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21. 4 Oct 2009 13:30


Maddy, I looked at your profile. Are you really 10 years old?

22. 4 Oct 2009 14:50


Ummmmm... do you think you would ignore me if I said yes?

23. 4 Oct 2009 15:18


Not at all. Your story had good content. Kudos to your ability.

24. 4 Oct 2009 15:23


Ok then. I am that age that you just asked if I am like, yeah...

25. 4 Oct 2009 18:19


I'll try to come up with one soon. I've had lots of ideas but I've been really busy this weekend. Good stories so far, tho!

26. 5 Oct 2009 00:18


Take your time, Peasy. It's the more the merrier as you know.

27. 5 Oct 2009 07:56


Sorry, but here's another one....226

The Search

I jumped out of my car at the first glimpse of it. Its not often in my job as a forest ranger that I get to see “those” lights. Its not the first time, but this time it seems different. I was on my way home when over the tall pines on Keiser’s ridge I caught the first sight of them. There were 3 in all. All had different sparkling lights that gave out a strobe effect. They could have been time travelers from afar. I had to find out.

Lying on the damp earth in a barren field I was motionless…waiting…hoping…cold.

This would never make the news. My mind wandered. My kids would be business as usual doing arts and crafts at home and the wife would have the sports page waiting for me, but here I am prone on the cold damp earth. I was frozen to this spot…this spot…eyes transfixed on the sky. Waiting…. I feel a slight tremor as if the smallest earthquake ever recorded had happened right before me. I could smell the faintest odor of ozone wafting through my nostrils and into my throat.


Maybe Lifestyle magazine would give me a “cover”, my brain pulsated…

And there was nothing but the passing breeze. Anticipation had once again beseeched me.

Maybe they will never come. I swear I saw the lights.

28. 5 Oct 2009 10:12


Doug, You don't need t' wait fer no lights. Yer already way out there. OOeeeOOOO..... I know the feeling. Good one.

29. 5 Oct 2009 10:36


Doug -- I really like this --Know the feeling. Me & 2 of my boys once thought we were seeing a UFO. It Turned out to be the Good Year Blimp But for a few tantalizing moments my heart was in my throat--and then disappointment.. I am a big UFO fan .

30. 5 Oct 2009 11:16


Ooo, good stories. I shouldn't go a day without visiting I always miss so much. maddyjean, your story was delightful. It put a smile on my face. Doug, your first one was interesting, kinda makes you think. I rather thought perhaps all of them were the 'whores'. Your second one was right up my alley, reminded me of the early episodes of X-files. Loved the glimpse into what his family was doing (or what he imagined they were doing) it was a great touch!

31. 5 Oct 2009 14:34


OK. I'll try one - inspired by the great variations everyone has contributed. This is untitled.

Lifestyle? You call me a lifestyle? I'm just a guy and I didn't get a menu of options or a users' manual. To me, a lifestyle is like people who travel the world 4 months every year. Or the ones who live in gated communities with huge homes who never come in contact with bacteria because the maid takes care of that.

What about the lifestyle of the jobless? Or people who sleep in their cars? Oh, I'll definitely pick that one! Actually, I try to stay pretty artsy and sport a look - long hair, beard, sandals. I call it the Jesus lifestyle.

Maybe folks just have small, picky minds. I mean, the ones who make huge issues out of the small stuff. I guarantee you there's no "homeless lifestyle". That doesn't make very good news. There's no "alchoholic lifestyle". They come from all places. So why is there a gay lifestyle? Is there a black lifestyle?

Here's my bitch. We're all pretty much searching for our own identity. And the snooty ones want to define your "lifestyle" by stuff that ain't any of their business. I wonder if there is a "divorcee lifestyle".

When you think of the choices you've made through the years, I guess that kinda defines your uniqueness. I hate being a "lifestyle".

32. 5 Oct 2009 15:48


Laverne's trashy lifestyle was the talk of the neighborhood. Gum poppin' Laverne, in form fittin' leopard skin spandex and K-mart earrings was a true work of art. The junk cars in the front yard of her home were particulary offensive to her law abiding, upstanding neighbors. The endless line of drunken sots throwing up or urinating or both on Laverne's front yard, was the final straw. The neighborhood united to remove such filth from their community. Some had the job of travelling to search out other's who may exhibit this type of drunken behavior. Still haven't heard from them. Some travelled looking for such urinating filth. The gossips of the town made it their business, and with lit torches in hand, searched out anyone who has ever urinated in public, thrown up in public, or wanted to. It was a sporting good time and some of us even got our pictures on the 6 o'clock news.

33. 5 Oct 2009 16:36


Welcome to ThinkWrite, Mrs. J. I like Laverne. She reminds me of my aunt Dorothy who lives in Vegas. I think we all know a Laverne. Good story. Social commentary and depraved, too.

34. 5 Oct 2009 21:32


Nice one giraffe. A good social commentary and very true! Welcome to ThinkWrite Mrs J. Good story. Love to see new faces in our "little" club!

35. 5 Oct 2009 21:34


Dragon: Good analysis especially in these times. They are all "whores" aren't they. lol.

36. 5 Oct 2009 23:31


Cool, Doug. It can be cathartic to explore through characters like Hector, The Instructor, the News Reporter and Laverne. Also thru drawing and gittar pickin'.

37. 6 Oct 2009 10:00


Finally I was able to sit down and do a little writing. This one's 205 not including the title. I liked this word list, I'll have to see if I can get another story out of it.

The Traveller

She was a killer. Ruthless and unrepentant. The way she went about this business of killing was sometimes messy, more sport than art, but the cries of her victims never bothered her. Every kill she made had a purpose, every one was to keep her family strong, keep the little ones bellies full and she had no regrets if she was even capable of them. She often found herself at the edge of the roof, looking down on the people leaving their workaday jobs, getting in their sensible cars and heading for their happy homes where they’d talk about their day and watch the nightly news. She could not fathom their lifestyle and if they knew she existed they didn’t care to fathom hers. She would move on at the end of the season, there was a reason her name meant ‘Traveller’. Perhaps next year she’d return to this home, perhaps she’d search out a new one. Perhaps she’d choose a new lover, perhaps she’d rehash an old relationship. She looked back to where her babies and their father rested and sighed. They were hungry, time to kill again. She spread her wings and took to the air. A peregrine falcon’s job is never done.

38. 6 Oct 2009 10:38


Very nice, Dragon! Who would have thought that a gruesome tale of gore and lack of conscience would become the simple story of nature and instinct? Haunting.

39. 6 Oct 2009 13:06


Dragon Traveler--- I really liked this. I agree with Giraffe on this one.

40. 6 Oct 2009 13:48


It was another one of those cold, rainy, dreary nights. There was nothing worth watching on T.V. I flipped through a few channels and came upon the “Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous”. Oh, my, how they went on about their multi- million dollar homes and how they all have the latest sports cars. They wear designer clothes and they have Nannies for the kids. YUCK, I want to throw up.

Me, I am comfortable in my five room home and I watch my own kids. If I had any extra money I would use it to travel. To see the beauty in my own country. I would like to visit places like Niagara Falls or maybe, go to Washington, D.C. and look at all the art in the Smithsonian. I’d like to go to Arizona and search through the old ruins of the Cliff Dwellers. Actually, my idea of the perfect job is that of an archaeologist. Sometimes I wish I had pursued that career. But, I didn’t and my husband says I have no business thinking of such silly things. We have a family to raise and if I want a better job I should be looking in the news paper and not in my dreams.

You know, he is wrong. I am content with my life but we must all have our dreams, even if they never materialize. And who knows, maybe someday------