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Congratulations lynnspotter! This was fun..having never tried it
before and I too will be checking out your list and rules.


Congratulations, lynnspotter! I will be watching for your list and rules.


Ok, decision made. It was a hard one to make, I really enjoyed all the entries and especially liked the amount of frosted hair in this challenge
In the end I chose to hand the torch to lynnspotter for Dreams Fade. I loved the contrast of hope throughout the piece only to crash into despair at the last moment, how a few words on a telegram can chage someone's life so profoundly.
indigo, your's was a very close second, hope you keep writing in the future challenges.

Congrats lynnspotter!


Aahh, I totally forgot to choose last night. I'll get you your new torch bearer today, I just have to reread them while trying to look busy at work.


Obviously, midnightpoet, you had fun doing that! It was fun to read, too.