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21. 25 May 2009 00:26



22. 25 May 2009 02:06



23. 25 May 2009 02:32


Alright, first off, Mr. Ron, you talk alot. I find that interesting.

Second, This is a wonderful idea and I am delighted to be able to be apart of it.

Third, I am not too sure I understood the whole "Dibbs" thing, however seeing as it is 5:30am where I am I don't think I really needed to worry too much.

Fourth, Here is my entry.

~Slammed~ Chapter 3

It was Thursday and Becky always met up with her Aunt at the dog park after work. It had become a bit of a ritual. She would get off work from the local newspaper do go eat hot dogs with Eliza and Henry, and oh the fun they had! the vendor would always get a kick out of the tricks that Henry would do for a hot dog.

Once, Henry did a complete back flip on accident, all three of them could not stop laughing for hours. It was during these times that Mrs. Quinn seemed to be back to her normal self. "If only there was more I could do" Becky often asked herself. It was during one of these trips that Becky meet him. It was a day she would never forget.

Henry had decided that he had enough of being on a leash, after all how could he chase those squirrels he loved so much, and naturally, pulled himself free and began running after the first squirrel he saw. Laughing, Becky ran after her. Not looking where she was going, she slammed in to something hard.

"I'm so sorry, Miss" a scruffy voice said to her as she picked herself up off the sidewalk.

"No, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. My dog ran off, I had my eye on him."

"Do you mean this dog?" He replied with a slight smile hidden in his voice.

For the first time Becky looked at him, and in his large hands was Henry's leash, with him attached and tail wagging. Breathless, she smiled and replied;

"Yes that is him, Thank you so much!"

"I was my pleasure." He said as he handed her the leash. "Well, I must be off, I'm going to be late for my appointment."

"Oh, I am sorry to keep you, I pray you day goes well, and thank you again." Jerome, looked her over one last time, gazing in to her eyes, intrigued by what he saw there, and walked away.

Still breathless and now a bit sore, Becky walked back to the hot dog stand where Eliza was waiting, in a trance. She didn't even get his name.

24. 25 May 2009 06:56



25. 25 May 2009 07:17


Never mind my dibs. I wrote something and it came out as absolute crap...I'm not going to bother trying to edit it or post it.

26. 25 May 2009 14:21


Midnight, I am sure it wasn't crap! Nevertheless, seems you have made up your mind, tho i hope you reconsider.

27. 25 May 2009 14:49


I'm still letting it stew in my mind. Hopefully something more will come to me, because I would love to participate in this.

28. 25 May 2009 14:51


I can't wait!

29. 25 May 2009 17:46


Hey! This is hard!

Reading the character list, holding their stories in your head, reading submissions to date, calculating the inane little plot - all the while trying to be creative and true to the genre and locale...

I wanna call "dibs" but I don't know what to write...

This is hard!

30. 25 May 2009 19:19


Ron, try having, what is now 6, completely different stories floating in your head at once.

I have:
The Fine Line
An untitled story idea
A coauthored book with ZeroMerc
And this one Hot Dog.

I love challenging myself.

31. 31 May 2009 15:20


Okay. I see this thread died. On reflection - maybe it should.

I'm playing catch-up and will see if this can be revived.

We'll see...

32. 1 Jun 2009 08:38


I did not want this thread to die, but with my vacation and all, I haven't had any time to write or keep up with the going-ons here

I hope you can revive it before I go home again.