Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Pick your own top 5!

21. 1 Jul 2009 20:09


OH GOOD LORD, open your eyes people, go back and read the forums and comments on pics...kmkagle swears at people (putting *** in doesn't change what is meant), then she throws a fit about being called mean...she is rude... and she has a vendetta against matthew that is unfounded...go back and read!!!

22. 1 Jul 2009 20:11


I am NOT getting back into the fray. But we all know who uses the IAmAnonymous account. We all know who OVB is.

KM. Give it a rest.

And everyone else - leave her the "f" alone.

She's just continuing a battle I started but tired of...

And the thread is called "pick YOUR OWN top 5". Duh.

I've made a huge effort of "growing up" in the forums here on TD.

Can anyone else make the same effort?

23. 1 Jul 2009 20:11


Luna I am sorry I added to this mess on your thread, I really tried to stay quiet, really I did!!

24. 1 Jul 2009 20:14


I'm sorry I added to the mess too.

25. 1 Jul 2009 20:14


Autumn - just a thought. Maybe you should do the same... "Unfounded" huh? Interesting word to place in the middle of a post that ends with "go back and read!!!"

26. 1 Jul 2009 20:15


So go back and read...

27. 1 Jul 2009 20:16


that is why I stated that I don't know Matthew or his sense of humor but the joke that was played was slightly cruel...I understand it was a joke and it is done and over but it opened a can of worms that has lead to a lot of mixed feelings about Matthew's action and intentions. People have almost pitted sides for or againt him. And the arguement over a "SIMPLE JOKE" is still going on today. Maybe I feel this way since I don't know him...don't know his sense of humor, or I was someone affected by the joke.
I do feel Matthew is a great artist but as I also said before it is hard to trust once the trust is broken. If one is to play practical jokes once will they do it again? I know it is too late now but maybe if the joke was presented to all as "guess who is doing this" then people might not have been so offended by the sense of humor. Matthew name still pops up because he was the creator of a simple joke that affected or offend many people that did not know this was a joke until...HAHA... the joke was on them.
Since that "joke" a numer of other people have joined in the one voting, chicken part pictures, and it almost seems like people take sides with or against MATTHEW. Maybe it is beause people remember what was done. Maybe because it still continues, I don't know but I will admit that it didn't seem to be like this before the "joke".

28. 1 Jul 2009 20:19


K - there was quite a bit of one-voting going on before he did that. That's why he did lighten the atmosphere. It was misconstrued, and so the anti-matthew campaign began. I KNOW him. And I KNOW the accusations and "broken trust" are UNFOUNDED, and it's really a horrible misunderstand. Holding grudges is childish.

29. 1 Jul 2009 20:28


There are no grudges... At least not with me. Me and Matthew have even exchanged some body fluids - I mean olive branches But KMKagle has supported me in the past and I am now returning the favor.

Let sleeping dogs lie. This to Matthews' crew and the opposition...

Let's all just move on

30. 1 Jul 2009 20:31


Ron, I have been reading all along, since the start of it....

31. 1 Jul 2009 20:32


"Let sleeping dogs lie" ...that's pretty much exactly what I was trying to say, but my overemotional day has clouded my mind, and I got angrier than I should have.

32. 1 Jul 2009 20:41


Autumn... Then place blame on me - not KM. Cause I started this. Me. KM is just frustrated at unfairness and the "bad guy" getting away with it and all that.

But - upon reflection and over time - I realize that I am the bad guy. Or at least the boat-rocker. And I sought to create a group of my own followers and then I did not support them in the end. I simply lost interest in the battle.

I am the enemy. And in the absence of my own posts others have taken up my standard. But the battle is mine and the battle is over.

So if you've really followed it since the beginning then leave KM alone and bring it to me. And I'll ignore you completely Cause it's over

How many smiley faces will it take to convince you?


33. 1 Jul 2009 20:43


I guess that is where the jokes on you think comes in becasue I didtn't notice the "1" vote stuff until then. Then again there wasn't a forum or way to express and discuss so much. I don't know many people on here-just a few friends, and family and that is it. So I am assuming...that at least the people I know linked Matthew to it when he proclaimed OVB and IAMAnonomous. I do know that there are people with grudges...I personally do not agree with childish because that is their perogotive. Even with this being a misunderstand, accidental, or a joke...people were hurt. I know the I am sorries have been said but some people were affected more deeply than other and I have to respect that.

34. 1 Jul 2009 20:51


It's the -internet-

I refer to the people I know online as "imaginary friends". I don't know them, and in the big picture, they don't matter. I'm not saying this to offend anyone, and I'm not saying I don't like you all. I do.

I'm just saying...don't hold too much stock in what people say or do on the internet. Don't let yourself get hurt by someone who ultimately doesn't matter in your life.

ThinkDraw is a wonderful community, and there is no one on here I dislike in any way. But the great thing about the internet, is that if there's someone you don't like, you have the option to ignore them. There's a lot less hurt feelings if you ignore those who are hurtful, rather than bringing up old hurts.

How bout we just have a group hug and get it over with?

35. 1 Jul 2009 21:24


Would that be a naked group hug? I mean - if it's virtual anyway then why not make it fun huh?

Pulling off my virtual underwear and extending my virtual arms to everyone.

Let me embrace you

36. 1 Jul 2009 21:25


Naked imaginary friends scare me...


37. 2 Jul 2009 11:54


I know it is too late now but maybe if the joke was presented to all as "guess who is doing this" then people might not have been so offended by the sense of humor.

THAT is exactly what I did... I played a guessing game... I even gave clues in this forum & people had fun trying to guess... I wasn't playing a joke... I was having fun playing a game... Twas not my panties that got in a wad, but it was me that appologised 4 upseting people...

THAT was 6 months ago...

AND once again... I AM NOT IAMANNOYMOUS... Whoever is doing it is starting to piss me off because I am the one who gets the greif for it all... You may do what you wish (like we have a choice), but I am asking you to please stop it...

Thank you

38. 2 Jul 2009 12:05


WOW, what a can of worms for such an innocent, upbeat request.

1) I had no problem with KM putting her own pictures in, so I don't know why an apology is called for.

2) I thought IamAnonymous's comment was meant in a light hearted way and was funny.

3)I don't know who IamAnonmous is (maybe Baldur?)

4) KStanley, I have never intentionally said anything here to hurt anyone's feelings (and I don't think I have said anything unintentional that could have been construed that way)

Doesn't ANYone want to pick top 5's (an effort to get back on track)
There is some really good stuff by newish artist and not much by the usual winners. (All my entries to the showcase were voted down.)

39. 2 Jul 2009 13:18


"A Can of Worms"... Is that a new showcase suggestion??? I like it!!!

40. 2 Jul 2009 13:43


That would be appropriate, but a bit limited don't you think? It's an old southern expression. You should know it; you live in the next state over.
(or I live in the next state over?...humm..)
How's your Mom?