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Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge XVV-Special Moments in Your Life

21. 2 Jul 2009 12:53

Holding my baby for the first time

this could be either of my daughters.

22. 2 Jul 2009 12:58


Did you ever get a straight-A report card, make the Dean's List, get into your favorite college. Did you get that job you wanted? Did you get a pat on the back for a job-well-done. Did she say yes when you asked for a date? Your first car! All special moments. Put them here and share. Think, there's a special moment in everyone's life. We'd love to see it. I'll bet nobody has ever asked you that. Hm. Two minutes to draw it. Even the kids can get in on this!

23. 2 Jul 2009 17:44



24. 2 Jul 2009 19:12


The day I met my Sweetie

We were helping a mutual friend move (the picture is us moving a couch - I have the purple hat and red pony tail - just in case it's hard to tell, I'm terrible at drawing people). Just goes to prove good deeds do gt rewarded!

Thank you km for such a nice challenge, made me think of the special moments in my life- something we should all do every now and again.

25. 3 Jul 2009 14:39


My blessing!

26. 3 Jul 2009 16:58


I was 10 before anyone realized I needed glasses. Suddenly I could see stars in the sky, and lamps at night really illuminated things rather than just filling my world with huge sparkly chrysanthemums of light -- but the most special moment, burned into my memory forever, is that of going into my bedroom, looking out my window, and discovering to my complete amazement that normal people could actually see individual blades of grass and tiny daisies in the lawn not just when lying down right next to them, but from 20 feet away!!


27. 3 Jul 2009 20:19


I remember getting my first pair of glasses (though I was in my twenties) I knew my eyes were getting bad but couldn't afford glasses so I simply slogged through until I had a little extra money. I remember I went to a movie that afternoon and sat where I usually did - 3 or 4 rows from the front. When the movie started I could barely stand being so close and Wolverine's head was just enormous! (Not quite as life changing as your experience though )

28. 3 Jul 2009 20:26


Qsilv, thanks for your memory. The same thing happened to me, and the night after I got glasses we went to the circus. It was amazing.

29. 10 Jul 2009 16:25


Just a few more days left and it will be time to name a successor. When I think of all the "happy moments" floating around that others would love to share then perhaps they'd share theirs.

30. 10 Jul 2009 17:01


I had surgery for a brain-stem tumour. As I was coming out of the anaesthetic, the medics kept asking me questions ... "What's your name" ... "Where are You" ... "What day is it". My special moment was when I realised my brain was still functioning ... I could answer all their questions and 'back-seat-drive' as they wheeled my trolley out of the theatre. We were all laughing.

31. 10 Jul 2009 17:37


That is definitely a "special moment"! Couldn't ask for better, right? I'm happy for you.

32. 10 Jul 2009 18:45


kmkagle, sorry my special moments didn't seem to want to be drawn right now - but your challenge did cause me to reflect and think about what felt special. Thank you for that cause I discovered my favorite memories weren't things like awards, graduating or any of that. They seem to be things like the morning of my wedding when a treefrog, so tiny it could fit perfectly on my fingernail, jumped from a plant and landed on the finger by my wedding ring, which I was already wearing. Or the time I played my plastic recorder and it got the barred owls "talking" to me. Or when someone dumped a calico cat at a nature preserve and she adopted me - when the last thing I wanted was a cat. (I am besotted by her now - just silly about her.) Or the first time my other cat head-butted me. Had no idea cats did that. Gee - making me feel so good to think of all these delights. Thanks kmkagle!

33. 10 Jul 2009 19:07


Your marius, what a lovely message. It's wonderful when the seemingly unimportant things in life make you so "darned" happy. I think we've all had happy moments but have forgotten them somehow. They come to light again in some silly moment and we smile. I have happy moments when my neighbors dog cries to come to me and runs, almost knocking me over. She makes me feel like the most special person in the world, when my neighbors little boy, 2 yrs. old, has to give me a kiss, or, her older boy, 9 wants to help do something special for me. Like, help his mom wash my car. I thought that was a super thing! I'm thrilled with the little things in my life. If someone bought me a handkerchief that cost a penny and they thought it would make me happy, that gift would be like gold. You have to treasure "happy moments" in your life and hope more will come your way. Stay sweet.

34. 13 Jul 2009 14:44


It’s close to seven, the cutoff time, but I have to go out.

Arw65 – The births of your children is so touching. I know the feeling, no one can describe it unless you’ve been there. They are lucky to have such a lovely and talented mother who has a lot of love to give.

Doug, Marg, Dragon, midnightpoet, a4e4ka, Angela (your story was so close to my heart with your Petey), Lilalee, solosater, marius, Luna and Qsilv – I appreciated your stories and input. You’ve all had lovely moments. It made me feel privileged in being able to have you share them with me and fellow TD’ers.

It was very difficult to choose a successor. I don’t want this to be an academy award moment, you know what I mean?!

I am passing this honor to Login whose surgery was a “happy moment”. My goodness, to have come through that in one “happy” piece is a truly “happy moment”.

Login - if you would let me know if you will accept this challenge by tomorrow (12:00 p.m.-7/14/09). Thank you all for your wonderful contributions! Loved them all!

35. 13 Jul 2009 17:04


KM, first of all, thank you for this thread. The 'special moments', that the contibutors have shared with us all, really are special ... and heartwarming to read. I regret that I cheated and didn't do a drawing, so before I go any further, I will put that right:
I accept the honour bestowed on me ... that's two in one day ... wahatever did I do to deserve it? I have two very full days ahead of me, but I will try to post a new challenge as soon as possible. This thread was special ... thank you again.

36. 13 Jul 2009 19:05


Thank you dear heart! I'm sure you'll pick a good challenge.

37. 13 Jul 2009 20:23


Wonderful thread, thank you so much for it, km!

And sincerest congrats --at every possible level-- to you, Login. You're a delight.

38. 14 Jul 2009 07:20


Sincere congratulations Login and Kmkagle's idea was great. I couldn't be there because I had to be absent from TD for more than a day and a half due to very high blood pressure but all this comes as a comfort to me. Thanks to all!!!

39. 14 Jul 2009 08:49


Hope you're feeling better Polenta. Thank you for your kind words.

40. 14 Jul 2009 11:23


Yes, Polenta, hope you are feeling better. And, kmkagle - finally had time (or focus? or???) to go through this whole topic. Somehow missed the first page. Wow! Anyway, love this topic you picked - maybe it's one that can be done again sometime?

And Qsilv, loved the Mother Teresa quote. Had seen that before, forgotten it! Lovely words, lovely ideas and lovely suggestions on how to be/act/live.

This is a lovely moment right now - sending it to all of you and wishing everyone continued joys and wonderful moments!