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21. 2 Feb 2009 11:37


Login, I think "most viewed" would be a great idea for a new "sort" feature!

22. 2 Feb 2009 16:39


It was my understanding that we can sort by 'most viewed' but it's called 'most ratings' ... there are so many pix now that number of viewings may become arbitrary unless one has the time to go page by page through the gallery looking at all new pix and then viewing and/or rating ones that catch your eye. Maybe using 'highest rated' works while disregarding one of the highest and one of the lowest vote(s)... Would that work? Tossing those two scores out like in skating...or like they used to do in skating.

23. 2 Feb 2009 16:44


When I vote, I only give a 4 or a 5. I may have given a few 3's since I started, but it is more important to give higher scores. For the top artists who will win all the time, mabe they can qualify for 3 top 5's in each category but then become ineligible to receive more top 5's thereby giving way so that others can have a chance. They can always be acknowledged or receive recognition for excellence in scoring, but everyone needs to have a chance, especially as they practice and improve.

24. 2 Feb 2009 16:46


NancyLee, your red-tailed hawk was definitely a top 5, but my 'bing cherry pie' was definitely NOT. I understand how you felt, but rest assured, you deserved that top 5 rating.

25. 2 Feb 2009 16:46


i've spoken my peace, piece, peas for today.

26. 3 Feb 2009 07:15


I understand what you are saying, lizmeister, but not everybody rates when they view ... just as not everybody comments when they rate. If a drawing catches somebodys eye enough to click on it, that would register as a 'view', irrespective of how they rate. Rating drawings by number of comments, as has been demonstrated when banter starts up between two or three poeple on one drawing, would definately skew things. Having said that, I sometimes view a drawings many times over. In these cases I am either really taken with the picture and want to veiw again, or I want to read the amusing comments that fly around. TD have a difficult job creating a new ratings system ... there are holes in most ideas, including mine.

27. 3 Feb 2009 07:19


I've just read your idea again (dropping highest and lowest rating). It's one of the best ideas so far ... along with 'cumulative ratings'. However, even they can be skewed by loyalty voting. I don't know the answer ... just glad somebody else has the job of solving it.

28. 3 Feb 2009 12:13


What Login says makes sense and Lizmeister may have something, by dropping the highest and lowest scores, but then maths has never been my strong point.

29. 3 Feb 2009 22:38


Whether it's rating related or not, I'd still love to be able to see the number of times a picture has been viewed and have a sort feature for this. I think people might be surprised how often their pictures are viewed.

30. 5 Feb 2009 21:58


Now the one vote bandit is voting a 2 or 3 to my pictures instead of there one. Well, I can't be sure it is the same person but most like it is. This has got to stop.

31. 6 Feb 2009 15:17


Then go to anotherronism's idea at: 'Think Draw Feedback' ... ' 'Force Comment To Allow Voting'. I really believe he has solved the problem with the simplest of systems.

32. 30 Oct 2011 08:42


I just want to say again how nice the new voting system is. It seems to be working exactly as we expected it would... The 1vb is now dead... RIP!!!

Pics can not be voted down... Everyone who favorites your pics can be seen... Transparency is a wonderful thing.

Does anyone have contact with any of our 'missing' artists??? There are so many that I would love to see back. I expect that if there was any way to contact them & inform them of the change, we would see quite a few of them return...


33. 30 Oct 2011 10:55


i would like them back too but i don't know any of them maybe if somebody knows a old artist they can tell them?

34. 31 Oct 2011 02:20


Matthew, if you search for their work, then put a new comment on one of their drawings, I believe TD automatically emails them to notify them there is a new comment. That's what drew me back a few weeks ago. Although the voting issue was not what drove me away.

35. 3 Nov 2011 15:17


is there somewhere that explains how to use the stars and favorites or 'voting'? i hope i haven't been doing a negative by clicking on the star which increments by 1?

36. 3 Nov 2011 16:02


linmar, it is not possible to vote negatively anymore. The system used to consist of giving either a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 vote. If a any vote lower that a 5 was given, it would result in the total average score being lowered, and would actually lower the pictures status. It was felt that people were either intentionally, or out of not understanding the system were lowering other people's pics total score. That system was changed, thanks to the administrators, to the current system. It's funny, I have almost forgotten the old system. If I have not explained properly, someone please correct me. I love the new system. It has eliminated a lot of hurt feelings and animosity.

37. 3 Nov 2011 16:03


Sorry - If any vote lower than a 5 was given,

38. 3 Nov 2011 16:05


Also, it's nice of you to be concerned.

39. 4 Nov 2011 08:18


To simplify for linmar (if needed), if you like a picture and want to vote for it you simply click on the star, if you want to add it to your favorites you click on the heart. (You can do both if you like) As mdawrcn said, there's no longer any vote which would be considered 'negative'.

40. 4 Nov 2011 19:28


thanks for the answers!