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Tater, I'm kind of like marius in not wanting to prolong this thread. Just know that everyone has an opinion, but no one is right to criticize another's emotions. I'll just leave it at that and hope you'll forgive those who said unreasonable things.


Yes, and people are saying i am exaggerating?!? What the heck???


Tater, you were wise to be aware.


But still, people were basically telling me not to be worried, or aware.
Too late...!


Tater you make me smile. My opinion - people react however they do and I didn't have problems with your reactions. I also didn't take it that anyone was criticizing YOU. Really, I didn't. Some of the stuff going on the past three months has got people stirred up and, tee hee, some might think *I* over-react. Well, that's okay.

Truthfully, I thought your comments interesting because my step-son used to be a middle school principal and he said that kids your age tend NOT to believe anything can ever happen to them. THAT'S why I smiled when I read your comments tonight: you are aware and you do know things can happen. That makes me happy for you!