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21. 11 Feb 2009 21:57


Hey, that's a good tip, isn't it? It may even be a little tricky;-)

22. 12 Feb 2009 10:20


Not that tricky....

I grew up in an environment where I was looked on as the under dog a lot of the time... I was slightly a dyslexic when I was a child so I learned to read late, do math late, and anything that relates to the two. I worked hard to do so and the help of my family was a main part in me being able to read, write, and do math. Not only that but I think differently than those around me usually.

I have been involved in the Deaf community and have seen what they face and how they deal with and their out look on life... So that has also changed my way of viewing the world. Though most of things come easily to me, somethings that seem second nature to others have always given me a challenge and made me really think about them. So I KNOW that thinking differently is not an indicator of how smart you are.

Not only that but I have seen people with college degrees not be able to open a door ... when it reads push or pull.... (I have done that... but I read the word... it was just backwards -_- )

So no... I don't try to judge people on how many lists they can reverberate back to you. I also don't think smart is a word that has to vary depending on the person and on many factors.

But thanks for the encouragement.

(Oh my daydreams usually become my goals)

*dreams of seeing the biolumenscence of the sea... one day*

23. 12 Feb 2009 10:22


Suppose to read...

I have been involved in the Deaf community and have seen what they face and how they deal with and their out look on life... So that has also changed my way of viewing the world. Though most of the time things come easily to me, somethings that seem second nature to others have always given me a challenge and made me really think about them. So I KNOW that thinking differently is not an indicator of how smart you are.

(Also on a side note... what makes one seem smart does not tell how intelligent a person truly is)

24. 12 Feb 2009 19:22


I've a friend who is very quiet, he says shy and observant, he can come off as a little arrogant and bored or to some as not very bright. He's got so many people snowed as to his intelligence it boggles my mind. Since many of our mutual friends know that he does actually have conversations with me they all ask and tell me about him (he's kind of new to our circle). He’s severely dyslexic and has other learning issues (I don’t know exactly what you’d call it but he takes more time to process than some others, probably a form of ADD), his mother has helped him in school, and I mean from grade school to his vocational school so far as to take courses with him. Several people who know this have told me they think he’s lazy and that his mother is doing all his work, so he must be stupid. Others have said, you can always tell the smart ones because they don’t talk a lot and are always observing, so he’s terribly smart!
I know this man. He’s no dummy, but he’s not a rocket scientist either. He’s quiet because he worries about sounding stupid and as it takes him a little longer to process (I think this is mostly in groups), he chooses to not speak up much until he’s sure of his footing. He’s very sure of what he does know and feels no need to argue or debate his opinion (I’ve tried to show him the error in a point and it’s like talking to a brick wall). He feels no need to know about everything under the sun just so he can talk about it in social settings and isn’t worried about sitting quietly at a table full of yammering people even if it does put some of the yammerers on edge, that’s their problem not his.
He does Cranial-Sacral massage and I kid you not you can walk into his office fully clothed and not utter a single syllable and he will tell you where your trouble is. I’ve gone in and thought I was having my usual fibromyalgia pain and he’s told me I’ve a rib and hip out of place. I can tell you he’s never been wrong on a point of this sort, at least with me. He can cure my four-day migraine in about 15 minutes. He even knows when my cycle is off. Smart, yeah I’d say so. On any health point he’s a genius. But when it comes to social interaction, even one on one, he’s a moron.
He also is an artist, he draws comics, mind you, none of his own, he copies other’s work but does it very well. He will not show this to anyone! I’d guess his family and his wife and I are the only people who’ve ever seen it.
When I first asked if you might be a high functioning autistic, he’s one of the ones I was thinking of. I wouldn’t call him an idiot savant but perhaps an average savant who thinks he’s all savant. I believe he has some form of autism but I can’t say Asperger’s as he can be very empathetic. There is something not quite right though, of course the only way to diagnose it would be a PET scan as far as I know and for sure he sees no need to look for a problem he knows he doesn’t have….

Anyway, my point was that I agree, you cannot tell how intelligent a person is by looking at the surface, you must go deeper, and how stupid would a person be to believe otherwise.

Did I mention the yammering? Oh how I do go on!

25. 12 Feb 2009 19:32


You mentioned the deaf community. Are you deaf, do you sign? I’ve dabbled but am more focused on learning Spanish. I can order my breakfast burrito exactly as I like it. I can also tell the sombrero sellers that I have and over large head and no brains. This usually makes them laugh and stop trying to sell me a hat. The sign language just wont stick, probably a lack of practice and patience.

26. 12 Feb 2009 20:24


I've been signing SEE since I was 5....

My mom signed before that and thought it would help me with my dyslexia... So she started me on that.
I have been introduced to the Deaf community (capital D if you don't mind, please :p ), though I have not been active in it for about a 2 years...(I learned ASL when I was about 12...)

I am almost fluent meaning that if I get nervous (the first time I talk to someone... or speaking in front of a huge group...) then I will have problems remembering some signs, or not getting my hands to stop shaking...

I have learned Spanish and only need a refresher to pick it up again. So once I have time I will try to become as fluent as I can get in Spanish as well.

I tend to talk to find out information... though if it were not for the fact that I want information I would most likely be completely like your friend...I was that way until I joined band. I was the quietest person and barely said a word to others. Now however I am one of the people that will start a conversation, I like to interact with others so I can observe their reactions as well as understand them more fully. (I talk more to strangers usually then I do to those I have known a long time)

Unlike your friend I tend to want information... it is not so I can talk about it... information makes me happy... >_< ... I like helping others so if I have to go learn more to do so... that is just fine with me. (I hate not knowing though)

I am more lax in my opinion of things and will tend to listen to all sides of an argument. Though I can be very stubborn as well... when I believe in something...

I am VERY much like your friend ... I just took a different path. What you describe him as... when you say... he doesn't talk and stuff because of being afraid... I am the same way. However I decided when I was much younger to do whatever I was afraid of ... whether it is speaking in front of people, auditions or speaking up in class...

Though now curiosity usually out weighs being afraid for most of the factors in my life.

I am not afraid to speak to people now because I am usually polite... and get accepted... My fear is usually with gaining a friend instead of an acquaintance. (I tend to be accepted everywhere, and yet have no one who is really my friend [as in they won't truly know anything about me], people let me stay in their group without actually including me a lot of the times in the aspects that don't involve educational aspects... they leave me out when deciding to have fun...) I am usually the third person... so this is where I struggle at the moment.

I am shy more then extroverted... and when you get to know me ... then I am quiet... The only reason people think I am bright is because of all the stuff I do and the fact I excel in them as well.

Let me emphasize... that when you talk about your friend... I am very similar . . . I just took a different path.

(If people had not given me good comments on my first few drawings on TD I would have been too scared to post any of my other ones for about 4-8 months)

27. 12 Feb 2009 22:09


That is correct, my friend decided as a very young person, or perhaps it was decided for him, that he would hide his troubles. I believe if it was more common knowledge that he thinks differently and learns differently he would be very much accepted by people and much more comfortable in society.

I am the biggest introvert you’ll ever come across, ok, perhaps that’s stretching it a little. It’s still mostly true, I am most comfortable in my own company and do not like crowds or for the most part even small groups, I do best one on one. Most people after knowing me for years will tell you I’m the life of the party and very social, only the people who really know me well, and they are very few, understand that all that yammering is my nerves going wild. Only with those I’m very close to does the conversation have any real depth or meaning for me. People believe they know me because I talk about myself a lot, what they don’t see is that there are very large parts of me I don’t show to anyone.

My best friend, the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister made me cry last year. She didn’t make me cry, I was just tired, but she thought it was her fault. We were at a convention, three days, 8,000 people, and she snapped at me about some stupid thing. It was just too much for me. It freaked her out so badly she was near breakdown herself and didn’t know how to handle it at all, she’d never seen me cry in all the years she’d known me. So even though I’d say she knows me better than anyone else, even with her I’m private. We’re past that now and all is good, in fact I was fine after my nap. When we first met she was very slow to let me in because she has lots of secrets, because I seem to tell all of mine she worried that I’d blab to everyone I met all she’d tell me, she’s since realized that even all the talking I do about me is never very revealing and that I never tell other peoples tale. Now I no all her dirty little secrets….Not so dirty really, just hers to tell.

I too like to know things for myself, to have a deeper understanding and to perhaps help someone else to understand. I’m very curious about things and will do light research just for fun on most any subject. As I’ve said before I know a little about a lot. The “I hate not knowing,” thing is a good way to put it. If someone is talking about something that is new to me I ask a lot of questions and if I’m not satisfied then I hit the books, or Google….But not knowing, after my curiosity is piqued is impossible, I can’t get past it. There’s no sleeping, no eating, no living until I get it. Hmmm? Do I sound like a junky?

Now when I do know something, if it comes up, I’m very stubborn in my knowledge and opinion. I can be wrong, and will gladly admit to it if you can prove it to me;-)
I love debate. I can argue both sides of most any point, even against my own opinion. One of my good friends says I’m the devils advocate in any conversation because I will most frequently take the opposite side of any argument made. Did I mention the love of debate, its so much fun!

28. 12 Feb 2009 22:15


By the way, what is SEE? ASL is American Sign Language, I believe, but SEE is new to me. Also which is the most common/useful to know? And thanks for the heads up on the capitalizing, I didn’t think about it but it’s reasonable.

29. 12 Feb 2009 23:01


First off I am also a very big introvert... you sound like me in conversations... though I am normally not nervous... (Band did that to me... it changed my life... but that is another story :p ) I will talk a lot about myself and sometimes share about others (however if I share about others it is not about anyone that is known or will ever be known and they remain anonymous and there is a reason to it... and I interject falsehoods to make sure no one would recognize them.... or the thing I share is common knowledge) I don't like to argue or debate particularly though I can keep one up....

Though I have broken down crying once or twice... I don't usually... well not in public. (crying at home, in my room is different.... I like the dark because it is a private setting ...and more...) I am very hidden as well... most people would say I am always calm... I don't show my emotions a lot of the times and can often be described as I said before, polite... that is how they think of me. A few of my old best friends (the ones that left me and I realized were not really my friends [only friendly peers] because they .... lets not get into that either...) would say well... that I was always professional. I am not really the life of the party, however when I talk I usually will tell something superficial about myself to get others at ease... or a story... I tend to gather those who are loyal, yes and I regard them as my friends... the ones I would want at my back but with them it is more of a mutual understanding of what kind of person I am and nothing more then that.

(Oh one of my brothers is more of an introvert then either of us)

SEE = Signed Exact English (it is sometimes called... ESL = English Sign Language though that term has been used less over the years because of the ESL also meaning English as a Second Language...)

Pigdin or is it Pigden? well one of the two... idk spelling at the moment... is a mixture of the two... which is what I was mixing up when I was about 12 years old and went to my first ASL class. (the lazy version of SEE... I knew SEE... just used this instead)

ASL has a different grammar then English while SEE has the same grammar and is used with signs that denote -ing, -er, -s and other smaller English morphemes (usually bound ones). While Pidgen is English grammar and ASL signs. ASL is American Sign Language as you know .

The capitalizing for Deaf compared to deaf is the fact....

Deaf = being part of the Deaf community
deaf = being medically deaf

30. 12 Feb 2009 23:16


oh I was wondering...

what personality type are you, Solosater?

31. 12 Feb 2009 23:46


Not type A. But otherwise I've no clue. I know type A, those people make me crazy!
I'm the second child of Two, the first and only girl and my parents were divorced when I was three if that helps. This is one of those subjects I've just not really gotten into, now I'll have to.
Do you know?

32. 12 Feb 2009 23:57


On the SEE/ASL would it be correct to say there are fewer rules in SEE than in ASL? And do most American/English deaf people (is that correct capitalizing?) know both or recognize both?
Do you mean pidgen? Do they call it that?

33. 13 Feb 2009 03:27


Ok, so I guess you would call me an ABB, that is closer to the B side but a little A..... I'm not happy about it!

34. 14 Feb 2009 20:29


Mmm there are probably the same amount of rules in both SEE and ASL ...

Most of the Deaf community knows of both... though they usually use ASL, SEE is used more in the class rooms then in normal conversations as far as I know. (I have only been exposed to the Deaf community in my state)

I am not sure how to spell it... but that is the correct way to spell it based on how I pronounce it (pidgen).

Is the type of personality I was referring to...

35. 14 Feb 2009 21:26


I’m ISTP according to this test. I did a very quick read through the info and can say I mostly agree. A friend of mine used to talk about this typing, I hadn’t thought of it for years, but it always sounded the most accurate. The idea that we are multi dimensional shouldn’t be new but so many people want to categorize the whole world into so few types, at least this way there is a spectrum of sorts.

I had a few right down the middle answers that probably would be different if I were not as homebound and exhausted all the time; it’s sometimes hard to care about the rules when the way I’ve always done it is faster and gets me home quicker, and I find it hard to care about making new friends when I can’t keep up with the ones I have. Perhaps this wouldn’t change, perhaps I’m hardwired to feel these things.

I imagine there would be some changes based on mood, hormones, even perhaps the weather. I’ll have to try again next week and see if I get the same results….

What type are you? INFP was the page it opened onto was that your guess for mine or is that yours? Or am I over thinking?

No, I was wrong it’s Pidgin and according to Wikipedia a pidgin is a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common…. I know it is a term given to the language spoken by many in Hawaii and other island groups, or at least this is true according to a friend of mine from Hawaii. I have no personal experience aside from the butchering of my own native tongue.

36. 14 Feb 2009 21:39


So here's an interesting little tidbit, I retook the test and the result was the same, the percentages were different.

37. 14 Feb 2009 23:31


I am an INFP/INFJ meaning that the times I have taken this test within the past week I have a percentage between 50-60 on the dominating one which varies each time I take it.

mmm Pidgin in the way I use the word refers to ASL with an English system of grammar more or less... However it may be used in the other context as well...(I have not looked it up since we started talking about it since I have been focusing on Biochem...)

Also I have taken this test a few times each year... since um... I was in 10th grade. I have not always been the type I am now... though usually only 1 letter changes for me over the years.

38. 15 Feb 2009 07:08


...My wife & I took this test some time ago... I am an ESTP while she an INFJ...

...This just showed what we already knew... We are exact opposites in every way...

39. 15 Feb 2009 11:51


Mmm interesting Matthew .... I am glad it confirmed your beliefs

So your wife and I are some what a like....

Hope you both (and your children) are doing okay still.

40. 15 Feb 2009 22:19


Less than 1% of people are INFJ's... You are unique Soda...