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21. 24 Aug 2009 19:21


Good one mostblessedone. I'm enjoying all these stories, hope they keep coming. Sorry I haven't been commenting much, I felt like I overcommented the last time I was torchbearer so I'm trying not to be so bloody eager this time. I'm reading them all though and looking forward to more.

22. 25 Aug 2009 10:14


Prophecy in a Pile of Rice

Lyra stood in the pantry looking at the rice strewn on the floor. It had happened moments ago, she’d been reaching for the cocoa and a loop of her shawl caught the rice jar sending it to the floor with an ominous crunch. It seemed the crispy sound had not travelled far, Lyra could still hear the other kitchen girls cooking, chopping fruit and gossiping to pass the time. She should clean up the mess and look for a place to hide the remains of the jar. The frosted glass was worth more than she was and she couldn’t lose her job in the Captains kitchen, not with winter’s flakes falling outside. But she could only seem to focus on the pattern the white grains made on the floor and her breath coming one frantic puff after another. The pattern was a dragon holding a child, she now knew her growing baby’s father would return.

23. 25 Aug 2009 10:20


Dragon, I just finished reading Joy Luck Club. Your story sounds like it could have come right out of that book! (FYI, JLC portrays the life stories of four Chinese mothers and their daughters as the generations move from China to America and back to their roots.)

24. 25 Aug 2009 10:38


Haven't read the book but I saw the movie. Really make you look at how different life was for the mother's compared to their daughters and how much they sacrificed to give their children a better life.
I hadn't thought of that at all when writing, that's quite flattering. Thanks blessed.

25. 26 Aug 2009 05:52


Hey Dragon really enjoyed Prophecy in a Pile of Rice!

26. 26 Aug 2009 09:32


Todays the day I'm picking the next torchbearer but there's still time if you've got a story rolling around in your head. I'll be picking this evening.

27. 26 Aug 2009 14:16


This is just for fun...I changed words and didn't meet the word count...

You know nothing about me.
I fantasize about tragedy.
To use a cliché,
I’m my own worst enemy.

Yes, sometimes I’m flaky,
but that’s why you love me.
I’m a cocoa puff
in a bowl of rice crispy.

There are loops in my mind,
look closely you’ll find
frosted thoughts set on fire,
but not one-of-a-kind.

I’m not anything special.
I’m not a captain or a criminal.
I’m a bit of a fruit,
but my crunch is minimal.

This is my story,
don’t think that you know me.
I’m just like the rest,
and I’m looking for glory.

28. 26 Aug 2009 15:25


That was good midnightpoet!

29. 26 Aug 2009 20:37


Obviously, midnightpoet, you had fun doing that! It was fun to read, too.

30. 27 Aug 2009 06:54


Aahh, I totally forgot to choose last night. I'll get you your new torch bearer today, I just have to reread them while trying to look busy at work.

31. 27 Aug 2009 08:09


Ok, decision made. It was a hard one to make, I really enjoyed all the entries and especially liked the amount of frosted hair in this challenge
In the end I chose to hand the torch to lynnspotter for Dreams Fade. I loved the contrast of hope throughout the piece only to crash into despair at the last moment, how a few words on a telegram can chage someone's life so profoundly.
indigo, your's was a very close second, hope you keep writing in the future challenges.

Congrats lynnspotter!

32. 27 Aug 2009 08:27


Congratulations, lynnspotter! I will be watching for your list and rules.

33. 27 Aug 2009 08:48


Congratulations lynnspotter! This was fun..having never tried it
before and I too will be checking out your list and rules.