, plus diaper pail below that. THOSE were the days!
9 - Love most flowers, especially peach, rose, yellow types. Prefer those with scent not bred out of them.
10 - Season? Fall.
11 - Valid passport? Oh, yeah.
12 - Tech marvels? Just computer. No cell phone, no gigantic TV (to watch WHAT?) Still prefer my film camera to the digital one.
13 - Painter? Maybe Picasso for the many & varied periods of creativity. Matisse, especially the torn-paper collages. Detest Dali and that huge Seurat scene - viewed it over and over at the Art Institute since childhood. Love the medieval carvers - Stoss & Reimenschneider. Depends on the day, mood and place, I guess.
14 - Happiness? On my own with good music & enjoyable book. Or in company of the Grandgirl.
15 & 16 - No urge to commit to writing either my friends' or my own opinion. Strongly drawn to others who appreciate my sense of humor - this is not universal!