Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - CHALLENGE VIII - Tasteful Nudes

21. 3 Aug 2009 19:23


22. 3 Aug 2009 19:40


23. 3 Aug 2009 19:57


24. 3 Aug 2009 21:59


25. 3 Aug 2009 22:44


26. 4 Aug 2009 08:26


27. 4 Aug 2009 10:17


Are older one's allowed?

28. 4 Aug 2009 10:41


I want to see them all but I believe only new ones will be considered to win.

This one is fabulous as are both of ron's older ones and gwinnyb's Mattisse cover, I really can't even put matthew's into the running as it was done earlier too.

Please do display any you've done here, I'd like to see the range of nudes from all here on TD.

29. 4 Aug 2009 11:10


These are a few of my nudes from the past, some of them start out nude and then get dressed and some are not quite human…

And I guess that is why I just didn’t understand this one being censored

30. 4 Aug 2009 12:43


31. 4 Aug 2009 13:54


I think this is all of mine (if they post)

32. 4 Aug 2009 14:17


For the contest...

33. 4 Aug 2009 14:20


From my past... (my dancer pics were deleted)...

34. 4 Aug 2009 14:36


OK, I'm just going to go out on a limb and apologize now for offending the masses on this one. I know I was the one who originally suggested this as a challenge, but I was saying it jokingly. I mean, I was offended by the censorship of Solo's piece, and sort of jokingly suggested we retaliate by submitting multitudes of nudes for them to censor, picturing an empty gallery. But honestly, I am NOT enjoying this challenge. It's not the subject itself, it's just that I don't like logging on and being INUNDATED with nudes. I've never minded the occasional tastefully done picture, and never asked TD to censor anyone's work, but remember that tasteful is a very subjective term, and what one person thinks is art, others look at differently. I have heard the argument that kids see worse than this every day on TV, etc., but I actually monitor and choose what I allow my son to see. Most of the previous nudes on here were more subtle, but now they are so blatant, and just the shear VOLUME of them, makes me not allow my son to view this site right now. I know people will think I'm a prude or some shallow person who is incapable of recognizing art, and all of that may be true, but I still wanted you to hear my opinion. I'm really sorry I EVER suggested this challenge, and really sorry anyone took it so seriously. Like someone told careful what you wish for. I'll hang out in the forum, but I'm going to be avoiding the gallery for awhile. That's just my unsolicited opinion. I hope it's taken in the spirit it's intended.

35. 4 Aug 2009 14:39


Also, I am wondering when the end date is on this one?

36. 4 Aug 2009 15:05


Robin, your not alone on your feelings! Nudes are beautiful, in museums, and galleries. Maybe a occassional mild one here. TD is not a museum, nor the local gallery, where you can take a child, for a bit of education on art history. Most parents do moniter what their children see, and in this case, I feel parents may feel this a safe place to go and draw.
There are other drawing sites, a little more artsy than TD, where this is more acceptable.
I'm not a prude, either, but feel, what's next? I have two neices on TD, who love this place, and now they are not allowed on for awhile! It's a parents decision, and if they are not made aware of the drawings, then we are just throwing it into some one's face, without asking!
We all have our opinions, and thoughts, and do hope this is soon to end.

37. 4 Aug 2009 15:30


Thank you Lilalee. I know this is not going to be a popluar opinion, and I appreciate your ability to get my point across more eloquently than I did. It's really not that I don't appreciate the art, it's just that I don't necessarily think this is the best venue for it. And I guess I feel the point has been made, the pics were reinstated, and maybe it should be put to rest. The boundaries are too easily skewed here.

38. 4 Aug 2009 15:38


The challenge is open until midnight Sunday unless there is a call to shut it down early but I have to say I can’t imagine there would be.

Just so you know I would have made this the challenge even without your suggestion (Robindcr8l), I’d already thought to and when I won the last challenge it put me in a position to do so.

There have been only 19 new nudes of witch maybe six are blatantly so since the challenge began early Monday morning. I’m surprised that anyone could look at these and worry for their children, most of the nudes that are obvious are classics (The Pugilist, Discobolos, The Thinker & Stars) witch you WOULD INDEED see in a museum, there are a couple of pregnant women and the rest are either so abstract that your child probably wouldn’t recognize them as nudes or cartoonish in the extreme.

Thus far I’ve seen nothing, not one, that could be called sexual. What are you worried your child might see? And at what point does it stop being tasteful in your eyes?

I draw nudes in the real world, those and faces, that’s pretty much it and I draw a lot but never pornographic, there is a difference.

There are types of art that I do not appreciate; I’ve never been a huge fan of most abstract work. I generally think that the artist is simply not talented enough to make me see what he’s drawn or painted or whatever. But I am not offended by it, ever.

I’m not calling anyone a prude but what do YOU call it? Certainly people should make decisions as to what they allow their children to see and I wish more people did.

What I really don't get is that you find it offensive here but say that you wouldn't in a museum, why? What is the difference?

39. 4 Aug 2009 15:39


I used the wrong "witch" twice, those should have been which...

40. 4 Aug 2009 15:41


And btw, I do enjoy some abstract I just really don't get it...