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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - report abuse

21. 23 Dec 2009 16:34


I agree with belladonnis ... marius was right to take the action that she did and I admire her for it.

22. 23 Dec 2009 16:50


My last comment on this subject, but that awful incident happend 3 years ago and it just saw the inside of a court room last July and will be delt with for a lifetime.

23. 23 Dec 2009 17:44


marius was indeed right to take action. What a different world it would be if more people simply stepped in when they saw something wrong happening.

24. 30 Dec 2009 05:29


marius, thanks on behalf of all of us. This was the right thing to do. I've believed for some time that maddy was not a child. Thanks to Belladonnis also.

25. 1 Jan 2010 20:31


Oh My God. I had suspected something and told my cousin.she was the one to tell me massy was not a child. Maddy had really tried to become friends with me. I said I was quitting cuz it was kinda creepy. I might stay now if Maddy's account is deleted. Does anyone find it strange that 10yr olds should go to school, and "she" is online at every moment of every day??? I am kinda scared now...

26. 2 Jan 2010 09:39


Forewarned is forearmed potatoes, knowing to be careful online and not give people personal info (like your real name, address etc.) goes a long way and keeping your parents and family in the loop as to who you talk to online and what sites you go to is important too.

I know there's a lot of us who'd like it if you stick around but there's no pressure if you're feeling a little exposed.

27. 2 Jan 2010 12:17


I got an idea.
I will probably stay if "her" account is deleted and their computer is blocked/ if the police come find them. There could be people that they kidnapped like dying right now.

28. 2 Jan 2010 13:04


Hum, Potatoes, I think your jumping to conclusions, but I agree. By reading all the comments, this 'maddy' is an attention seeker, but their computer shouldn't be blocked. What if she has siblings on here?

29. 2 Jan 2010 13:33


I don't think it was that serious a problem, but the relative peace of the past week was refreshing

30. 2 Jan 2010 13:42


kidnapped? pollice? dying??!? Aren't you exagerating a bit? A little more than just a bit actually... What are you scared of? How is anybody supposed to know where you stay? Even if somebody on this site, does know your address or something, what are the odds they can actually reach you? I don't understand why you feel so scared, Tater...

31. 2 Jan 2010 13:46


The feeling's mutual.

32. 2 Jan 2010 13:49


it's all hot air

33. 2 Jan 2010 13:50


Exaggeration, tall tales, over-reacting, you name it.

34. 4 Jan 2010 15:07


Just natural, we learn about being safe about this stuff at school, plus it's natural to feel worried. Ok, lets put it this way, "There is a stalker on one of my favorite websites. I am now their friend. I find out their a stalker. I don't care..."

Seriously??? Thats how you EXPECT me to react???
I read all this stuff and left these comments when it was nighttime and i was home alone. Seriously??? I am just saying, better safe than sorry and you are criticizing me???

How is that over-reacting??? I just turned 13, going through puberty, emotions out of control, and you expect me not to worry about a freaking stalker????

Me being careful is WRONG?!?

35. 4 Jan 2010 16:38


Tater you make me smile. My opinion - people react however they do and I didn't have problems with your reactions. I also didn't take it that anyone was criticizing YOU. Really, I didn't. Some of the stuff going on the past three months has got people stirred up and, tee hee, some might think *I* over-react. Well, that's okay.

Truthfully, I thought your comments interesting because my step-son used to be a middle school principal and he said that kids your age tend NOT to believe anything can ever happen to them. THAT'S why I smiled when I read your comments tonight: you are aware and you do know things can happen. That makes me happy for you!

36. 5 Jan 2010 13:07


But still, people were basically telling me not to be worried, or aware.
Too late...!

37. 6 Jan 2010 20:08


Tater, you were wise to be aware.

38. 8 Jan 2010 13:33


Yes, and people are saying i am exaggerating?!? What the heck???

39. 8 Jan 2010 13:44


Tater, I'm kind of like marius in not wanting to prolong this thread. Just know that everyone has an opinion, but no one is right to criticize another's emotions. I'll just leave it at that and hope you'll forgive those who said unreasonable things.