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Forums - Community - Thinkwrite VI

21. 27 May 2009 16:33


Yay! entries! I am so excited.

BOTH your stories were wonderful.

Dragon your reminded me of a tornado.

Five, beautifully written convo, you really get a taste of their personalities.

22. 27 May 2009 16:58


Dragon, amazing story, kind of has an ethereal feel to it. And five, I'm always impressed with how much story you can put into mostly dialogue. And you both did a great job integrating those words! I'm really enjoying this.

23. 28 May 2009 03:04


Hey all, just checking in. I've been not sleeping and headachy so not up to writing but have just read though all here and all I can say is "TD's Got Talent" who knew a bunch of drawers would be so good at fiction too?

I also wanted to remind people doing serials that if you want to write a chapter/part outside of the word list you can always post it in TW open, just leave a post here to let us know so we don't miss an episode.

That is all, solo has spoken;-)

24. 28 May 2009 18:48


/hugs solo

please feel better soon. the site is amiss with out your pics and writing!

25. 28 May 2009 19:36


Great submissions so far, as always.

I'm going to try to get one up before this one closes, and even if I don't, I'll post one with this word list here after it's over, because I love this list.

I'm in SC right now, visiting family, and right now I'm "working" at the pool room. Spending time with family and chasing my little one around has kept me quite busy, so sorry if I don't come on an comment on everyone's stories, I will read them eventually, and I bet I'll love em all! There are so many talented writers here, I am just in awe!

26. 28 May 2009 20:55


Just realized I posted that under my dad's name. I'm on his comp @ work.

27. 28 May 2009 21:26


I am not good with grammar so I will apologies now.
Hope you like it.
The prestigious captain stood tall at the cock pit door of the Boeing 747 looking out at the stewardess’s stocking their carts for the next flight. They all looked relative in their tight uniforms except for Becky. There was no mistake that Becky was on another one of his flights he had requested her because of her reputation in handling the passengers unrealistic demands with poised charm and her practical nitty-gritty approach to her job as head stewardess, at least that what he had said when he asked for her. The real reason wasn’t a secret either though it was just too hard to hide his attraction for her. Oh what a pleasure it was to watch her small, petite body sway in an undulating graceful motion as she walked up and down the aisle there was not a masculine bone in her beautiful body, it could easily intertwine your mind in such a way it was like having an encounter that well, was out of this world you could be lost until Wednesday. Captain! Captain! Come on get your head out of the cellar and up here in the cock pit it is time to prepare for takeoff.

28. 29 May 2009 00:38


I am glad the word is there, it has made this a very fun challenge. it was just a trying word!!

Challenge = good

29. 29 May 2009 08:26


I liked that LaDonna. Great use of undulating!

30. 29 May 2009 09:57


Beside the Amber Sea

She came to the edge of the amber sea nearly every day. Whether it was to wash her clothing or lead the goats to water, or just to enjoy the simple pleasure of sitting on the bank and forget the nitty-gritty problems of the day. Her position was not prestigious and she lived in relative obscurity among her co-workers who hadn’t even noticed when she’d locked herself in the cellar for 4 hours on Wednesday. She often wondered if anyone noticed her at all.

He came to the edge of the amber sea nearly every day. To watch her at her chores, to languish in her nearness though she seemed unaware of his existence, and to occasionally steal a goat when she wasn’t watching closely. He dreamed of her slipping into the water where their limbs would intertwine among the undulating lake weeds and she would finally feel his masculine presence all around her here in the shallows.

Dream as he may, he knew it could not happen. They were from vastly different worlds and such an encounter was not to be. After all, a water dragon could fall in love with a shore woman, but where would they live?

31. 29 May 2009 09:59


I feel I should note that the Amber sea is an inland freshwater sea (so pretty much a big lake) I wouldn't want you thinking she's leading goats down to drink salt water. He he.

32. 29 May 2009 20:21


Ladonna, I totally enjoyed your story and keep chuckling at your last line about getting his head out of the cellar! I don't know why, but I just loved that line!

And Dragon, your ending surprised me, although I guess it shouldn't have if I'd have noted the pic you attached to the story. I think you have such a gift with words...I'm glad you share it with us.

Both of these stories had sort of a sexual feel to them. Who knew that odd word list would inspire THAT?! lol! Tomorrow's the big decision day for passing the torch.

33. 30 May 2009 09:51


Well, my long work weekend hours loom, so the time has come for decision-making. This torch-bearer job is difficult, because it's so hard to decide on a winner. I really like every entry, and all for different reasons. SabraAngel, your Dreamland series is full of suspense and danger. And ZeroMerc, you Prophecy series has some of those same qualities, with an old-world European feel to it. Five, you are a genius with dialogue, and Dragon, you make this writing stuff look easy, you're so talented at it. But I have to say, LaDonna's story just kind of cracked me up. Very human, and maybe the best use of undulating I saw here! The grammar and punctuation wasn't perfect, as she had warned, but the story was entertaining to the max! So, with apologies to everyone else who deserves to bear a torch, I am choosing LaDonna as our next torchbearer! Congratulations LaDonna!

34. 30 May 2009 12:26


Congrats LaDonna an a very deserving win. I also very much enjoyed your story.

Robin, I'm kinda glad you didn't see the end coming on my last one. I really wanted to post the picture that inspired it (along with your wonderful word list) but I did think it was a give-away on the ending which I wanted to be a bit of a surprise.

Ok, I'm going over to check out LaDonna's new word list.

35. 31 May 2009 15:18


I think I totally missed this iteration. I'll have to make up for it in the next one. I haven't read anything from this week. I'll try to play catch-up I promise.